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Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

As we reported late last month, Capcom of Japan is releasing a 30th anniversary album containing both original and arranged versions of popular music from 10 of their series spanning the decades. Tonight they've also put out a cross fade demo of some of the tracks on...

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

Mega Man 10 Include Among “Capcom Essentials”

Coming October 8th this year, Capcom will release a compilation set of five of their top games for a value price of $59.99 for PS3 and Xbox 360. And putting the E in the collection's E-M rating is none other than Mega Man 10. Of course 10 was never a physical game, so...

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

Submit Your Questions for Keiji Inafune!

A few days ago, we reported that Keiji Inafune will be making an appearance at his own panel and signing event at the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle later this month, and we have been invited to an interview with "The Father of Mega Man." We will be joining Mark...

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

Mega Man YouTube Three-Pack

After a long, busy Otakon weekend, we've been doing some catching up on our YouTube subscriptions, and came across a few videos we thought might be of interest or worth a look for different reasons, and we're slotting them all in here together for everyone's...

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

Bad and Good are Brothers in Arms in Mega Man #32

  By way of Destructoid, we now can take a look at the covers and solicitation for the upcoming #32 issue of Mega Man, which will conclude the "Blackout: The Curse of Ra Moon" story arch. With the chips down for humanity, Mega Man and Dr. Wily fight side by side...

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

Another Mega Man Fan Game to Try

With all the fan games coming out lately, here's a recently released one that may have fallen below the radar. This is "Mega Man Rock Force" for Windows PC by GoldwaterDLS. After two years in development, the faux 8-bit title came out late last month. In this game,...

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

Start Your Day with a Mega Man X Rock Medley

It's Saturday. You ready to rock out? Guitarist Satou is here to bring it. After seeing a performance of Video Games Live in Chile, he was inspired to put together this rock medley covering the first five Mega Man X titles. And if you ask me, it's pretty great. Be...

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

Preview Pages for Mega Man #28: The Return

Now that all of that "Worlds Collide" stuff is over with, we can get back to brass tacks with where we left Mega Man and Break Man, who were last seen fighting in Mega City as Dr. Wily prepared his master plan with the assistance of one Ra Moon. "The Return: Prelude...

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

Keiji Inafune to Appear at PAX Prime

Mega Man fans who are attending the Penny Arcade Expo from August 30th to September 2nd are in for a special treat, as none other than Keiji Inafune will be in attendance! Those hoping to see the man who many hail as the "Father of Mega Man" will have the opportunity...

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

A Critical Look at Mega Man 5 Stages: Proto Man 4

Proto Man 4 This'll be a short one, as this stage consists of a single gimmick. Shooting the lowest cracked walls causes the screen to shake while the stage falls down until the next lowest wall is at the bottom. It works out okay as a visual effect, but as a game...

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

The Blue Ink Reviews Mega Man #28 – One Shall Stand…

"We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology." --Carl Sagan ------------------- So, that happened. That whole "Worlds Collide" thing, that is, and sure enough, the Cosmic...

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

Super Mario Bros. Crossover 3.0 Now Available

The last time we heard about "Super Mario Bros. Crossover" version 3.0 was in the trailer above, which was released in April. But now, courtesy of a tip from Beed28, we now know that this version has finally been released. In addition to the inclusion of Easy and Hard...

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

Dropping the Bass (and Treble)

In case anyone was curious about the status of Bandai's D-Arts Bass figure (with Treble, naturally) at various retailers, tipster "Dr. Wily" has given us the lowdown on the current situation. For those ordering through, they've apparently changed their site...

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

Miss UDON’s SDCC Exclusives? Worry Not!

We're going to level with you: The San Diego Comic-Con kind of sucks. Don't get us wrong, it's all kinds of awesome, but having all of that awesomeness concentrated into one place is why it sucks; paying to go, paying to stay, paying to attend, and the worst part:...

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

Mega Man and X Partake in Capcom 30th Anniversary Album

To celebrate 30 years of games, Capcom of Japan is releasing a special two disc anniversary album. The album covers ten of Capcom's series, including Mega Man and Mega Man X. Over 40 tracks will be present on the two discs. The first disc is the "Original" disc,...

Sample Capcom’s 30th Anniversary Music Album

GT Countdown: Top 10 Metroidvania Games

GameTrailers recently ranked their Top 10 "Metroidvania" games which are neither Metroid nor Castlevania. With those out of the way-- hey, Mega Man has some games which fit that mold! Maybe one of them made the list! Let's watch and find out. Aside: By "maybe," we...