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Aug 27• 2014 Reviews
The Blue Ink Reviews Mega Man #40 – Writing on the Wall
When last we left off, everyone was gearing up to fight the Wily Walker to the finish.

Aug 27• 2014 Mega Man-Esque
And Your Azure Striker Gunvolt Winner Is…
Six days and over 180 comments later, one has been chosen…

Aug 26• 2014 Mega Man
Preview Pages for Mega Man #40: Dawn of X Part 4
The epic conclusion to the four-part “Dawn of X” saga is here! The Maverick Hunters’ battle against the ancient yet formidable armaments of the Wily Walker will be available in comic shops tomorrow, August 26th, but you can enjoy the first five pages right here, right now.

Aug 21• 2014 Mega Man
Mega Man #43 Covers and Solicitation
It’s that time of the month again! Midtown Comics has once again revealed the covers and solicitations for the 43rd issue of Archie’s Mega Man comic book series.

Aug 21• 2014 Mega Man
Mega Man 6 Now Available on Wii U Virtual Console (Among Others)
MegAugust (or whatever we decided to call this thing) continues on today with the release of the final NES chapter of the Blue Bomber’s adventures, Mega Man 6.

Aug 21• 2014 Mega Man-Esque
Azure Striker Gunvolt & Mighty Gunvolt Previews and Contest!
As of August 20th, 2014, Azure Striker Gunvolt has just been released in Japan. However, the fine folks at 8-4 and Inti Creates have been courteous enough to not only allow us to give you an idea of what’s to come in North America on the 29th, but something more as well.

Aug 20• 2014 Community Developments
New Gameplay Trailer for 8-Bit Mega Man Legends 3 Prologue’s Upcoming Release
It’s been a little while since we last heard from the folks over at Get Me Off the Moon about their planned 8-bit fan game version of the “Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype Version” known as “Mega Man Legends 3: The Prologue.” But now the game is on the way, and there’s a new trailer to get us all hyped!

Aug 20• 2014 Mega Man-Esque
Mighty Gunvolt Announced for Nintendo eShop (Updated)
As you might have noticed, we have a section for news separate from the usual Mega Man fun here called “Mega Man-esque,” for games and such which fall in the spirit of Mega Man, but aren’t actually Mega Man. And let us tell you, they don’t get much more “Mega Man-esque” than this!

Aug 16• 2014 Fan Community
Interview with Mega Man 2.5D’s Peter Sjöstrand (Part 2/2)
>Mega Man fans have long been a creative bunch, and the dedicated fans behind “Mega Man 2.5D” are no different. The unofficial game is both gaining a growing fan base online and a seeing a new beta release tomorrow. Recently, The Mega Man Network was able to sit down with Peter Sjöstrand, the lead designer of the project, to discuss the background of the project and the new Beta 3.0 release. <

Aug 14• 2014 Mega Man-Esque
Azure Striker Gunvolt North American Release Date Announced
>Today, Inti Creates announced that Azure Striker Gunvolt, the spiritual sequel to their Mega Man Zero and ZX games, will be released on Friday, August 29th in North America and cost $14.99 on the Nintendo 3DS.

Aug 12• 2014 Community Developments
Interview with Mega Man 2.5D’s Peter Sjöstrand (Part 1/2)
>While most news these days revolves around Mega Man‘s spiritual successors, fans of the original Blue Bomber have been busy with “Mega Man 2.5D“, an unofficial labor of love that features not just Paper Mario-like perspective but a 2-player cooperative mode that we once only dreamed about. The Mega Man Network recently sat down with Peter Sjöstrand, the game designer of “Mega Man 2.5D”, to discuss the background of their project and features new with their upcoming Beta 3.0 release.<

Aug 7• 2014 Community Developments• Mega Man
Reminder: Bid Now For a Signed Copy of Mega Man 2!
A friendly reminder: there are just about two days remaining to bid on a copy of Mega Man 2! Not just any copy, but a copy signed by Keiji Inafune, the father of Mega Man!

Aug 6• 2014 Community Developments• Site Developments
Site News: Away for a Couple of Weeks
Just a quick update for those of you who tend to visit the site frequently: Tabby and LBD “Nytetrayn” are going to be away for a bit, which means there is probably going to be a lull in site updates for the next week and a half.

Aug 4• 2014 Mega Man
Mega Man II and Battle Chip Challenge Come to Europe August 7th
Pretty much just what the title says.

Aug 3• 2014 Community Developments
Game Center CX Takes On Mega Man X
On a recent two-part episode of Japan’s Game Center CX, Shinya Arino took on the legendary Super NES classic, Mega Man X (or Super Famicom and Rockman X, if you must).

Aug 1• 2014 Articles• Community Developments• User Submitted Content
Mega Myths: Mega Man Zero, Part 1
p>Mega Man is rich in cultural history, but much of that richness can be overlooked when we’re dash-jumping over spikes-o-death and focusing on delivering that fatal charged shot.

Aug 1• 2014 Community Developments• Mega Man
Bid Now For a Signed Copy of Mega Man 2!
Just about a year ago, The Mega Man Network was invited to interview the father of Mega Man, Keiji Inafune, following the reveal of Mighty No. 9. One of his parting gifts was putting his signature on two American Mega Man 2 cartridges.

Jul 31• 2014 Mega Man
Mega Man Battle Network in Wii U eShop Today, Plus Special Announcement (Update)
Though not as good as Europe’s bounty, at least Mega Man Battle Network has arrived in the Nintendo eShop on Wii U. But, there is exciting news ahead!

Jul 31• 2014 Community Developments
Did You Know Voice Acting? Does a Double Dose of Mega Man
Did you know that Mega Man is really a real estate agent? Did you?

Jul 28• 2014 Community Developments
Mega Man 2? Or Mega Man Kazoo?
The Dr. Wily Stage 1 theme from Mega Man 2, like you’ve never heard it before…
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