TMMN Staff

Mega Man #47 Covers and Solicitation

Mega Man #47 Covers and Solicitation

All the way from Arcade Sushi comes a peek at the covers and solicitations for Mega Man #47: “The Ultimate Betrayal”, part three of four. This time, “The Doc is In!”

James & Mike Play Mega Man 2

James & Mike Play Mega Man 2

Every Monday, James “The Angry Video Game Nerd” Rolfe and Mike Matei get together to play a game from their vast library. This week, it’s Mega Man 2 for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Target Acquired: Ask Manami Matsumae Anything

Target Acquired: Ask Manami Matsumae Anything

It was only a few weeks ago that we brought you word of Target Acquired, a mobile game which was described as “Mega Man meets Temple Run” whose developers were seeking funding through Kickstarter. The time is up, and now is the time to celebrate with Mega Musician Manami Matsumae!

Yet Another Mega Man Cancellation (Plus a Delay)

Yet Another Mega Man Cancellation (Plus a Delay)

One thought which is frequently cited among fans, at least in the comments found on posts around here, is that they don’t want Mega Man merchandise, they want Mega Man games. But one must ask: What becomes of the property if we have neither?

Rockman Utopia Tracks Revealed

Rockman Utopia Tracks Revealed

It was one month ago to the day that we brought you word of a pair of interesting soundtracks Capcom of Japan, in cooperation with Basiscape, will be releasing on January 14th, 2015. Today, some new information has come forth, thanks to a tip from our friendly neighborhood Heat Man.