TMMN Staff

Capcom to Make Heads Explode
Sep 21, 2007 | Mega Man
Capcom will make your head explode. It seems to be that the poor announcements from Capcom at TGS wasn't the end. Christian Svensson, the company's senior director of strategic planning and research, posted on Capcom's message boards that expectations should be...

Sep 21, 2007 | Mega Man
Thats right fellow Mega Man fans. The wishes of many have finally come true and Capcom has decided to grace us with a new installment of the Mega Man Legends universe. You asked for it, and finally got it. But of course, there is a catch. The game is called Rockman...

Zero at GameFAQs: Character Battle VI
Sep 18, 2007 | Mega Man
It's Character Battle VI at GameFAQs, and Mega M--- Zero is in today's battle. Make sure to vote for the Blue Bom--- Red... Titan (?) today! Though... it's not like he needs our help, he's already owning Lloyd Irving, HK-47 and Jak. Still show your support and make...

TMMN Podcast #003: Which Mega Man Game Wins the Most?
Sep 16, 2007 | Community Developments, Site Developments
WARNING: This Podcast contains suggestive language and... no acid drop jokes? Also, spoilers about Mr. X (hint: he's Dr. Wily... oops). Listen at your own discretion. Recorded September 16th, 2007 - YES I KNOW I SOUND HORRIBLE AND LAME I WAS SICK AND HARV IS ANNOYING...

Rockman X CD Uploaded
Sep 1, 2007 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Click here to access the tunes.

ZXA Tunes Ready for Download
Sep 1, 2007 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Click here to access the tunes.

Mega Man at GameFAQs: Character Battle VI
Sep 1, 2007 | Mega Man
It's Character Battle VI at GameFAQs, and Mega Man is in today's battle. Make sure to vote for the Blue Bomber today! Though... it's not like he needs our help, he's already owning KOS-MOS, Arthas AND Diablo. Still show your support and make sure Mega Man squashes...

Fooled You, Didn’t We?
Sep 1, 2007 | Community Developments, Site Developments
And with that, it brings me great pleasure to finally be able to say that Project: Blue Bomber is now ready.
The Mega Man Network is BACK!

Rockman Events and Dates
Sep 1, 2007 | Mega Man
We can't have an empty section on the front page, at least I'd prefer not to, so here is some Rockman related news for you all. A little while back we heard that Capcom of Japan is planning a Rockman 20th anniversary special event. Word has gotten out today that this...

A Wayward Hero
Apr 13, 2005 | Articles, Legacy Content
We've reached a turning point in the progression of the Mega Man X series, so it seems. At this point, it's pretty much common knowledge that Mega Man X5 was intended to be the end of the X series, to close it off and lead into the Zero series. And of course we all...

Sheet Music
Jan 1, 2005 | Uncategorized
Any and all sheet music is welcome! Please submit sheet music to: Mega Man Elec Man (Piano) - PDF - MIDI Mega Man 3 Game Over (Piano) - PDF - MIDI Mega Man 8 Dr Light's Lab (Piano) - PDF Stage Select...

-Insert Company Here-: In it for the Money, part II
Oct 1, 2004 | Articles, Legacy Content
We've all (I think) read this little editorial (if not, get cracking) here, so perhaps it's time for a follow-up. Only this time, we'll focus on the larger realm of gaming. So, it's apparent that the companies that design video games are, in fact, in it to make money....

Capcom: In It For The Money
Jul 1, 2002 | Articles, Legacy Content
Yes, in this top-secret document I am here to tell you the news that so many have suspected for so long. I've heard it said high and low, over message board and chat room, in great disgust. "Capcom is in it for the money!" they yell, bringing to light a grave...

Anime Ethics
Mar 6, 2002 | Articles, Legacy Content
We live in a rather questionable time as far as ethics go. The internet has made everything digital, and everything accessible. It's hard to distinguish what is right and wrong in the view of the law, and more so what is right and wrong in the view of our own personal...

Animated Personality
Oct 16, 2001 | Fiber for the Irregular Hunter, Legacy Content
Thanks to the fine folks at Megaman Outpost, an episode of the American Mega Man cartoon is available for download. Naturally, this excited me. I remember getting up at 6 in the morning for the sole purpose of watching that show. As the 45-meg download trickled along,...

A Marriage Wrought In The Fires of Whatever
Apr 10, 2001 | Fiber for the Irregular Hunter, Legacy Content
(Plus DM's Ultimatum) By now you've no doubt heard the news of the amazing merger b'twixt Mega Man Network and Megaman Outpost. I'm going to set the record straight here, just to make sure there are no more wild rumors. First off, the merger did not come about as a...
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