TMMN Staff

Rockman Soundtrack Big Update
Oct 31, 2007 | Mega Man
I tell ya, I'm stoked about these upcoming Rockman soundtrack releases. Maybe it's in lieu of no major game announcements for the Man's 20th, but then I've always been a great aficionado of Mega Man music. TEAM Entertainment has now has posted a little homepage for...

Musical Updates Continue
Oct 28, 2007 | Community Developments, Site Developments
And if you came from AF, you know they'll be continuing for quite some time. Today's update enters the X Factor - three new X series soundtracks in the Music Archive. We have the original soundtracks for Rockman X7, Rockman X8, and Rockman X Command Mission. Enjoy!...

Another Minor RnR 2 Update
Oct 27, 2007 | Mega Man
JeuxFrance has scans up from the latest issue of Nintendo Dream. The info more or less corroborates what was in CoroCoro, but with a couple more details. For starters, the enigmatic Bly transformations appear to be activated by collecting "loneliness fragment (which...

Contest Reminder
Oct 24, 2007 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Our ZXA Halloween art contest ends on midnight, October 29th (this coming Monday). If you've been meaning to make an entry, you probably better had get going! And just in case you need some motivation, here's a peek at the grand prize... We so far have entries from...

Zero in the Division Finals at GameFAQs!
Oct 24, 2007 | Mega Man
Zero made it to the division finals at GameFAQs! But he's having a bit of trouble beating Link, Vincent Valentine and Crono... We need you guys to help out Zero! He's standing at 11% right now, but he should really be owning everyone in sight! Head over to the...

Mega Man ZXA Out Today!
Oct 23, 2007 | Mega Man
That's right, folks! Mega Man ZX Advent's release date is today, though for many of us, the game won't hit the streets until tomorrow, the 24th. Make sure you've got your money in order to go get this, it's really a breathe of fresh air to the Mega Man scene. Have fun...

Ryuusei 2 – CoroCoro Scans
Oct 21, 2007 | Mega Man
A little delayed, but here are the scans from the latest issue of CoroCoro covering Ryuusei no Rockman 2, courtesy of Dark Napalm. The majority of the information you can find in our previous report, there isn't much else new. Pages 1 and 2 detail the Sky High...

Oekaki Boards Reopen
Oct 19, 2007 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Like the title suggests, the oekaki boards have reopened! Fun and candy for all, yes? For current members, your username and passwords are still registered on the boards. All you have to do is log back in and start drawing. For new members, please make sure you read...

Ryuusei no Rockman 2 Site Renewal
Oct 19, 2007 | Mega Man
Capcom's Ryuusei no Rockman 2 teaser page has now been replaced with a fully fledged Flash-powered homepage. There's nothing new info-wise, but you can at least enjoy the sights and sounds for a moment. And of course it will be the home for future RnR 2 updates....

Halloween Mega Man ZX
Oct 18, 2007 | Contests
Halloween, the day to dress up wildly without getting strange looks, is approaching. So is the release of Mega Man ZX Advent. How would you like to win a copy of the game while celebrating the holiday spirit? What's more, how would you like to win a Mega Man 20th...

Podcast 004 – What Do You Think of the MMN/AF Merger?
Oct 18, 2007 | Community Developments, Site Developments
WARNING: This Podcast contains suggestive language and may upset you if you're Anti-TMMN. Listen at your own discretion. Recorded October 6th, 2007 - Around the end of September, Atomic Fire webmaster Heat Man approached LBD "Nytetrayn" about a merger of some sorts....

Rockman 20th Anniversary Soundtracks – there’s more?
Oct 18, 2007 | Mega Man
It has been recently reported that Capcom is going to release a rock arrange soundtrack of tunes from Rockman 1~6 on December 5th. However, it seems that may not be all. Japanese online shops with pre-order pages are not only talking about a rock arrange version, but...

Return of WGA and the Ongoing Contest
Oct 17, 2007 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Hi there, fellow Mega Man artists! Your new art director Tabby here. I'm certainly enjoying my stay at Mega Man Network so far. A couple of things I wanted to mention. First, the Weekly gift art has escaped from the front page of Atomic Fire, and made it's new home in...

Capcom Gearing Up for 20th Anniversary Event
Oct 15, 2007 | Mega Man
Capcom of Japan has posted some details about next month's Rockman 20th Anniversary event in Tokyo. The event will house: An anniversary corner that looks back on Rockman's 20 year history. Lots of 20th anniversary goods. A limited number of crystal key chains will be...

CoroCoro Initial Report
Oct 13, 2007 | Mega Man
While we're still waiting on scans for the latest issue of CoroCoro, some preliminary info has begun to hit the 'net. Here are some details about Ryuusei no Rockman 2 we can tell you in the meantime. Bly is presumably a human named Solo, who vehemently hates Brothers....

Bringing the Fire to TMMN
Oct 10, 2007 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Hey folks, Heat Man here. I hope so far you've enjoyed The Mega Man Network, the new home of Atomic Fire's work. I know for some fans of AF this transition has been inconvenient, but I promise that in due time you'll feel natural here. Please give it a chance. To get...

Podcast 004 – What Do You Think of the MMN/AF Merger?
Oct 8, 2007 | Legacy Content
WARNING: This Podcast contains suggestive language and may upset you if you're Anti-TMMN. Listen at your own discretion. Recorded October 6th, 2007 - Around the end of September, Atomic Fire webmaster Heat Man approached LBD "Nytetrayn" about a merger of some sorts....

Get Equipped With Atomic Fire
Oct 8, 2007 | Community Developments, Site Developments
It's funny how things work sometimes. Here we are, running a website dedicated to Mega Man, a hero once best known for his ability to acquire the abilities of his fallen foes. Of course, things were a little different then, when Mega Man would silence his foe without...

Mega Man Network Wants to Hear From You: Fan Mail!
Oct 1, 2007 | Community Developments, Site Developments
As most of the people who visit the site already know, we have a email account where visitors and regulars alike can submit reviews, fan art and fiction, and everything like that. Of course, this isn't limited to just that, but that is the main purpose of that...

Keiji Inafune interviewed at TGS 2007
Sep 25, 2007 | Mega Man
Mega Man series producer Keiji Inafune reflects on the fanchise's development over 20 years. Mr. Inafune takes a moment to reflect on the two decades that have passed since Mega Man 1 and talks candidly about the successes and failures that have come since. Upon being...
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