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Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

You asked, they delivered: The "box art" Capcom employees had on their shirts while at E3 is actually going to be sold to fans. Kramez from Capcom*Unity let us know what the deal behind the t-shirts were. Have your money ready, I predict them selling out with the...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

Star Force 3 promotional trailer

Capcom of Japan has updated their Ryuusei no Rockman 3 homepage with the trailer that was shown at the World Hobby Fair a week ago. After the introduction of the characters and plot, the movie gets into some good gameplay footage. The movie ends with only teasing...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

Angry Video Game Nerd Talks Mega Man 9

Some people here may not care for the Angry Video Game Nerd, James Rolfe, but for those who do enjoy him, here is his coverage of highlights of E3, including Street Fighter IV, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, and of course, Mega Man 9, with which he leads off the...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

MMN Reset: Mega Man 2 (NES)

It's finally here, the episode of MMN Reset for our Mega Man 2 theme week as we continue counting down to Mega Man 9. This time I took a crack at the whole retrospective thing, and I hope you enjoy it. I do apologize for the delays in getting the video up, and any...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

Now, usually we would not do this. But this is a really nice Mega Man item for any fan. You know how Nintendo Power has those great posters in their magazines? Here's one from back in the day: We got a email from a MM fan named "The Nameless" that found someone...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

Mega Man 9 Box Art

"What's this," you say? "Box art? For a game that doesn't have a box?" Yes indeed, True Believers... you might have noticed the likes of Keiji Inafune, Producer Hironobu Takeshita, and others working on the game wearing these bizarre t-shirts around at E3, and the...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

Interviews with Hironobu Takeshita, Mega Man 9 Producer

While Keiji Inafune may be contributing a lot to Mega Man 9, he's not the only one in the driver's seat. Hironobu Takeshita is the Producer for Mega Man 9, and he's had his hands full at E3 with people interviewing him. The first of these interviews, in video form,...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

GameSpot Live @ E3 Stage Demo of Mega Man 9 – Answers Revealed

At E3, GameSpot held a live streaming show wherein they would have developers of various titles at the event come on, show their stuff, and answer questions. As luck would have it, Mega Man 9 was one such game they opted to show off. A recap from Kombo covers most of...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

More Mega Man 9 movies

Can you honestly handle more Mega Man 9? Haven't you had enough yet? Is it possible to have enough? IGN is showing off new vids of Mega Man 9 gameplay, and though they manage to cover new ground compared the previous movies, it just shows that the game gets that much...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

More Mega Man 9 Screens, This Time From E3

The game really does look pretty detail for the most part. There's a great sense that you really are going to be getting a legit Mega Man vibe just from looking over these screens. Interesting that they'd give us a screen of you being knocked out. Those screens with...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

Rockman 9 Official Website is now live

Capcom of Japan's Rockman 9 website went live last night, with tons of new and old information streamlined from the older sites they had. The site features three sections: Rockman 9 details, merchandise, and a complete listing of all Rockman games released in Japan!...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

Ryusei no Rockman 3 Site updates, More details

Capcom of Japan has publicly opened the new Ryuusei no Rockman 3 (Mega Man Star Force 3) homepage, and there's quite a bit of info to be had. The site has three sections: the Wave Station for story and game info, the Satellite Server which appears to be an interactive...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

Splash Woman’s in-game appearance revealed

The Mega Man 9 trailer released a few days ago seemingly revealed the silhouettes of 7 robot masters, most interestingly Splash Woman's. However, there was a second bonus to the video: It also revealed the 8-Bit version of the Robot Master herself! Thanks to Heat Man...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

World Hobby Fair: RM9 & RnR3 Updates

The World Hobby Fair started July 12th, and the Mega Man Network is going to keep you updated with what we and other sites can find. Dengeki has some picture from Capcom's booth and shows off some pretty cool things. The Ryusei no Rockman 2 contest was going on, and...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

MMN Reset: Mega Man (NES)

As The Mega Man Network counts down the weeks until September, now is a perfect time to look back on past memories of the original blue bomber and his crusades through his many games. Starting from the beginning, MMN is going to take you back to the times when 8-Bit...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

Mega Man Marathon

If you're familiar with the recent Mario and Zelda marathons, then you already have a good idea of what this is about. For those unfamiliar, here's the lowdown: The ladies and gents hosting this marathon will be playing through ten Mega Man games (Mega Man 1-7, and...

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

More Mega Man from Around the Net

Looks like the original Mega Man is getting around the net even more than his EXE counterpart these days. Here's just a few things going on with people talking about the Blue Bomber: - Following up on his previous article about the merits of Mega Man 9's different...