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Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

It appears CoroCoro has leaked a little early in Japan, as details have emerged that one of the titles for Star Force 3 will be Black Ace, which will release in Japan on November 13th. It's unknown if this will be one of two or more titles, and if they'll release...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

Mega Man 9 soundtrack – TWO of them

It looks like Inti Creates little secret is spilled. According to a Japanese online store, Inti Creates will release not just an original soundtrack for Rockman 9 on September 12th, but an arranged soundtrack for Rockman 9 on October 10th. The original will run ¥2,500...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

Another Interview With Hironobu Takeshita

Not much is new, but we do have a bit of info about what to expect (or in this case.. imagine) from the online features in store for Mega Man 9: UGO: For the XBLA and PSN versions, can we expect some kind of online leaderboards so we can see how we stack up against...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

Otakon + Mega Man = OtaRockman!

...don't ask me how the math works. Heading out to Otakon first thing in the morning. On Friday (currently, as these things are often prone to change), I'll be a part of a panel scheduled for 4pm to 5 (4:50, technically) in Workshop 1 (Room 339-340) called "Cheers to...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

MMN Reset: Mega Man 4 (NES)

Hi everyone, I'm proud to announce the release of MMN's Reset of Mega Man 4. While you got a taste of my voice last time around as Keiji's quotes (and horrible laughing!), I'm now hosting the entire thing. Having done nearly everything in the video, I'm really excited...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

MM9 not really a NES game, but sure feels like it

Gamasutra has posted a pretty interesting interview with Mega Man 9 producer Hironobu Takeshita. Among other pieces of info discussed in the article, we have this: GS: You talked about how people were trying to graphically exceed the capabilities of the Famicom, but...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

MM VC..Not There!?

So you know how yesterday we said Mega Man was coming to the VC? Well, if you turn on your Wii and check it out, you'll probably notice it's not there. Why? We got Sega stuff instead. As for when we will be getting Mega Man on the VC, we're not exactly sure, but we'll...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

Inti has a secret

August 8th is going to be a big day. Trained athletes from around the world will gather in Beijing, ready to support their countries in the name of sport. A meeting of men and women who have worked for months in preparation of an event that unites all of mankind....

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

MM9 in September, MM… TOMORROW

According to the great folks at the Capcom-Unity, Mega Man 9 will follow suit with the release of Rockman 9 and come out in September. Also, as you know, Mega Man an Mega Man 2 are coming to the VC as well, and you can expect to have Mega Man tomorrow on the 4th...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

Just Sing About It

Many of us are excited about Mega Man 9. After a wait of over ten years, the next game in the Classic series is finally upon us, and people are expressing their joy in different ways. Some are debating what to expect, some are drawing fanart, and some are probably...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

Some “new” Mega Man 9 footage

If you've been following E3 and Comic Con, you've been seeing a whole lot of Plug Man and Concrete Man. But how about a bit of Tornado Man, Hornet Man and Magma Man? This video which purports to be from E3 is just that. In fact, it appears to be an extended cut of the...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

MMN Reset: Mega Man 3 (NES)

Hey, guys. I just finished the Mega Man 3 video in our Reset series. I did the editing on the first video, but this time around (save for the Keiji quotes Lance helped with) I did all the work. It's time that Mega Man 3 gets its props, and I made sure I did the game...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

Rockman hits Japan VC on 29th

According to Siliconera, the original Rockman will grace the Virtual Console on Japanese Wiis on the 29th next week. Rockman 2 is slated to release in sometime in August, leading up to the September release of Rockman 9. Hopefully we'll be seeing Mega Man and Mega Man...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

Mega Man Hats!

Nope, these aren't some sort of truck-driver ballcaps; these are more akin to the fare you're likely to find at an anime convention, such as the upcoming Otakon in Baltimore. Via the Capcom*Unity blogs, we've learned that one Mega Man fan by the name of Rio McCarthy...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

Mega Man 9 T-Shirt + 360 Gamer Pics and Themes

You asked, they delivered: The "box art" Capcom employees had on their shirts while at E3 is actually going to be sold to fans. Kramez from Capcom*Unity let us know what the deal behind the t-shirts were. Have your money ready, I predict them selling out with the...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

Star Force 3 promotional trailer

Capcom of Japan has updated their Ryuusei no Rockman 3 homepage with the trailer that was shown at the World Hobby Fair a week ago. After the introduction of the characters and plot, the movie gets into some good gameplay footage. The movie ends with only teasing...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

Angry Video Game Nerd Talks Mega Man 9

Some people here may not care for the Angry Video Game Nerd, James Rolfe, but for those who do enjoy him, here is his coverage of highlights of E3, including Street Fighter IV, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, and of course, Mega Man 9, with which he leads off the...

Mega Man Star Force 3: One title revealed

MMN Reset: Mega Man 2 (NES)

It's finally here, the episode of MMN Reset for our Mega Man 2 theme week as we continue counting down to Mega Man 9. This time I took a crack at the whole retrospective thing, and I hope you enjoy it. I do apologize for the delays in getting the video up, and any...