TMMN Staff

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

So this recent bit of news going on has come from the Rockman Summer Festival in Tokyo, Japan. And chances are you didn't go if you don't live in Japan. But don't despair. You can go on your own little virtual tour via reports by Gpara and Famitsu.

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

Second version of MMSF3: Red Joker

At a panel for Mega Man Star Force 3 at the Rockman Summer Festival in Tokyo, some interesting things were announced. Most notably, the second version of the title, following Black Ace, will be Red Joker. Both versions will release simultaneously on November 13th....

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

Liveblog from the Rockman Summer Festival

In a blog post on andriasang, the Rockman Summer Festival is in full swing! Of note, a new demo for Mega Man 9 including what is claimed to be Galaxy Man's stage is featured. Posters galore. E-Tanks (sold out!) Ryussei no Rockman 3 is also supposed to have a big news...

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

MegaMan Volnutt confirmed for Tatsunoko VS Capcom

In a surprise trailer announcement, MegaMan Volnutt/Trigger has been confirmed as a character in the upcoming Tatsunoko VS Capcom! In the two videos to come, MegaMan Volnutt fights with his standard buster and seems to demonstrate the ability to charge shots. Here's...

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

The Best Birthday Cake Ever

Haven't you ever wanted to have one of those super awesome birthday cakes with the cartoon characters on it and it looks so professional and everything? Well, who exactly would you go to for a Mega Man 9 cake? When given the opportunity, forum member XHunter, with the...

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

Fan-Created Wallpaper Section!

Just wanted to let you know, if you have a Mega Man wallpaper for computer desktops which you've created, then we now have a place for it! Basically, this section differs from our official wallpaper section in that this one is, obviously, for any wallpaper that's not...

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

Mega Man Indie Film Starts to Take Shape

Remember back in January when there were casting calls for a indie Mega Man movie in New York City? Well... The official website has updated and it seems to have a lot of cool stuff to show off (and WOW, Mega Man looks GOOD), and they have a blog that's bound to give...

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

Rockman 8 – 8-bit Music Galore

Remember that 8-bit remake of Rockman 7 that you could play on your PC? Well, a Rockman 8 version is clearly under way. Don't believe me? Well, OK, I guess you don't want to listen to the music that has been released for it. Take listen to the 8-bit soundtrack here....

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

MM finally hits VC

After some confusion a couple weeks back, Nintendo has announced today that the original Mega Man is hitting the Wii's Virtual Console in North Amerca. If you're new to the old school series or have just been dying to play Mega Man on the Wii, this is definitely a...

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

Possible Release Date for Mega Man 9 (XBLA)

We're not too sure if this is all too credible, but Achievement Hunter seems to have a release date for Mega Man 9 (this seems to only pertains to the Xbox 360's Live Arcade). The source claims September 24th, 2008 is the date Mega Man 9 hits the Live Arcade. Again,...

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

Low on energy? Not anymore!

Capcom has announced a brand new E-Tank Energy Drink in order to celebrate the release of Mega Man 9. The cans, currently only available in Japan (and likely in some other select Asian locations) this month, are in limited supply. Zoom in the top right corner for......

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

MMN Reset: Mega Man 6 (NES)

High Definition download coming soon! Here's the newest edition of MMN Reset, featuring Mega Man 6. While I didn't have much to say about this game short of the review, I did have fun with the credit reel. Anyone who knows us should figure out pretty quickly what...

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

TMMN is 1 Million Hits Strong

The Mega Man Network is a place for all Mega Man (and Rockman) fans to come to enjoy the forever changing ways of the Mega Man franchise. We would be nothing without you guys. Sometime this morning we hit over 1,000,000 page views for our front page. When we reopened...

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

Rockman 9 Site Updated, Items Revealed

The Rockman 9 website was updated, and shows off a screen with some of the items in the game. Staff member John translated some of it for us since Heat is away on... err, special business. 1Up Energy Can Mystery Can Eddie Call Energy Balancer Beat Call Shock Guard...

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

Mega Man 9 Xbox 360 Achievements Leaked, All Bosses Revealed

If you're a Xbox 360 owner, you're more than excited to know you can get MM9 through XBLA and up your GamerScore at the same time. Well, here they are! - Jitterbug: Clear the game in 60 minutes or less. (20G) - Invincible: Clear the game without dying. (30G) - Almost...

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

Three New Mega Man 9 Videos

OK, guys. Remember the footage from E3 that showed us the Mega Man 9 intro? Well, we've the intro without so much flickering, a steady camera, and no background noise. Check out the video here We also have two gameplay videos. We've already seen these stages, but...

Rockman Summer Festival in Images

Character Art For Mega Man 9

Concrete Man: Created to construct a dam, Concrete Man has integral knowledge of the process and the tools to make it happen. He has stubborn personality and has been known to tell off any lazy robots. Stupid, lazy robots. Weapon: Concrete Shot Creates a temporary...