TMMN Staff

Mega Man 9 *finally* mentioned by PS Blog
Sep 18, 2008 | Mega Man
In a short but sweet post on the PS Blog, John Diamonon announces that MM9 will be coming to PSN "soon". While it's not much to go on, it's safe to say that the rumors of the game coming out in English next week are beginning to have some weight, with all three online...

Mega Man 9 Review via Julius Bloop
Sep 18, 2008 | Community Developments
If you guys are looking for a way to keep you from going crazy until Monday, try reading this small review on Mega Man 9 by Julius Loop. Hey, it's better than nothing. And look, it got a 9.999. Source: Videogames - September 2008 | Julius Bloop - Comedy for Weirdos

Splash and Plug at GamesRadar
Sep 17, 2008 | Mega Man
GamesRadar is getting the honor of formally introducing the final two bosses in Mega Man 9: Splash Woman and Plug Man. You can also find many more screens related to these two here. Splash sure is a cutie.

And the results…
Sep 16, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
As I posted yesterday, the contest is over and the winners were contacted. Now that we've touched base with all the winners, I will announce them. Start imaging a drum roll. The grand prize winner of the contest is... SHOJAXU DEMCLO!! Congratulations! AND, the two...

Mega Man 9 Nintendo Release?
Sep 16, 2008 | Mega Man
...Nah, I'm just pulling your leg. Basically when Capcom came up with the "Box Art" pic from a while ago, they were going with mindset of promoting this game as if it were from 1987 and with it, came an idea to make a NES Package consisting of said hideous boxart, a...

RM9 AST Track List
Sep 16, 2008 | Mega Man
Just as we all get to enjoying the original soundtrack, Inti Creates starts teasing us with the arranged soundtrack. No samples yet, but they've posted the full track list for you to view. Seems, like with many of their other arranged albums, we're getting a theme...

Contest Ended
Sep 15, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Yes, the contest ended yesterday night, and the winners have been selected. Notifications have gone out, and we will announce the winners once they have all confirmed their acceptance. Regardless, I want to thank everyone who took the time to enter. We got quite a lot...

Where Mega Man meets the public
Sep 15, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
So I'm taking a stroll in downtown Montreal and this is what I see. I found both of these pics so fun, I had to post them for all to see. Just so you know, there can't possibly be any other explanation to this art other than the creator being a fan of the series....

Mega Man 9 Soundtrack Online!
Sep 15, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
It's here, and honestly, I don't think I need to hype this any. Have at it! For your convenience, we have a zipped soundtrack download as well. Yeah, I know we should've been doing that a lot sooner. And as much as downloading music is the wave of the future and all,...

IGN’s Mega Man 9 Week: Speaks of 09/22 Release Date
Sep 15, 2008 | Mega Man
We're not too sure what "as of press time" means, but IGN seems to be sure that Mega Man 9 is dropping via all three consoles come Sept. 22nd. That's earlier in the week than a XBLA or PSN game would normally drop, but hey, they've being positive about this. Let's run...

Mega Man 2 hits NA VC today
Sep 15, 2008 | Mega Man
According to pure nintendo, Mega Man 2 will be arriving on the Wii's Virtual Console service in North America today. The original Mega Man is pretty good, but this is definitely the title people have been waiting for. Then again, I can think of one other people are...

Red Joker Blows Stuff Up
Sep 13, 2008 | Mega Man
While we've been slobbering over Mega Man 9, Capcom silently updated about their other project, Star Force 3. In the main points of this update, Capcom explains in greater details how Noise Change works. Up to 50%, you are able to "Form Out." This gives you the...

GameSpot Highlights
Sep 13, 2008 | Mega Man
Continuing with the massive MM9 coverage, head on over to GameSpot To see plenty of new images of the stages for Hornet Man, Jewel Man and Galaxy Man, as well as some fine high-res artwork. Man, why can't I help but think of the song "I Feel Pretty" from West Side...

Mega Man 9 Bosses – More Art
Sep 12, 2008 | Mega Man
... Come on. Do we REALLY have to say anything about this? Click and look. It's boss art from the Rockman 9 OST booklet. Update: Here's what's written about the newly revealed robot masters: DRN.067: Splash Woman A robot who performs rescue work in situations such as...

RM9 on the 24th
Sep 12, 2008 | Mega Man
While we're speculating if Mega Man 9 will release on the 22nd, iNSIDE has confirmed that Rockman 9 will release in Japan on September 24th. Does this back up the US release speculation at all? Time will tell. Also, for those wanting a little insight in the game's...

A little look at Red Joker
Sep 11, 2008 | Mega Man
Honestly, I've been in Mega Man 9 mode in such a huge way that I kind of forgot this game was coming out. The above image, which you can click to enlarge, and the following info come from the latest Coro Coro magazine. The two versions of the game will primarily...

Nintendo World Interviews Inafune
Sep 11, 2008 | Mega Man
With the release of Mega Man 9 ticking down, all eyes have been on series father-figure Keiji Inafune as of late. His latest interview comes from a Brazilian gaming magazine known as "Nintendo World," which revealed two juicy tidbits regarding the future and the...

Custom Mega Man X Mighty Mugg
Sep 11, 2008 | Community Developments
Earlier today, toy culture website Tomopop posted images of the cool custom Mega Man X "Mighty Mugg" figure that you see above. Do note that this is not an official work, but rather, it is made by a fan who goes by eKoala. Though the website does beg of Hasbro and...

OtaRockman 2008 Panel: Cheers to 21 Years of Mega Man
Sep 11, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
As we had mentioned earlier, Otakon 2008 beheld a new panel this year, "Cheers to 21 Years of Mega Man." The nearly hour-long panel ran from 4pm to 4:50pm on Friday, August 8th, and was hosted by Ryouko, from Rockman.EXE Online; Terra Stardroid of; Ruby...

Mega Man 9 Contest Update
Sep 9, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Greetings everyone. We've certainly received a lot of entries for our contest to win Mega Man 9 on the Wii, but there's still time to receive a lot more. Remember, the contest ends Sunday night, the 14th, and we'll be announcing the winners the following Monday....
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