TMMN Staff

Wanna enter the boss contest?
Jan 16, 2009 | Mega Man
With my last update on the boss contest, a handful of people were wanting to enter. This isn't uncommon, I've supported us gaijin entering the contests for a while now. So, here's what you need to do. First, as in the before post, you need to create a design with a...

Q&A and Behind the Scenes of Eddie Lebron’s Mega Man
Jan 15, 2009 | Community Developments
I think we missed this one while getting everything moved over to our new host here, but for those interested, Eddie Lebron, who is directing his own Mega Man fan film, recently held a Q&A session with video game blogsite Destructoid. There, he explains everything...

Fan support for Mega Man X9
Jan 15, 2009 | Mega Man
With the release of Mega Man 9 and slivers of info about an all new Mega Man game in the works, fan enthusiasm has been on the rise, especially with the proposal for reviving other series. One of Capcom's big watchwords as of late has been "We'll make it if enough...

A Classic Rockman Take On Iris’ Death
Jan 14, 2009 | Community Developments
Dramatic death scenes aren't limited to just Zero and Iris in X4. Check out this Rockman 9 parody of the scene, with Blues mourning the loss of Splash Woman. I have to say, I'm impressed by the quality of the art here. The video maker got the classic Rockman style...

Keiji Inafune named 9th best game creator by Gametrailers
Jan 14, 2009 | Community Developments
It's always nice to see the gaming media give praise to the people who work very hard behind the scenes on games. Gametrailers has recently put up their top 10 game creators and the creator of Mega Man/Rockman comes in at number 9. Link: GT Countdown - Top Ten Game...

Updates on that boss contest
Jan 14, 2009 | Mega Man
By now my predictions for the boss character contest have been pretty off, but as more details come in it's looking more like this is a boss character contest like none other before. According to our viewer Fireman, the deadline for the contest is indeed February...

Zero & Iris: Special Edition
Jan 14, 2009 | Community Developments, Mega Man
Remember when George Lucas decided to gussy up all those old Star Wars movies with modern day polish, special effects, and new footage, effectively ruining them in the eyes of many fans? Well, this isn't quite as bad as all that, namely because the anime cutscenes in...

Game Informer chit chats with Inafune
Jan 14, 2009 | Mega Man
Online magazine Game Informer has an interview with the man, Keiji Inafune, up for reading, and he talks a little about Mega Man among other things. (Hey, if you got to meet George Lucas, would you not talk to him about Star Wars?) A bit of his discussion includes...

UNIQLO Game T-Shirts Coming to Japan
Jan 13, 2009 | Community Developments
UNIQLO, a Japanese T-Shirt designer, is now teasing a partnership with game companies including Capcom, SEGA, Sony, Taito, Hudson, and Bandai Namco in order to bring the world some pretty interesting game T-Shirts. I'll let you figure out who's who. The new shirts...

The Lucky Star Effect
Jan 11, 2009 | Community Developments
Anyone who knows of Lucky Star also knows of the tons of remixes that have ended up on Nico Nico Douga and subsequently Youtube. While some are basically remixes that overlap songs, a few stand out and are copied ad nauseam with other characters. Here's my latest...

“Mega Man 9” Soundtrack Available at Capcom Store
Jan 10, 2009 | Mega Man
In addition to a new Darkstalkers Graphic File book from Udon, Capcom has brought forth delightful news for all the little Mega Boys and Mega Girls out there who so love Mega Merchandise. Though not in stock just yet, Capcom is taking preorders for the "Mega Man 9"...

Coro-Coro Update: Possible X Series/Battle Network Revival?
Jan 10, 2009 | Mega Man
Protodude has gotten hold of a scan from the latest Coro-Coro, which seems to give some more info about the new Rockman contest in Japan. Heat Man, the site's translator, is in the middle of personal business right now and can't be reached for translation, but...

New Year Tidings from Ariga Brings Megamix 4 Update
Jan 9, 2009 | Mega Man
Hitoshi Ariga, writer/artist for the popular Rockman Megamix and Rockman Remix manga (among others, such as The Big O) has bestowed upon fans a double-helping of New Year's tidings. First, he's crafted the New Year's card (aka "nengajou") you see at right, as is...

Rockman X3 Capture Book (Kouriyakahen)
Jan 9, 2009 | Mega Man
I was browsing the homie Rodrigo Shin's blog after I got home from school and peeped an interesting post with some X3 pictures. Turns out they're pictures from something called the "Rockman X3 Capture Book." I can't quite make out what the deal is on it, but I assume...

Betting on Bosses
Jan 8, 2009 | Articles
We have a new Rockman boss contest coming up soon, and I feel like wagering on what I think it'll be. Granted, I'm not crazy about making predicitions, partly because I don't like being wrong. On top of that, information of the boss contest will surface any day now -...

Learning About Gaming at an Early Age
Jan 8, 2009 | Community Developments
This one's a little more all-purpose gaming, but I wanted to share nonetheless. Apparently, Melodie here is a really fast learner, and so her parents have taken advantage of this to get her started on the road to gaming by creating a set of flash cards which each...

We’re Back (again)!
Jan 7, 2009 | Site Developments
Well, it's finally done. Eh, sort of. The holiday season slowed us down a little, but we have finally re-established ourself on a new server, and as you can see, things have been shaken up a little bit. The first thing you may notice is this: The Mega Man Network...

Holiday Music, 8-Bit Mega Man Style
Dec 22, 2008 | Community Developments
Tired of that same old tired holiday music? Aren't we all. Heat was actually just mentioning a radio station he was listening to wouldn't stop playing the Dradel Song last night... Here to liven up the holiday spirit is the joy that keeps on giving: 8-bit music. Of...

The Key to Learning
Dec 21, 2008 | Community Developments
Now if only we could find the answer to making the sequels we want, like X9 and Legends 3. Mega Man 9 was a fluke. Source: Dueling Analogs :: Acquired Learning

Inafune Talks Mega Man 10 and Legends 3
Dec 20, 2008 | Mega Man
In yet another one of his many opportunities to talk with Mega Man Producer Keiji Inafune (come on, share the wealth!), 1up's James Mielke talks to the Man behind the Mega about numerous Capcom topics, including what fans might expect from the Blue Bomber franchise....
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