TMMN Staff

Blending Bop It with Mega Man…
Mar 9, 2009 | Community Developments
In one of my more recent visits to Gametrailers, I inadvertently clicked on a video link and let the video play all the way to the end (I've discovered game series this way and I highly suggest trying it). To my surprise, I noticed something extremely...

UNIQLO Rockman shirt coming April 20th
Mar 9, 2009 | Mega Man
Japanese casual wear designer UNIQLO will be releasing the first shirts in their brand of video game-inspired fashions soon, and its been revealed their shirt in celebration of the Rockman series will be coming on April 20th. Featuring shirts focusing on various...

Has Anyone Unlocked the Secret of Mega Man 9?
Mar 8, 2009 | Mega Man
Over on the Capcom*Unity forums, fans continue to exist in torment as Capcom's Senior Community Manager, Seth "S-Kill" Killian continues to withhold his knowledge of one last mysterious secret which has yet to be discovered in Mega Man 9. After a number of tasteless...

Dead Rising: Roll-Dressed West Will Put You to the Test
Mar 7, 2009 | Mega Man
Well, it seems that our worst fears have come true: Grizzled photojournalist Frank West is indeed ready, willing, and able to dress up like a 14-year old girl with a monkey on his sleeve. On the bright side, you're unlikely to come across this haunting visage by...

Mega Man Has Got the Edge
Mar 6, 2009 | Community Developments
Or rather, Edge Magazine has got Mega Man... X, that is. To celebrate 200 issues, Next Generation magazine successor Edge is doing something unprecedented: Releasing 200 covers for its commemorative issue to celebrate. And to look at all the covers is like looking at...

A little look at RnR Official Complete Works
Mar 6, 2009 | Mega Man
After having just put up preorders yesterday, Capcom's Ryuusei no Rockman 3 site now has a page for the Ryuusei no Rockman Official Complete Works book. While only a small preview, this should give a pretty good idea of what's to fill the book's 170+ pages. The detail...

RnR Official Complete Works cover revealed
Mar 5, 2009 | Mega Man
Ryuusei no Rockman Official Complete Works is coming soon. Coming the end of this month! While it may not be your favorite series, it's still exciting to have another huge book full of Mega Man artwork. Capcom of Japan's online store e-Capcom has unvealed the cover of...

GameSide Magazine with Exclusive Ariga Rockman 9 Pinup
Mar 5, 2009 | Mega Man
Japanese magazine GameSide celebrated the release of Rockman 9 with an awesome pin up done by the talented Hitoshi Ariga. It features Rockman, Blues and the Robot Masters of the game. The artwork is a two page spread, and limited to 2,000 copies of the issue. (I...

Dead Rising: Buster All You Can Muster
Mar 3, 2009 | Mega Man
We recently learned that, at the very least, Roll Caskett's costume is in the recently-released Capcom title Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop, which would allow for war journalist Frank West to dress up as the 14-year old girl. After which, the world collectively...

Rumor: Return of MegaMan NT Warrior & Star Force Anime Online
Mar 3, 2009 | Mega Man
Recently, I lamented my inability to see the Mega Man Star Force anime, as a result of it being confined to the US-only and now-defunct Toonami Jetstream website, with the DVDs only being available in Europe's Region 2. However, it seems that there may still be hope...

Mega Man 2, as Told by The Adventures of Duane & BrandO
Mar 1, 2009 | Community Developments
The Hip-Hop/Experimental musical duo of Duane & BrandO have applied their own brand of lyrics to several classic NES tunes, including songs from Super Mario Bros., Final Fantasy, Double Dragon, Battletoads, The Legend of Zelda, and the SEGA Genesis classic Sonic the...

When is a Commercial Not a Commercial?
Feb 28, 2009 | Mega Man
Possibly when Germany has an ad for Mega Man 4. The only problem here (besides the odd robot interstitials) is that the footage is mostly from Mega Man 2: Oh well. It still beats the "he's called the Blue Bomber because he's BLUE" spots. News Credit: Protodude's...

MegaMan Star Force 3 Release Date: June
Feb 27, 2009 | Mega Man
That's right, June. According to Joystiq's recent article covering Nintendo listing several release dates for Wii/DS games, MegaMan Star Force 3 Black Ace and Red Joker are slated for a June release as opposed to the much rumoured August one. While no specific date...

Five things Legends 3 must have
Feb 27, 2009 | Articles
Mega Man Legends 3 fever is buzzing, folks. More and more you hear people asking about the title, and with last year's release of Mega Man 9, support for the revival of Legends is beginning to boil over. I don't see how Capcom can go on as the cries of hungry wolves...

Yet another call out for Legends 3
Feb 26, 2009 | Mega Man
More petitioning to Capcom for Mega Man Legends 3, this time coming from gaming blog Scrawl, where one Sal feels Capcom should be focusing on the sought after continuation instead of other franchise sequels like the recently announced Dead Rising 2 and Lost Planet 2....

So, Just How Much Do You Like Roll Caskett?
Feb 25, 2009 | Mega Man
This would be a picture perfect example of being careful of what you wish for. Or, at least, how you wish for it. I've been clear before that I hope Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop for the Wii would have a Mega Man costume, just as the Xbox 360 version did....

So, Just How Much Do You Like Ciel?
Feb 24, 2009 | Community Developments, Mega Man
Recently uncovered in a Yahoo! Auction is an ultra-rare piece of merchandise in the form of a Rockman/Mega Man Zero telephone card. It features an original picture of Ciel by series artist Toru Nakayama that you are probably not going to find anywhere else (and if you...

Capcom considers more DS titles
Feb 24, 2009 | Mega Man
As reported by Siliconera, Capcom's Q&A conference call for the third quarter of the fiscal year reveals the company is considering more DS titles besides the Ace Attorney game currently in the works. I was a little surprised to realize that, despite the great success...

CoroCoro doesn’t deliver
Feb 14, 2009 | Mega Man
While I haven't seen it for myself, sources tell me that the latest installment of CoroCoro offers no announcement of any new Rockman title; simply just secret boss info and such for Ryuusei no Rockman 3. Furthermore, no such promise is given for the next issue's...

FANMADE: Why Legends 3 Needs to Be Made on Wii
Feb 13, 2009 | Articles
Awhile back, we posted a link to one fan's article about why the Wii is a perfect fit for MegaMan Legends. Now, we've received a link from a fan named "Main Finger" which leads to an editorial about "Why MegaMan Legends 3 Needs to be Made (and why it should be for...
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