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RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Ryuusei no Rockman Official Complete Works is out. People are buying it. And if you've been wanting to check out what the book holds, we've got some exclusive photos of the contents to show you. The book is pretty standard as far as the Official Complete Works series...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Get sneaky with Mega Man sneakers from PUMA

PUMA Online Store has a rather new sneaker listing named 917 Lo Mega! This new sneaker, based on Mega Man's unmistakable shades of blue, is now available for Men at the price of $65 USD. Available in Royal-Angel Blue (or Mega Man Blue) or Black (Plug Man's copy Mega...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Toron ni Kobun Promo – Inafune Hugs Servbot

How can there be any doubt that this man loves Mega Man Legends? Just watch this video promotion for Toron ni Kobun, better known here as The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, and watch how he holds that Servbot doll. See how protective he is over it? He wants no one near...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

i + Mega Man 2 = Mega Man 2 on iPhone

If you're one of those people who just needs to have Mega Man games on every electronic device possible, and you have an iPhone or an iPod Touch, Mega Man 2 is now available for your downloading pleasure. Five dollars grants you the full game with touch screen...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

RnROCW slips out early

Ryuusei no Rocman Official Complete Works is coming soon. Very soon. In fact it's out already, at least at Amazon JP, where it went on sale on the 26th, four days prior to the announced release date. My copy is already on its way, and I couldn't be more pleased....

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Anime Insider Closes with Mega Man Cover

Earlier today, I discovered some sad news as I made my usual daily round to Topless Robot (no, there isn't any hardcore Roll or Alia action... under normal circumstances, anyway). It seems that the longtime Wizard publication, Anime Insider magazine, has...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Mega Man comes to iGoogle

Looked in my inbox today to find some mail from Capcom's PR.  You can now use Mega Man and Street Fighter themes to customize your iGoogle page, if you're savvy on all that. Check out the links in the mail segment below to automatically swap your theme. We’re excited...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Frost Man’s Stage Theme – Beta Version

If you've played Mega Man 8, then you're probably only too familiar with the theme music from Frost Man's stage... particularly if you weren't very good at the infamous "Jump! Jump! Slide! Slide!" snowboarding section. However, were you aware that in the early goings...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Downloadable Game Boy/Advance Games Coming to DSi

This past weekend, Nintendo held a special preview event for Club Nintendo Gold and Platinum members to come and check out the Nintendo DSi, and from the event comes some good news-- particularly if you're still a little sore at Capcom never getting around to...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Mystery of Mega Man 9 Continues to Elude…

Work to discover the mysterious secret of Mega Man 9 continues, and it seems that despite all of the many things that have been found-- many of which even Capcom's own Seth Killian himself didn't know of-- the one in question has yet to surface. One member of the...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

More Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Rumors

Just a quick note: Over at Kombo, it's been reported that there are some telling signs at the Shoryuken forums which may hint at a possible re-release of Marvel vs. Capcom 2: Hint number 1: * Marvel vs Capcom 2 * Game version: TBA, DC as fallback. * Game Settings:...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Rockman Complete Works Promo Reel

By now, we all know about the collection of Mega Man Classic titles released in North America several years ago under the title Mega Man Anniversary Collection. Japan never got this game, but they did, however, get the first six NES Rockman games re-released on the...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

GameStop says MMSF3 due June 9th

If you stop by, you can find Mega Man Star Force 3 Black Ace and Red Joker available for preorder and set to ship on June 9th. Of course this is a tentative date, having not been confirmed by Capcom, but it also seems like a pretty reasonable time frame...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Suikoden Tierkreis Releases in North America

Suikoden Tierkreis released in stores on March 17th, 2009.  The tenth game in the franchise, it's the first one to grace the Nintendo DS and second game to be on a Nintendo system. Here's a bit more on the game, from Konami's official Suikoden Tierkreis page:...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Mega Man 2 in 3D

...kind of. We've heard some say that "Mega Man Classic couldn't work in 3D," but apparently one avid fan from Sweden, Peter Sjostrand, has found a way to make it work. Titled Mega Man 2.5D, this video shows a single player demo of a 2D Mega Man going through a world...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Batch of PSOne games coming to PSN

In a thread on Capcom Unity, Christian "Sven" Svensson confirmed that a new wave of PSOne (PSX, PS1) games are coming to the PlayStation Network's "PSOne Classics" collection.  While he couldn't confirm which ones are coming, he details that these are only the first...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Re-Listed by ESRB for PS3, 360

Over on our affiliate Protodude's Rockman Corner, Protodude has discovered that the ESRB re-listed Marvel vs. Capcom 2 as a game for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 back in October. Prior to this, he happened upon an interview with one of Capcom USA's chief muckamucks,...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom vs. America: It’s Not Over Yet!

For those of you still holding your breath for Capcom to release its arcade/Wii fighter Tatsunoko vs. Capcom here in the West... good lord! You should get to a hospital, pronto! But before you go, you should probably know that your oxygen-refuting efforts have not...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Capcom pats our heads, lets us know MM9 did well

There has been some speculation and reasoning towards how well Mega Man 9 fared in the sales. Today, an interview on Destructoid with Capcom's Seth Killian lets us know Capcom is happy about how the game has done. As Destructoid's Jonathan Holmes asks: D: While on the...

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Ariga plans “Rockman Development Secrets” in next Megamix

Hitoshi Ariga, creator of the Rockman Megamix manga series, recently updated his blog, apologizing over not talking about the new Megamix in the works for a while and announcing a feature he intends to include. It is a special digest called "Rockman Development...