TMMN Staff

Get equipped with laser eyes
Apr 16, 2009 | Mega Man
Maybe Mega Man 2 is too hard for you. Maybe you can't get past Quick Man's laser beams, or Heat Man's lava pits, or you just can't beat Air Man. If that's the case, this hack may be for you. The Nintendo emulator FCEUX has a special scripting plugin called Lua, which...

More Mega Ran in the Capcom*Unity
Apr 15, 2009 | Community Developments
If you can't get enough of Mega Man fan and rappin' star Random of Mega Ran, then you may want to check out his latest interview with Capcom's Seth Killian at the Capcom*Unity. Within, he discusses his reaction to first hearing about Mega Man 9, his hip-hop...

Mega Man Star Force 3 English Footage? (Updated)
Apr 14, 2009 | Mega Man
Two videos of what appears to be the North American version of Mega Man Star Force 3: Black Ace seem to have surfaced on YouTube. These don't seem to be trailers, but rather user-created footage... or half-footage, since the bottom screen is MIA. Of course, how anyone...

CoroCoro Update – little else, really
Apr 14, 2009 | Mega Man
A few days ago we broke the story of Clock Genius announced as the winner of the Rockman boss character contest held in CoroCoro. However, the image that accompanied the news was small and a little hard to make out. However, we've now gotten word from MMN viewer...

Bleep Bloop Looks at Mega Man
Apr 11, 2009 | Community Developments
The chaps over at College Humor's Bleep Bloop series delve into the world of Mega Man: Watch Bleep Bloop: Mega Man 22nd-ish Anniversary Celebration on CollegeHumor Of course, this only covers the Classic series. Which leaves us to wonder what they might have to say...

CoroCoro Boss Contest Winner: Clock Genius
Apr 11, 2009 | Mega Man
It appears the winner of CoroCoro boss character contest held earlier thisyear has been revealed on 2ch, a character known as Clock Genius, created by one Gotou-san. Details are of course scarce, since our only lead is the included image. However, from the sounds of...

Rockman 5: Wily’s Dream Space Released
Apr 10, 2009 | Community Developments, Mega Man
Remember how back in the day Mega Man 5 used to be tough to beat, but nowadays it's one of the easiest games to best in the franchise (unless you do some crazy No Charge Shot/Slide challenge, among others) without much effort? Always wanted one of the most favoured of... Promotes SGC, Mega Man 2 Style
Apr 10, 2009 | Community Developments has released the latest trailer for their upcoming ScrewAttack Gaming Convention, and in order to do so and introduce one of their special guests, they took a few cues from the NES classic, Mega Man 2: Seems like a good fit to me. Well, sort of; I...

GameStop Delays MegaMan Star Force 3 Release
Apr 8, 2009 | Mega Man
Unfortunate news for fans of Geo Stelar and his band of merry FMians, as GameStop has unfortunately pushed back their pre-order release dates for the third entry in the MegaMan Star Force series. Now, rather than showing a June 9th release, their page instead...

Mega Man Spoils Shredder’s Party with His Robot Dog
Apr 7, 2009 | Community Developments
Here's a funny little piece from College Humor, a sort of rap video (complete with language, hints of drug use, etc., so be warned) about Shredder throwing this party down at the Technodrome. All these robot characters begin to show up, and, well... see for yourself,...

8-bit Mega Man cookie is 8-bit (and yummy)
Apr 7, 2009 | Mega Man
Over at GoNintendo, I caught this time lapse video of an entrepreneurial cook creating an enormous, 8-bit Mega Man cookie, pixel by pixel. The end result of three hours work is amazing, but would you really be able to eat such careful craftsmanship? (Yes) All I know...

Real Operation Really in English? For Real?
Apr 7, 2009 | Community Developments, Mega Man
No, this isn't an April Fools joke. You've already seen what we do for those >_> No what we have here is an actual in progress English patch of Rockman EXE 4.5, which is one of the few titles in the Battle Network series that has not been released outside of Japan....

Mega Man Joining Video Games Live
Apr 4, 2009 | Community Developments
Well, this is certainly embarrassing; I thought that we had already covered this bit of news, but following a tip from reader Windsor Genesis and a search through our archives-- nothing. So I guess this isn't so much "new" as it is "information," but nonetheless, I...

Struttin’ the PUMA Lo Megas
Apr 4, 2009 | Mega Man
When I came over to The Mega Man Network, I never figured my work would take me into the realm of modeling. But unique situations call for unique actions. After seeing our initial report on PUMA's footwear homage to Mega Man, Being a man with the confidence to walk...

Dark Void Composer Revealed
Apr 3, 2009 | Other News
With little surprise, the mysterious composer teased in Capcom Unity's April Fool's Day Dark Void joke is none other than huge Mega Man fan Bear McCreary. Best known for his works on the recently ended Battlestar Galactica and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles,...

Due to Popular Demand, MMN is Back!
Apr 1, 2009 | Site Developments
Alright, everyone, you win. Since apparently there are some people who still like Mega Man, despite what Capcom has (or hasn't) been doing with it lately, we've decided to revert things back to the way they were. In all seriousness, though, I was actually surprised at...

Ariga’s April Fools’ gag
Apr 1, 2009 | Mega Man
Manga artist and devout Rockman otaku Hitoshi Ariga has been working on a new Rockman Megamix, as we know. However, it is (or was, rather) also April Fools' Day in Japan. So to stay in the spirit of the day, Ariga wrote up this very unfortunate news concerning the new...

The MMN is No More; Long Live MMN! Woo-hoo!
Mar 31, 2009 | Site Developments
A new age has dawned here at MMN; we are no longer the same site you once knew, as a radical change has taken hold: The Mega Man Network is no more; long live The Mega Mario Network! For too long, we've had to endure the mishandling and shortsightedness Capcom has...

X9 announced a day early
Mar 31, 2009 | Mega Man
It appears the Mega Man revivals won't end. I just got this hot tip from MMN viewer Heal Berry about Mega Man X9, and after being unable to validate it from any gaming news website, blog or BBS, I have to admit, I'm pretty convinced! I mean, it's not like it's April...

Udon splitting R20?
Mar 30, 2009 | Mega Man
A peek over at Udon Entertainment's schedule shows something very interesting. As we know, Udon announced at their Otakon panel that they had just signed the paperwork to translate and publish R20, a huge art book containing classic and X series art. So, here we are...
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