TMMN Staff

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Mega Man Joining Video Games Live

Well, this is certainly embarrassing; I thought that we had already covered this bit of news, but following a tip from reader Windsor Genesis and a search through our archives-- nothing. So I guess this isn't so much "new" as it is "information," but nonetheless, I...

Real Operation Really in English?  For Real?

Struttin’ the PUMA Lo Megas

When I came over to The Mega Man Network, I never figured my work would take me into the realm of modeling. But unique situations call for unique actions. After seeing our initial report on PUMA's footwear homage to Mega Man, Being a man with the confidence to walk...

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Dark Void Composer Revealed

With little surprise, the mysterious composer teased in Capcom Unity's April Fool's Day Dark Void joke is none other than huge Mega Man fan Bear McCreary.  Best known for his works on the recently ended Battlestar Galactica and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles,...

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Due to Popular Demand, MMN is Back!

Alright, everyone, you win. Since apparently there are some people who still like Mega Man, despite what Capcom has (or hasn't) been doing with it lately, we've decided to revert things back to the way they were. In all seriousness, though, I was actually surprised at...

Real Operation Really in English?  For Real?

Ariga’s April Fools’ gag

Manga artist and devout Rockman otaku Hitoshi Ariga has been working on a new Rockman Megamix, as we know. However, it is (or was, rather) also April Fools' Day in Japan. So to stay in the spirit of the day, Ariga wrote up this very unfortunate news concerning the new...

Real Operation Really in English?  For Real?

The MMN is No More; Long Live MMN! Woo-hoo!

A new age has dawned here at MMN; we are no longer the same site you once knew, as a radical change has taken hold: The Mega Man Network is no more; long live The Mega Mario Network! For too long, we've had to endure the mishandling and shortsightedness Capcom has...

Real Operation Really in English?  For Real?

X9 announced a day early

It appears the Mega Man revivals won't end. I just got this hot tip from MMN viewer Heal Berry about Mega Man X9, and after being unable to validate it from any gaming news website, blog or BBS, I have to admit, I'm pretty convinced! I mean, it's not like it's April...

Real Operation Really in English?  For Real?

Udon splitting R20?

A peek over at Udon Entertainment's schedule shows something very interesting. As we know, Udon announced at their Otakon panel that they had just signed the paperwork to translate and publish R20, a huge art book containing classic and X series art. So, here we are...

Real Operation Really in English?  For Real?

RnROCW: The look you’ve been waiting for

Ryuusei no Rockman Official Complete Works is out. People are buying it. And if you've been wanting to check out what the book holds, we've got some exclusive photos of the contents to show you. The book is pretty standard as far as the Official Complete Works series...

Real Operation Really in English?  For Real?

Get sneaky with Mega Man sneakers from PUMA

PUMA Online Store has a rather new sneaker listing named 917 Lo Mega! This new sneaker, based on Mega Man's unmistakable shades of blue, is now available for Men at the price of $65 USD. Available in Royal-Angel Blue (or Mega Man Blue) or Black (Plug Man's copy Mega...

Real Operation Really in English?  For Real?

Toron ni Kobun Promo – Inafune Hugs Servbot

How can there be any doubt that this man loves Mega Man Legends? Just watch this video promotion for Toron ni Kobun, better known here as The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, and watch how he holds that Servbot doll. See how protective he is over it? He wants no one near...

Real Operation Really in English?  For Real?

i + Mega Man 2 = Mega Man 2 on iPhone

If you're one of those people who just needs to have Mega Man games on every electronic device possible, and you have an iPhone or an iPod Touch, Mega Man 2 is now available for your downloading pleasure. Five dollars grants you the full game with touch screen...

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RnROCW slips out early

Ryuusei no Rocman Official Complete Works is coming soon. Very soon. In fact it's out already, at least at Amazon JP, where it went on sale on the 26th, four days prior to the announced release date. My copy is already on its way, and I couldn't be more pleased....

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Anime Insider Closes with Mega Man Cover

Earlier today, I discovered some sad news as I made my usual daily round to Topless Robot (no, there isn't any hardcore Roll or Alia action... under normal circumstances, anyway). It seems that the longtime Wizard publication, Anime Insider magazine, has...

Real Operation Really in English?  For Real?

Mega Man comes to iGoogle

Looked in my inbox today to find some mail from Capcom's PR.  You can now use Mega Man and Street Fighter themes to customize your iGoogle page, if you're savvy on all that. Check out the links in the mail segment below to automatically swap your theme. We’re excited...

Real Operation Really in English?  For Real?

Frost Man’s Stage Theme – Beta Version

If you've played Mega Man 8, then you're probably only too familiar with the theme music from Frost Man's stage... particularly if you weren't very good at the infamous "Jump! Jump! Slide! Slide!" snowboarding section. However, were you aware that in the early goings...

Real Operation Really in English?  For Real?

Downloadable Game Boy/Advance Games Coming to DSi

This past weekend, Nintendo held a special preview event for Club Nintendo Gold and Platinum members to come and check out the Nintendo DSi, and from the event comes some good news-- particularly if you're still a little sore at Capcom never getting around to...

Real Operation Really in English?  For Real?

Mystery of Mega Man 9 Continues to Elude…

Work to discover the mysterious secret of Mega Man 9 continues, and it seems that despite all of the many things that have been found-- many of which even Capcom's own Seth Killian himself didn't know of-- the one in question has yet to surface. One member of the...

Real Operation Really in English?  For Real?

More Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Rumors

Just a quick note: Over at Kombo, it's been reported that there are some telling signs at the Shoryuken forums which may hint at a possible re-release of Marvel vs. Capcom 2: Hint number 1: * Marvel vs Capcom 2 * Game version: TBA, DC as fallback. * Game Settings:...