TMMN Staff

ScrewAttack Honors the Mega Buster
Jul 4, 2009 | Community Developments
The guys at have recently chosen to pay tribute to one of Mega Man's many, many weapons by inducting none other than the old faithful standard, the Mega Buster, into their "Armory," where it joins other iconic video game weaponry as Contra's Spread...

Interview with SF3 producer Horinouchi, quick mention of Operate Shooting Star
Jul 2, 2009 | Mega Man
For those of you currently enjoying Mega Man Star Force 3, you may want to head over to a GameTrailers interview with the series producer Takeshi Horinouchi, where he curtly discusses his likes in the gaming industry, his hobbies and other tidbits. He also makes a...

Mysterious Tatsunoko vs Capcom Poll
Jul 1, 2009 | Community Developments, Mega Man
Capcom Unity has a strange poll up right now, asking which Tatsunoko and which Capcom character you like best. While Seth isn't exactly forthcoming on what the poll is about, Capcom's impending appearance at Anime Expo might have something to do with this. Of course,...

Maverick Hunter X & Powered Up on their way to PSN
Jul 1, 2009 | Mega Man
According to, a number of PS1 and PSP Capcom titles will be headed to the PlayStation Network, starting tomorrow with Capcom Classics Collection Remixed. While we don't know when the specific release dates are, Mega Man: Powered Up and Mega Man:...

Wiki Registration Temporarily Closed
Jun 30, 2009 | Site Developments
Sorry, folks. Due to some people thinking that our wiki, The Mega Man Universe is the place to peddle viagra, cialis, levitra, and other stuff that sounds like it belongs in the back of a Dungeons & Dragons magic user's guide, we are temporarily shutting down...

Star Force 3 Important Contest Update
Jun 30, 2009 | Site Developments
As all of you know, the Mega Man Star Force contest was supposed to end tonight. I'm very pleased with the massive amount of entries we have received so far. All the entries are fantastic. However, I need to announce a scheduling change. I've had a death in the family...

Very Odd French Mega Man 2 Ad
Jun 30, 2009 | Community Developments
Forum member Enker PMed me yesterday afternoon with a very cool, but weird MM2 video. More after the jump. It was actually a commercial for the French release of Mega Man 2. He was nice enough to upload it to his Youtube account, so check it out: Translation: Mario:...

Star Force 3 Pick-Up Reminder
Jun 30, 2009 | Community Developments, Mega Man
Hopefully, most of you catch this before you go out, today. Because the Star Force games are not first party games (Like Mario & Pokemon are to Nintendo or Halo is to Microsoft), and also because they don't generate insane amounts of hype (like Grand Theft Auto...

Yet more Star Force 3 boss battles, and a last boss spoiler (hidden)
Jun 27, 2009 | Mega Man
With Mega Man Star Force 3 Black Ace and Red Joker coming out next week, Capcom is eager to show off yet more awesome action from the game. In the above video, you'll see Mega Man taking on a handful of bosses while using various attacks and Noise Changes....

Star Force Contest reminder
Jun 27, 2009 | Contests, Site Developments
Just a small reminder to our community out there! Our Star Force contest will be ending soon. Entries need to be in by June 30th. So if you want to enter to win a copy of the game, as well at the SF complete works and the DS package Capcom Unity provided, you better...

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 retail pack spotted on Gamestop
Jun 24, 2009 | Mega Man
With the impending release of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 on PSN and XBLA, you'd think that Capcom would stop at advertising it everywhere. Enter Gamestop, who have now added a PS3 version of the game's retail pack. Hold on now, the game isn't coming out in disk format. ...

Download PSN version of Rockman 9 and you might win Rockman
Jun 24, 2009 | Mega Man
While we reported on this previously, more details have popped up about that ad. Courtesy of andriasang's translation, the contest from June 24th (today) until July 8th requires downloading the game for a chance to win one of the 30 prize packs they're offering: A...

Speculation Train: Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star
Jun 23, 2009 | Articles, Mega Man
All aboard the choo-choo, boys and girls. It's time to get speculatin'! Sometimes I don't know why I do this to myself, since it's become a bit hard to predict what Capcom is doing with Mega Man lately. But I have to admit it's fun too. It's kind of like gambling, but...

u-Capcom, Daletto World coming to an end
Jun 23, 2009 | Mega Man
As read on CAPKobun, Daletto World will be ending its service in Japan on September 29th. The online environment, which allowed users to interact with paper-cutout avatars, was a joint effort between Capcom of Japan and Dwango, and headed up by Keiji Inafune, who took...

Star Force 3 off the air in Europe?
Jun 22, 2009 | Mega Man
As we near closer to the release of Mega Man Star Force 3 in North America, something had seemed funny to me. There have been no formal announcements of Star Force 3 coming out in the European region. Sure it's true that Mega Man games tend to arrive to Europe delayed...

Star Force 3 demo available on Nintendo Channel
Jun 22, 2009 | Mega Man
If you're itching to try out Mega Man Star Force 3 and you also have a Nintendo Wii, you can download a demo of the game from the Wii's Nintendo Channel onto your DS starting today. The demo will be available until the 28th, this Sunday. The demo contains five...

Battle Network/Star Force crossover announced
Jun 21, 2009 | Mega Man
During this weekend at the World Hobby Fair in Japan, Capcom announced the Battle Network/Star Force crossover "Rockman EXE: Operate Shooting Star" for the Nintendo DS. Scarce details are known at this point, but it's expected to be a data action RPG that will...

The Fathers of Mega Man
Jun 21, 2009 | Articles, Featured
It's Father's Day, a time to acknowledge, admire, and appreciate the paternal figures in one's life. And as it happens, the Mega Man franchise is chock-full of such figures. In fact, just about anyone with "Dr." in their names pretty much counts! So join us as we look...

For those of you in Japan…
Jun 20, 2009 | Contests, Mega Man, Other News
While cruising the Japanese PlayStation Store from my PS3 earlier, I noticed a curious advertisement about the forthcoming release of Rockman 9... More about this after the jump. It seems there's some sort of "present campaign" as the banner indicates. It's for a...

Mega Man shirt up for a vote at Split Reason
Jun 20, 2009 | Mega Man
Split Reason, an apparel site for "geeks and gamers," as they put it, is letting viewers vote on a Mega Man themed design candidate for potential production. Saying "Happens to the best of us," this design really does capture the feeling we all tend to come across now...
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