TMMN Staff

Words Cannot Describe these Rockman Figures
Aug 4, 2009 | Mega Man
Just when you thought things didn't get any cooler than Dimension Driver's limited edition Rockman and Roll figures, Atelier-Sai has to come along and make these magnificent works of art. As seen in the photo on the right, Zero and two of the four Guardians have been...

Mega Man Papered Up
Aug 4, 2009 | Community Developments
Papercraft is awesome; this is an indisputable scientific fact. Dr. Cossack wanted to be a renegade, and tried to disprove it. Now look at him. And now, in the late doctor's absence, a new papercraft featuring the Powered Up version of the Blue Bomber, as seen at...

A Look at the Neo Geo Pocket
Aug 3, 2009 | Community Developments
No doubt, many of you are familiar with much of the vast array of handhelds and consoles on which the Blue Bomber has appeared. Those from Nintendo, SEGA, Sony, and even Microsoft. And then, there's the Neo Geo Pocket. The Neo Geo Pocket is a device less familiar to...

The MMN Antarctic Megapaluza
Aug 1, 2009 | Site Developments
At The Mega Man Network, we like to think that we're doing an okay job of delivering various Mega Man news, information, and media to the world. But, if you were to look at our Clustrmap on the right-hand side of the page, you'll notice that we seem to be bringing in...

Gaga Man 9 Wily Machine Music
Jul 30, 2009 | Community Developments
I don't really know who Lady Gaga is-- her name sounds like a broken transmission in Bionic Commando to me. But apparently, she's a musician of some kind whose presence has managed to permeate the mainstream to a significant degree. At least, that's the gist I get...

Syl’s E-Can Refill 01: Mega Man and Clothing
Jul 30, 2009 | Articles, Syl's E-Tank Refill
No, this is not a rant about how Mega Man is always in underwear... This is about actual clothes with Mega Man inspired clothes. I was ready to blast how corny and foul MM clothing is and how you'll probably get laughed at in public if you're seen wearing it. Then I...

Mega Man Megamix Pre-Order on Amazon
Jul 30, 2009 | Mega Man
Not even letting the dust settle from the pre-order announcement of "Mega Man: Complete History", we have another piece of bad news for your wallet. Get ready to throw your hands up in celebration. Hitoshi Ariga's "Rockman Megamix" manga is finally coming to the U.S....

TheSpeedGamers to take on Mega Man on August 14th, 72 hour marathon awaits!
Jul 29, 2009 | Community Developments
TheSpeedGamers have announced that their next gaming marathon will take place on August 14th and they will do so while playing everyone's favorite blue robot: Mega Man! In an effort to raise money for Earth Day, they'll be running through what is suspected to be as...

Mega Man Complete History: Image Version
Jul 29, 2009 | Community Developments
Hot on the heels of the "Mega Man: Complete History" announcement and the Mario Game Family Line, Destructoid member megaStryke took it upon himself to make one for the Mega Man franchise. Unlike the Mario image, this one simply lists games per release year. It's...

“Mega Man: Complete History” Available for Pre-Order
Jul 29, 2009 | Mega Man
Have you ever wanted to know all about the history of Mega Man? Would you like to read about the series' conception and how one little blue robot became a videogame icon in extreme detail? Well, you're in luck! Right now, Barnes & Noble is taking pre-orders for...

Rockman 3: The Early Years
Jul 28, 2009 | Mega Man
We've heard Mega Man creator discuss how Mega Man 3 is one of his least-favorite games in the series, due mainly to the team's inability to do everything with it that they had hoped before the product had to ship. Nonetheless, development of the title still saw some...

Super Mega Man?
Jul 27, 2009 | Mega Man
Ah, memories. Once upon a time, as the Super Nintendo Entertainment System was in its infancy, there was no Mega Man X, only Mega Man, and with heroes like Mario and Simon Belmont making the leap to Nintendo's 16-bit platform, I don't think any of us at the time...

What is Inti Creates up to?
Jul 27, 2009 | Articles, Other News
For this decade, which is swiftly coming to a close, Inti Creates has been a major component to the Mega Man franchise. Starting in 2002 they developed the Mega Man Zero series with Capcom and then followed with Mega Man ZX. They were also behind the unexceptionally...

Meteor Crimson Battle hits Nintendo Channel
Jul 27, 2009 | Mega Man
For you Mega Man Star Force 3 owners, you can grab the special card Meteor Crimson Battle from the Wii's Nintendo Channel this week. This powerful giga class card summons the game's last boss to dish out some severe damage to your enemies. Yeah, it is kind of a game...

Blue Cuff Link Bomber!
Jul 26, 2009 | Community Developments
Handmade item marketplace Etsy has an interesting new entry on their site: Mega Man Cufflinks. That's right, you can spiff up your sexy blue suits with the Blue Bomber keeping your sleeves in check! Made by member TheClayCollection, these cufflinks will set you back...

What’s Next for Mega Man?
Jul 25, 2009 | Mega Man
A question and answer panel with Capcom happened at this year's Comic Con. A young lad spoke for all of us when he asked, "What's next for Mega Man?" Though Capcom originally tried to direct the child's attention to Mega Man Star Force 3, Seth Killian decided to step...

The Final Mega Man 9 Secret?
Jul 22, 2009 | Mega Man
Has the final Mega Man 9 secret been discovered? Probably not, but this is a pretty neat Easter Egg nonetheless. First, observe the following screenshot from Mega Man 9. Take note of the circled area: Next, check out this screen from the opening of Mega Man 4, which...

Mega M–err, Rockman to be available as a new entry in the PSN Game Archives
Jul 22, 2009 | Mega Man
We all know about the raffle prize Sony and Capcom did to commemorate the launch of Rockman 9 on PSN in Japan. Now we'll all have a chance to play as the Blue Bomber in the Complete Works version of Rockman 1, releasing on August 12th 2009 for Japan's PlayStation...

“The Secret Life of Mega Man” Post-Otakon Report
Jul 21, 2009 | Community Developments
For the second year running, we are proud to announce that the second "OtaRockman" Mega Man panel at Otakon, held at 12:45pm on Saturday, July 18th, was a success. This was thanks in part to the Otakon staff moving us to a larger room than the workshop room we filled...

The Misadventures of Tron Bonne turns 10
Jul 21, 2009 | Mega Man
During the short but remarkable run of the Mega Man Legends series, Capcom took a break between the two major titles to release a curious game focusing on a series antagonist instead of a protagonist. 10 years ago, on July 22nd, 1999, that game released in Japan as...
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