TMMN Staff

Super Mega Man?

Super Mega Man?

Ah, memories. Once upon a time, as the Super Nintendo Entertainment System was in its infancy, there was no Mega Man X, only Mega Man, and with heroes like Mario and Simon Belmont making the leap to Nintendo's 16-bit platform, I don't think any of us at the time...

Super Mega Man?

What is Inti Creates up to?

For this decade, which is swiftly coming to a close, Inti Creates has been a major component to the Mega Man franchise. Starting in 2002 they developed the Mega Man Zero series with Capcom and then followed with Mega Man ZX. They were also behind the unexceptionally...

Super Mega Man?

Meteor Crimson Battle hits Nintendo Channel

For you Mega Man Star Force 3 owners, you can grab the special card Meteor Crimson Battle from the Wii's Nintendo Channel this week. This powerful giga class card summons the game's last boss to dish out some severe damage to your enemies. Yeah, it is kind of a game...

Super Mega Man?

Blue Cuff Link Bomber!

Handmade item marketplace Etsy has an interesting new entry on their site: Mega Man Cufflinks.  That's right, you can spiff up your sexy blue suits with the Blue Bomber keeping your sleeves in check! Made by member TheClayCollection, these cufflinks will set you back...

Super Mega Man?

What’s Next for Mega Man?

A question and answer panel with Capcom happened at this year's Comic Con. A young lad spoke for all of us when he asked, "What's next for Mega Man?" Though Capcom originally tried to direct the child's attention to Mega Man Star Force 3, Seth Killian decided to step...

Super Mega Man?

The Final Mega Man 9 Secret?

Has the final Mega Man 9 secret been discovered? Probably not, but this is a pretty neat Easter Egg nonetheless. First, observe the following screenshot from Mega Man 9. Take note of the circled area: Next, check out this screen from the opening of Mega Man 4, which...

Super Mega Man?

The Misadventures of Tron Bonne turns 10

During the short but remarkable run of the Mega Man Legends series, Capcom took a break between the two major titles to release a curious game focusing on a series antagonist instead of a protagonist. 10 years ago, on July 22nd, 1999, that game released in Japan as...

Super Mega Man?

Syl’s E-Can Refill 00: The Introduction

So, I was finally allowed to wreak havoc on the site and claim it as my own, damning it for all eternity have my own critic column, attacking carefully analyzing the Mega Man franchise. It's called Syl's E-Can Refill. Can't you tell how awesome it'll be by the...

Super Mega Man?

3 More Custom Mega Man Action Figures

Looks like Jin Saotome is at it again! Previously, we posted about custom-made Mega Man and Proto Man figures that were sold on eBay. Now three more have been added to the set! You can find Snake Man (pictured on the right), Heat Man, and Zero up for auction on Jin's...

Super Mega Man?

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Spotlight: Iron Man vs. Mega Man

For you Marvel vs. Capcom 2 fans, Capcom has released the fourth episode of their spotlight teasers, this one featuring Iron Man and Mega Man. I'm not entirely sure what's happening here. I could guess that Mega Man accidentally stumbled upon Iron Man's lair, and...

Super Mega Man?

Seth Killian still dancing around MM9 secret

It should be no surprise that Capcom's Seth Killian is keeping quiet on MM9's "secret." There's no reason to even keep posting about it. But I am, just to keep the issue fresh in all of your minds and make you angry. As long as this has gone on, I'm really beginning...

Super Mega Man?

Soundtrack coming with first print of RockRock/IHX value pack

Yes, yes, we already reported about the Rockman Rockman/Irregular Hunter X value pack and its included soundtrack releasing in Japan. But back then we didn't know how the bonus soundtrack would be handled. Today e-Capcom makes it clear: the soundtrack is coming with...

Super Mega Man?

Mega Man 2 iPhone Updated

Hot on the heels of a 1.0 rating from IGN and criticism from fans, Capcom has published a much needed updated for the iPhone version of Mega Man 2.  According to Capcom Unity's Snow Infernus, the game sports new on-screen controls and a few other additions. Source:...

Super Mega Man?

No plans for Legends on PSN yet

We do know that Mega Man games for PlayStation are on their way to the PlayStation Network for download. Unfortunately, the Legends series isn't among them so far. Over at the Capcom-Unity forums, Christian Svensson had this to say about the fate of delivering the...

Super Mega Man?

Off to Otakon and The Secret Life of Mega Man

On my way out the door to Otakon, where Tabby and I, along with Terra of and Ryouko of Rockman.EXE Online, will be part of a panel called "The Secret Life of Mega Man." The panel is currently slated for 12:30pm on Saturday, but these things have a way...

Super Mega Man?

PSP Rockman/Rockman X value pack, plus original soundtrack

Coming up on September 17th, a PSP value pack containing both the PSP games Rockman Rockman and Irregular Hunter X will go on sale. What's more, according to this Rakuten shop, the pack will contain a special bonus to preorders: an original soundtrack. The value pack...