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Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

Pretty straight forward post title, right? OK, guys. Here's the deal: Remember Mega Ran? The guy combining Mega Man and hip-hop flawlessly? He needs our help with something that could be beneficial to video game music on a grand scale. He's trying to get on a panel at...

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

Ippo Yamada potentially working on new Rockman soundtrack

Famed Rockman composer Ippo Yamada, who has been involved with the music for the Zero series, ZX series, and Mega Man 9, among others, may be working on a new Rockman soundtrack. Thing is, all we know is he's working on his next CD, with no other particular details...

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

So, How Much Did the Mega Man Marathon Raise?

The SpeedGamers' recent Mega Man Marathon would appear to have been a complete success for the group. They sought to raise $7,000 to support, and not only met the goal, but surpassed it with a grand total of $7,011.01 from 262 contributors. ...wait, one...

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

Orioto Revisits Mega Man in the Crystal Catacomb

Deviant Artist Orioto, who has become well known for what people describe as "HD artwork" depicting classic gaming scenes through highly-detailed pieces of art not unlike what one would expect a remake to look like, has recently released another piece featuring the...

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

Follow the Mega Man Marathon Live Stream!

Sorry, folks; just got off work a short time ago, and the Mega Man marathon for charity we reported a few days ago has already begun. As of this writing, they're on Mega Man 3, and you can follow on the live stream here: Live TV by Ustream And I see they're using our...

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

Nobody Puts Keiji in the Corner!

I saw this on the Capcom*Unity forums a couple of weeks ago, and didn't really think much of it; it seemed like the same ol', same ol' to me. But since it seems to be picking up and spreading, I figured I might as well share it with you all. User "John Rambo" put the...

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

A Legendary Issue of PSM

Once upon a time, in the long, long ago, Mega Man Legends once went by another name: "Mega Man Neo." And then "Mega Man Nova," for about a day or two, but that's neither here nor there. During that time, very little was known about the Blue Bomber's impending maiden...

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

Dr. Wily’s New Clothes

We've seen some pretty cool action figures and models over time here at The Mega Man Network, and today adds three more to the mix. While they look like they would fit in right at home with Jin Saotome's repurposed G.I. Joe customs, today's batch instead come from...

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

Ten Great Bosses of the Classic Series

There's no denying it; Dr. Wily has been at it for quite some time now. And in that time, he's amassed quite the army of robotic rogues with which he's tried time and again to conquer the world. But, who are the best? Well, that's a question that will be debated long...

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

Capcom Auctioning Mega Man Shirt on Unity Auctions

The shirt which you see above is the only one of its kind being presented in Capcom's latest batch of Unity Auctions. In addition, they also have some interesting Rockman.EXE 6 stickers. I would bid myself, but I can't wear a medium, so I'll just hold on to my Unity...

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

Additional CoroCoro scan for Operate Shooting Star

Following the previous story we broke, here's another scan from CoroCoro's report on Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star. This one doesn't deliver us anything we weren't already imagining; just bios on Lan and BN MegaMan. The screen above has Geo mentioning he goes by...

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

Where are those Capcom PSN re-releases?

While I'm sure the rate with which the PSOne/PSP games are released on the North American PlayStation Store isn't controlled by Capcom, one has to wonder when the ten titles they promised us will be released in the coming months.  Let's not forget how they're aiming...

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

An 11-year-old’s take on Mega Man 2

Mega Man, a franchise that's been running for more than 20 years, has its roots in simplistic, arcade style action gameplay. And yet there are many young Mega Man fans today that may have not had a taste of this kind of gameplay. They may hear the praise for Mega Man...

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

A Tale of Two MegaMans: Operate Shooting Star in CoroCoro

The first info dump from CoroCoro has finally arrived, and the game is back to looking more like a cross over again, as our heroes in this remake are Lan, MegaMan and... MegaMan. Furthermore, we have some details on the new Navi ClockMan, who may or may not be the...

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

August’s Featured Articles: Cold Characters!

Continuing with our chilly theme this month, we have updated the Mega Man Universe wiki's main page to display featured articles. And right now, the featured articles are in tune with our theme: cold characters! Hop on over there, and you'll discover a random featured...

Get Mega Ran on the SXSW Panel for VGM & Hip-Hop

More Capcom content for iPhone/iPod Touch fans

Emily from Capcom Unity reports that a new App is currently available for download on the iTunes App Store. Called the Capcom News and Updates App, it'll provide you with trailers and screenshots of current and upcoming releases, one of them of note being MegaMan Star...