TMMN Staff

Rockman DASH 2 artwork/soundtrack set announced
Sep 3, 2009 | Mega Man
MegaMan Legends fans will be drooling over this one. Capcom of Japan will be offering "Capcom Special Selection" packs for three games on sales at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show later this month. One of those games is Rockman DASH 2. So what is a "Capcom Special...

Mega Man 2 + Chain Mail = Geek²
Sep 3, 2009 | Community Developments
This fine piece of mega-medieval craftsmanship comes to us from, and is comprised of 63,608 rings of 14 different types. "After one and a half years, the Megaman II Project is finally finished. The dimensions are 38" x 45", as it hangs on the wall,...

Mega Man + Rubik’s Cube = Get equipped with frustration
Sep 2, 2009 | Other News
If you thought the original Mega Man wasn't tough enough already, then try playing it like this! Twiggy over at Capcom*Unity spotted this pretty sweet Rubik's Cube alteration. Being the numskull I am, though, I could definitely beat the game much faster than I could...

Rockman Gigamix Vol. 1 coming September 30th
Sep 2, 2009 | Mega Man
The first volume of the long anticipated Rockman Gigamix, a new Rockman comic series from Hitoshi Ariga, will go on sale in Japan September 30th for ¥1,200 (roughly $13 US). Though details are foggy at the moment, the comic seems to contain Rockman comics that were...

New Mega Man 9 Remix Project Teaser & Release Date
Sep 1, 2009 | Community Developments
Back in July, we posted about a Mega Man 9 Remix Project started by the Overclocked ReMix Community. Finally, more news has been released on the album! First off, the most recent track submission date of September 1st (aka today) was "a success". Secondly, a new...

The Mega Man Marathon 2: It Begins Again
Sep 1, 2009 | Community Developments
Remember the recently-held Mega Man Marathon, which went on to raise $7173.06 for Wasn't that just awesome? Well, the holiday season is coming (or close enough, anyway-- Christmas Creep, anyone?), and now the guys behind that marathon are at it once...

Capcom’s Top 10 Franchises Ranked by… ABC?
Aug 31, 2009 | Community Developments
The Capcom*Unity is just as surprised as we are, not that someone decided to rank their top 10 franchises-- it happens all the time-- but that the source of said ranking was ABC News in Sacramento. So, who did they pick? Let's see: ABC News 10 Top Ten Capcom...

The MMN Antarctic Megapaluza Wraps Up
Aug 30, 2009 | Site Developments
Well, friends: it's been a long and frosty month of August this year, as we've taken great pains to try to appeal to the one continent on Earth who seemed to have absolutely no presence on ClustrMaps, Antarctica. So, did it work? Well, in hindsight, it would probably...

Operate Shooting Star battle screen, minigame revealed
Aug 30, 2009 | Mega Man
Japanese online shop Rakuten has a pre-order page for Rockman EXE: Operate Shooting Star that shows what Capcom has been trying to hide so far: the battle system. One sole screen shows a battle window that looks virtually identical to the one from the original MegaMan...

The Music of Mega Man: Ranked for Your Pleasure
Aug 27, 2009 | Community Developments
It's no small secret that music is considered a very significant part of the Mega Man games. After all, the Blue Bomber himself and his sister were originally named for Rock and Roll, only to be later joined by Blues, Beat, Tango, and others. And then with the X...

Operate Shooting Star already discounted?
Aug 27, 2009 | Mega Man
After we reported Rockman EXE: Operate Shooting Star's Japanese release date last night, Fireman, a good pal of mine, brought something to my attention. Along with the release date, the expected sales price was reported at ¥4,190. In comparison, all Rockman games that...

MMN Antarctic Megapaluza Part 8 – Mega Man X3 Blizzard Buffalo
Aug 27, 2009 | Site Developments
Today, we take a look at the eighth part of the MMN Antarctic Megapaluza, as Ryudo races to conquer the frostiest fiend of Dr. Doppler's army, Blizzard Buffalo. With no Heart Tanks or Subtanks for X, he faces off against numerous vicious Mechaniloids as he makes his...

Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star to release Nov 12th
Aug 26, 2009 | Mega Man
GPara is reporting that Rockman EXE: Operate Shooting Star will be releasing in Japan on November 12th this year. A bit sooner than I was anticipating! The article says the game will contain new characters and various new elements. We look forward to finding out what...

Servbot Keychains and More @ PAX
Aug 25, 2009 | Mega Man
Capcom has finally announced some of the items they will be selling at their booth at this year's Penny Arcade Expo (PAX). Though there are only two Mega Man items (both of which are keychains) listed currently, there is a rather vague listing of other types of things...

MMN Antarctic Megapaluza Special 7 – Mega Man X Chill Penguin
Aug 23, 2009 | Site Developments
The month of August may be drawing to a close, but our goal to reach out to the denizens of Antarctica will not cease now! Curious as to how our specials have been recieved among those in the far South Pole, LBD Nytetrayn personally has gone down to gauge the...

Rockman Live Stage Footage
Aug 23, 2009 | Mega Man
Protodude has put up a very interesting video on his site today. It's an advertisement for an event called "Rockman Live Stage" that was put on in the fall of '98. Apparently, footage of the event itself hasn't been found yet at this point in time, but this commercial...

Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star homepage updates
Aug 21, 2009 | Mega Man
Today Capcom of Japan has revamped their official Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star homepage for future updates, following Clark's unexpected journey to 200 years in the past. The new website so far contains basic background details to both the Battle Network series...

Another mysterious OSS post from Clark – Updated
Aug 19, 2009 | Mega Man
A while back, the mascot of Capcom's Ryuusei no Rockman 3 Satellite Server Clark made a vauge comment about a program that could control time, a statement likely pointing at Rockman EXE: Operate Shooting Star's Clockman, who was revealed later. Today Clark brings up...

MMN Antarctic Megapaluza Special 6 – Mega Man and Bass Cold Man
Aug 19, 2009 | Site Developments
Is it cold in here, or is it just me? The answer? Neither; it's that repurposed refrigerator, Cold Man, up to his icy tricks. Fortunately, we have our resident game master, Ryudo, here to put him in his place. And to do so, he's partnering up with the Blue Bomber once...

A Real-Life Battle Network: Getting Closer?
Aug 19, 2009 | Other News
Those of us who have played the Mega Man Battle Network series usually take some of the series' more fanciful elements in stride, such as everything in the world being connected to the internet. After all, it's just a video game, right? Well, not for Brooklyn resident...
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