TMMN Staff

Introducing Our Brand New Community Forum!
Nov 6, 2009 | Site Developments
Nearly a year ago, we began making efforts to revamp The Mega Man Network, making it a richer and more user friendly site. We are still continuing with these efforts, which honestly goes to show how lazy we are. But progress is progress. Today is perhaps a small...

Some Bad News on the Mega Man 9 Remix Front
Nov 6, 2009 | Community Developments
It's a sad day for the Mega Man 9 Remix Project. But don't worry! The album hasn't been canceled or anything. It appears über-talented guitarist, Sixto Sounds, had a hard drive crash resulting in the loss of a lot of irreplaceable work files. Anybody familiar with...

EXE OSS sees original jacket bonus at select stores
Nov 6, 2009 | Mega Man
For what appears to be a mere remake, Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star is getting a lot of special promotions. The latest reported on the OSS homepage now is a pair of special jackets you can use to place in OSS's box. There is a "light version" that features both...

E-Tank Energy Drinks Coming to America (Updated)
Nov 5, 2009 | Mega Man
Good news, everyone! According to AAA Distribution, it appears that the popular yet peculiar-tasting E-Tank energy drinks might be coming to America. Their site has a listing where a case of 24 can be ordered for $72. Or, if you prefer singles, Big Bad Toystore will...

Capcom starts OSS comic strip; groaner already ensues
Nov 5, 2009 | Mega Man
As another small, special promotion, Capcom of Japan's Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star homepage will release eight yonkoma (4-panel) comic strips through November and December. The first is out now, which as you can see above I've mediocrely translated. I'm not much...

Welcome to Videoland!
Nov 4, 2009 | Mega Man
If you've been looking for a legal way to watch episodes of Captain N: The Game Master (as well as The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!, The Legend of Zelda, Sonic Underground, Pole Position, and even cartoons not based on video games) without dropping the money on the...

This Weekend: Ocean City Trinity’s Mega Man Marathon
Nov 3, 2009 | Community Developments
Wow, these marathons sure seem to have become popular, haven't they? The Ocean City Trinity has notified us that they are holding such a marathon themselves this weekend on Friday, November 6th at 7pm EST. Their goal: to raise donations for the Atlantic City Rescue...

The Switcher Presents: Mega Lions!
Nov 3, 2009 | Community Developments
It is a legend no one will forget... During the heyday of the 90's and Mega Man's run as a top syndicated cartoon star with a mix of episodes both good and bad, there is one story which has always stood out from the rest: "Curse of the Lion Men." Thanks to The...

Rockman EXE mobile games re-releasing, delicious character artwork
Nov 3, 2009 | Mega Man
Perhaps in honor of Operate Shooting Star, Capcom is re-releasing its two mobile phone Rockman EXE titles today on its iMode site "Capcom Party," according to GAME Watch. These games include Rockman EXE Phantom of Network, and Rockman EXE Legend of Network. With both...

Mega Man vs. Metal Man… er, Metal Men
Nov 2, 2009 | Community Developments
Once upon a time, almost a year ago (and before we widely employed the use of tags, apparently), we brought you a video which showed what would happen if Dr. Wily were to wise up and send all of his Mega Man 2 Robot Masters after Mega Man at once. Unfortunately for...

Capcom, CoroCoro and Kids Station team up for OSS promotion + new footage
Nov 2, 2009 | Mega Man
Capcom, CoroCoro and Kids Station are teaming up for the "Double Rockman Present Campaign" to promote Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star. What kind of promotion is it? Why, it's a scavenger hunt! Ten lucky participants can enter between now and November 30th for a...

Gamasutra Interviews Chiptuned Rockman Composers
Nov 1, 2009 | Mega Man
For those interested in the compositions and works of the album Chiptuned Rockman, Gamasutra has recently posted an interview with Producer Hally and composers Ryo Kawakami, Akari Kaida, Hiroki Isogai, and Manabu Namiki. They talk about working on the compilation, how...

Pleasing Mega Man Papercrafts
Oct 30, 2009 | Community Developments
Remember that cool Easter egg in Mega Man X8, where having save data from Mega Man X: Command Mission put you into an added simulation within Optic Sunflower's stage, allowing one of the Maverick Hunters of 21XX to test their mettle against the first of Dr. Light's...

Capcom Counts Down the Top 30 Mega Man Tributes (Final Update)
Oct 30, 2009 | Mega Man
Originally posted on October 15th. All entries have now been posted, and you can find the links below. Remember that Mega Man tribute contest we told you about, held by Capcom to commemorate the first anniversary of the release of Mega Man 9 on WiiWare and award the...

Rockman EXE OSS trial play event coming to stores on Nov. 3rd
Oct 30, 2009 | Mega Man
Here's another one of those if-you-happen-to-be-in-Japan stories. How it begins... ah, yes. If you happen to be in Japan, specifically in the Chiyoda area of Tokyo, on November 3rd you can head to either Sofmap or Messe Sanoh for an "over the counter trial play"...

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom Rocks & Rolls with New Character Art
Oct 29, 2009 | Mega Man
Certainly, the characters of MegaMan Volnutt and Classic Roll already have art for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, but nothing says they can't get a little more. And that's precisely what can now be found on the official Japanese Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars...

Maverick Hunter X on PSN Today
Oct 29, 2009 | Mega Man
Just a quick heads up that Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X (PSP) will be available for download on the PSN store today along with Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower. Here's Capcom's official blurb for MHX: Back by popular demand! When Sigma leads a group of Reploids...

Commence Drooling: Gigamix Postcards
Oct 28, 2009 | Mega Man
Certainly, Turbo Man may be facing a little bit of an indignity at the moment, but never fear, for Hitoshi Ariga is here to make all wrong things right! Those who purchased the recently-released Rockman Gigamix from certain retailers in Japan received a nice little...

Putting the Brakes on Turbo Man
Oct 28, 2009 | Mega Man, Other News
They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but if the dog did something you never knew of? Imagine my surprise when I was (as usual) watching a skillrun of Mega Man 7 on and the player pulled off a rather amazing trick with the fight against Turbo...

Lightman Comes to Save the Day
Oct 28, 2009 | Community Developments, Mega Man
We've been keeping tabs on Capcom's Top 30 Mega Man Tribute countdown, but thought this one was amusing enough on its own to share separately. Capcom*Unity member Miguel decided to see what would happen if he combined an episode of the old Ruby-Spears Mega Man...
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