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Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

The creative types over at Destructoid have come up with a brand new installment of their ongoing series of GameTrailers videos titled "Once Upon a Pixel." Previously, they've retold the stories of such games as BioShock, Katamari Damacy, Metal Gear Solid, and Silent...

Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

Buster-Only Mega Marathon

It's already underway, but if you're not quite Mega Man marathoned out yet, then you might enjoy checking out this run of the Classic series, numbers 1-9, where the only weapon they are allowed to use on bosses is the standard Mega Buster arm cannon (save for cases...

Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

The Decade in Review: 200X – 200X

About a week ago, Heat Man came to me and said "you know, it's going to be the year 20XX soon. You should write something reflecting that." And then he went and wrote his own article, so now you get two of these things. With that said, let us take a look back on the...

Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

So Long 200X… Hello 20XX

If you're anything of a Mega Man fan, the ambiguous dating system of the series should be very familiar to you. For example, the Battle Network series takes place in 200X. The X series occurs through 21XX. Star Force kicks in at 22XX. Legends... honestly, I don't...

Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

Charge Kick… does it not suck?

A short while back, we were introduced to some videos that attempted to dispel the idea that the weapon Top Spin in fact sucked. Today Redmage1987 attempts to prove that same fact, but now about Mega Man 5's Charge Kick. The video above is the first in a series of...

Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

Rumor: OSS Multiplayer Coming to DSiWare?

Rumor has it that rather than risk sinking money into a DS port-plus version of Mega Man Battle Network in Operate Shooting Star, Capcom may instead simply lift the multiplayer mode from the title and release it independently on Nintendo's DSiWare downloadable video...

Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

9 Reasons Why Mega Man 6 is Tops

Personally, I've always felt that Mega Man 6 was underrated among the NES titles in the series. And apparently, someone at Destructoid feels the same way. Okay, so I think that Mega Man 2 and 3 might be better, but I still think 6 was a good addition to the series,...

Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

More Merry Mega Man X-mas

In the spirit of the day, here's a little more bizarre Mega Man Christmas joy for you to partake in from the OAV mini-series Upon a Star, which is now available on iTunes: As it turns out, Protodude had the same idea I did, though he took it to a rather north...

Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

Is Mega Man: Rush Marine All Washed Up?

Earlier this month, the long-awaited cellphone game Mega Man: Rush Marine was at last released. Then, Mega Man 10 was announced, and everyone promptly forgot about propulsion-powered red robodogs swimming through the tide. Well, almost everyone. On our forums,...

Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

A look into Rockman EXE Official Complete Works

Rockman EXE Official Complete Works, the latest continuation of the uber-big Rockman artwork books, has released in Japan this week. And for those wanting a nice look inside, Nigoli has got you covered. His photographic report of the book contains a lot of nice pages...

Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

Mega Man 22nd Birthday Live Stream now available for review

If you happened to miss the wonder Mega Man 22nd Birthday Live Stream, you can quit kicking yourself over it. Stickam now has the footage from the show in their archives in two parts, which you can enjoy here. And to those who have seen it, now you can relive the...

Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

IGN: In Defense of Mega Man 10?

Does Mega Man 10 need someone to come to its defense? Apparently so, as IGN has elected to do the honors. Perhaps it has something to do with the fairly strong amount of apparent anti-Wii sentiment that seems to be coming from the site as of late, but with the game...

Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

A Mega Man 10 Remix Already Exists?!

Wow, that was fast! It looks like an artist by the name of Citolo has already remixed the song featured in the Mega Man 10 trailer. It's a very rocking arrangement that reminds me a bit of U-GEN. Check out the track below or download the mp3. News Credit: GoNintendo

Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

Meet Sheep Man

It's been a while since we've seen anything new from IRA at our affiliate, Iragination, but just as Mega Man 9 managed to draw him out, so too has the recent announcement of Mega Man 10 and its new Robot Masters inspired him to create once again: The designs from the...

Once Upon a Pixel: Mega Man

Wanted: Two JUVInile Delinquents

The other day, we reported that Jazwares Urban Vinyl (JUVI) figures were showing up at Toys R Us and on their website. In addition, the product description mentioned that Cut Man and Elec Man were incoming. And then, at some point today, the following appeared on the...