TMMN Staff

TVC: The Revolution Will Be Televised – Plus, Launch Event and Pre-Order Info
Jan 17, 2010 | Mega Man
Everyone likes toys, right? No? Well, if not, then perhaps this commercial for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars will change your mind: No, your eyes do not deceive you; that is an action figure of the legendary Digger MegaMan Volnutt kicking some Tekkaman and...

Get to know your Mega Man 10 Robot Masters
Jan 15, 2010 | Mega Man
Following this week's crazy news, Capcom of Japan has now updated their Rockman 10 homepage with the Robot Master profiles. Since you may not read Japanese, here is a rundown of each Robot Master's characteristics. Commando Man: A robot created for removing land...

Everything Becomes Zero… Again
Jan 15, 2010 | Mega Man
I have a confession to make. I've seen people clamoring for a Mega Man Zero Collection, a compilation of the four Game Boy Advance games in the series, for some time now. But ever since Rockman.EXE: Operate Shooting Star turned out to be a port of the original...

Mega Man 10: A Blast from the Past, in More Ways Than One?
Jan 15, 2010 | Community Developments, Mega Man
We all know that a large part of Mega Man 10's hook is that it's a retro-styled title, a blast from the past, made in the style of the 8-bit NES titles which brought the Blue Bomber to prominence. But it appears that the game gets a little more oldschool than we...

Capcom Opens Beta Version of Unity Suggestion Box
Jan 14, 2010 | Mega Man
Remember back in late November, when we told you about a new initiative hinted at by Capcom Community Manager Seth Killian that would allow Mega Man fans, and Capcom fans in general, to let their voices be heard for new games they would like to see (such as Mega Man...

IGN’s Robot Master Reveal Brings Clearer Images, Lovely Screens
Jan 13, 2010 | Mega Man
When it rains it pours. Following our own CoroCoro report, IGN has their own article which features all of Mega Man 10's Robot Masters in images, sprites and screens. For those of you wanting a better look at the bosses, it doesn't get much better than this. Check out...

CoroCoro Reveals MM10 Robot Masters Official-Like, with Pictures (Updated)
Jan 13, 2010 | Mega Man
The identities of the Mega Man 10 Robot Masters has been somewhat of a tenuous situation following the name leak at CES. We've stood by our pledge not to report the names until Capcom officially announced them. And now... they have, via CoroCoro Comic in Japan. The...

Dueling Analogs Presents: Mega Man 10 – Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy
Jan 13, 2010 | Community Developments
A few days ago, in the post "IGN Goes Hands-On with Mega Man 10, and Capcom Finally Addresses Multiplayer," I said: I think it’s safe to assume there are people who do indeed love the spirit of Mega Man, but have been put off by some of its more precise demands;...

Rare Copper Rockman Statue Hits Auction Block
Jan 12, 2010 | Community Developments
An interesting and pretty rare item has hit the ol' Yahoo! Auctions: a copper-finished metal statue of Classic-styled Rockman: As one might remember, only about 200 or so of the 3.5 inch, 3.1 ounce statues were produced for the 20th anniversary of Rockman and sold...

How Tough are NES Games?
Jan 11, 2010 | Community Developments, Other News
This doesn't relate to Mega Man directly, per se, but given that the Blue Bomber has had six releases in the Classic series released on the original 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System, that seemed like a good enough reason to look at the latest video by Rinry of the...

Reminder: The “What am I Fighting For?!” Contest Nears Its Close, With Slight Extension
Jan 10, 2010 | Community Developments, Contests, Site Developments
Okay, folks, we're down to our final week of The Mega Man Network's “What am I Fighting For?!” Contest. We last extended the contest deadline to January 15th, so that people would have the Christmas/New Year holidays to work on their entry, plus a little more time. In...

IGN Goes Hands-On with Mega Man 10, and Capcom Finally Addresses Multiplayer
Jan 10, 2010 | Mega Man
Sure, we have our own hands-on with Mega Man 10 available, but perhaps you would like to hear impressions from a more reputable source. But since we couldn't find one, here's a link to IGN's own hands-on of the game. The bulk of the hands-on goes over how the Easy...

Quick note on “that info” (Updated, please read)
Jan 9, 2010 | Community Developments
Yes, I am well aware that "that info" has been leaked. Info that I, like numerous other reviewers who went to see Capcom, was told not to reveal. Now I'm not going to try to stop anyone on the site from talking about it. It's simply... what's done is done, I guess,...

UDON Providing New Endings for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
Jan 8, 2010 | Mega Man
Some interesting news has come out of UDON Entertainment today. As we all likely know by now, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is being bulked up for its worldwide release, and a major part of that is the addition of new characters. So naturally, just slapping the same endings...

Guess the robot’s name, win awesome swag
Jan 8, 2010 | Community Developments
You've seen the coverage of Mega Man 10's sports themed stage. Now try to guess the name of the robot master that commands it. At Capcom*Unity you can make guesses at this baddie's name in the comments, one guess per post, and the first lucky one to guess right wins a...

Mega Man 10 Hands On Continued: Videos
Jan 8, 2010 | Mega Man
Following up my previous post, here is the actual video footage of my adventures in Mega Man 10's stadium stage. The first two videos are the game's normal difficulty, and the third is easy difficulty. You should also keep an eye on Takes On Tech, as Doug of that site...

A TMMN Special Report: Hands On with Mega Man 10!
Jan 7, 2010 | Mega Man
Earlier this week, Capcom announced that Mega Man 10, among other titles, would be available to try in Las Vegas at the Consumer Electronics Show. Living roughly five hours from Vegas, I heard this news and decided "time to have a little adventure." Much fortunately,...

Comic Book Resources Interviews UDON’s Matt Moylan for Mega Man Megamix
Jan 7, 2010 | Mega Man
UDON Entertainment Editor Matt Moylan wanted us to let you know that he has a new interview with Comic Book Resources, in which he talks about the upcoming Mega Man Megamix manga, which will at long last see its first volume released in North America to an...

The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle
Jan 7, 2010 | Community Developments
Yesterday, OverClocked Remixer DarkeSword contacted me to let me know about a little something going down over on the OC Remix site. The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle sees entrants don the identity of any Robot Master from the original Mega Man series for the...

UDON Wants to Know What You Think of the Official Complete Works Books
Jan 5, 2010 | Mega Man
So now that the Mega Man Official Complete Works and Mega Man X Official Complete Works art books are now at long last finally available, what do you think? That's what UDON wants to know! Over in our very own Mega Man Community, our man with the Mega Plan, Matt...
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