TMMN Staff

All the Powers of the Sun!
Mar 15, 2010 | Community Developments
After completing this funny Solar Man animated short, my good pal AWD! requested me to showcase it here. I thought it might give him a little of an unfair advantage, since he entered it into Capcom*Unity's Robot Master fan art contest. But now that the results are...

Haven’t Seen the Commercial for Rockman 6?
Mar 14, 2010 | Community Developments, Mega Man
While it would seem that we've seen Japanese commercials for nearly every Rockman game under the sun, with each featuring original animation (if only the Mega Man titles received that same love), one* has remained conspicuous by its absence: Rockman 6. However, that...

Solar Man’s Art Contest Judging Yields a Most Curious Clue
Mar 12, 2010 | Mega Man
If you've been following the Mega Man 10 art contests at the Capcom Unity, then you know that they have nearly reached the end of the road with the judging for Solar Man, which runs through the weekend, if I'm not mistaken. But just because they've run out of Robot...

Air Man’s Theme, as Played on a Piano
Mar 12, 2010 | Community Developments
The Robot Master known throughout the world as Air Man has quite the memorable theme, one which has been played and remixed numerous times. Today, Robert Kovacs dropped us a line to let us know that he has taken his own stab at performing the classic 8-bit arrangement...

Mega Man 10 Releases for PlayStation 3 Today
Mar 11, 2010 | Mega Man
Hey PlayStation owners in North America and Europe. You may be freaking out over the announcements for the Sony Move, but don't forget that Mega Man 10 is coming on the PlayStation Network today. The game will run you a scant $9.99, and deliver plenty of retro action...

Price Glitch Affects UDON Books, but Should Be Cleared Up Soon
Mar 10, 2010 | Mega Man
Last weekend, Amazon and other online book retailers began offering books like Mega Man Official Complete Works for the cutthroat price of $14.99. A pretty good deal, but not a deal that was intended to happen. And while Amazon honored the orders at first, it seems...

Rockman 10 DLC Scheduled for Japan
Mar 10, 2010 | Mega Man
The launch dates for Rockman 10's downloadable content has been revealed, and continuing the trend they're getting the goods slightly after us. At least according to an information page from the Wii, Forte Mode and and Special Stage 1 will be available on April 9th,...

At Long Last: The Conclusion of the “What am I Fighting For?!” Contest
Mar 10, 2010 | Community Developments, Contests
It has been a long, bumpy road since first announcing The Mega Man Network's “What am I Fighting For?!” Contest, but finally, all the pieces are in place and we can bring this thing to an end. When Jaxel first told me about the acquisition he had made for us to use as...

Capcom Reveals English Bass Trailer, is Taking Questions
Mar 9, 2010 | Mega Man
A few days ago, we brought you the Japanese trailer which shows off Rockman's rival, Forte, kicking 'bot and taking names as only he can in the special downloadable content for Rockman 10. And now, thanks to Capcom Unity, there is an English version of Bass breaking...

Pictures Aplenty from Mega Man 10’s Launch Party at the Nintendo World Store
Mar 9, 2010 | Mega Man
Last week, we reported that Capcom and Nintendo would be celebrating the March 1st WiiWare release of Mega Man 10 after-the-fact at the Nintendo World Store at Rockefeller Plaza in New York. Of course, save for the most devoted (with plenty of spare cash and the...

Megamix’s Hitoshi Ariga Now Answers Your Questions!
Mar 8, 2010 | Mega Man
Mega Man mastermind Keiji Inafune has had his chance to answer questions from the fans... twice, even. Now, it's time for the maestro of Mega Man Megamix to take his turn at bat, courtesy of the Capcom Unity and the Blue Bomber's 22nd birthday celebration held back in...

GameSpite Examines Mega Man
Mar 7, 2010 | Community Developments
Following their "Welcome to 20XX" article from earlier last week, GameSpite Quarterly 3 has added a new article about Mega Man to their character profiles, which give a sort of VH1 Behind the Music-styled look at the history of some of gaming's greatest (and not-so...

Kirby Krackle’s New Song is About Mega Man
Mar 7, 2010 | Community Developments
For those unaware, Kirby Krackle is a "Nerd Rock Band" based in Seattle, WA. The duo writes songs about the things they love: "comic books, video games, zombies, girls and more". Their latest song, now streamable on their site, is titled "Take it from me" and is about...

Mob Robos Revealed: Get Your Magnifying Glasses Ready
Mar 7, 2010 | Mega Man
You may remember, some months ago, Hitoshi Ariga held a "Mob Robo" contest for his upcoming comic Rockman Gigamix Vol. 2. Basically, Ariga accepted entries for throwaway characters created by fans, who would appear briefly in the comic and then get destroyed. Truth be...

Rockman 10 “Box Art,” Live and In Your Face
Mar 7, 2010 | Mega Man
Much attention has been paid to the large, triptych box art for Mega Man 10, which once more follows in the footsteps of the art for the release of the original games on the NES some 20+ years ago. Likewise, Capcom of Japan has continued to emulate the style used for...

Fan-Made Mega Man 9 HD Remix
Mar 7, 2010 | Mega Man
For those out there who bemoan the 8-bit retro chic look of Mega Man 9 and 10, I'd just like to point this out to you: it could be worse. Of course I don't mean to disparage the work of Eric Ruth, the man behind this fan-made HD remake of Mega Man 9, and also known...

The Lost Commercial for Mega Man 10
Mar 5, 2010 | Mega Man
If there is one thing that the original Mega Man games for the Nintendo Entertainment System did not get a lot of around these parts (i.e. North America), it is some televised commercial love. Sure, there was that secret agent ad for Mega Man 3, and Mega Man 6 was...

Rockman 3 announced for PSN Game Archives & Rockman 10 promotional contest
Mar 5, 2010 | Mega Man
Much in the same way Capcom of Japan announced Rockman for PSN Game Archives, known as PSOne Classics in the West, the release of Rockman 3 Complete Works has been announced as a tie-in with the release of Rockman 10.

Bass in Action
Mar 5, 2010 | Mega Man
To get you more excited about Mega Man 10's downloadable content, here's some promo footage of Bass doing what he does best: looking cool and blowing stuff up. Exhibited are Bass' abilities to shoot in multiple directions, rapid fire, dash, use Treble Boost, and even...

ScrewAttack’s Top 10 Worst Robot Masters, Plus GT Review of MM10
Mar 5, 2010 | Community Developments
ScrewAttack has added a new Top 10 list to their archives, and this time the focus is squarely on-- what else? --Mega Man. And with the release of Mega Man 10 this week, that means no Mavericks, no Neo Arcadians, and no NetNavis-- it's all about the Robot Masters....
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