TMMN Staff

Ippo Yamada Has Been Keeping Busy
Apr 28, 2010 | Mega Man
The week is still young but already it's brought a bit of a stir with some news. While we don't really know what it's all about so far, we do know one thing: Ippo Yamada has a lot on his table. A little while back at Spiceman @ Blog, Ippo Yamada lamented about his...

We May Need to Change the Name of Our Wiki… “Mega Man Universe” Trademarked
Apr 27, 2010 | Mega Man
Why might we need to change the name of our wiki, The Mega Man Universe? The answer is so simple, and yet it may astound you. Simply put: Capcom might be using it themselves. According to Siliconera (via Destructoid, Capcom USA has trademarked the name "Mega Man...

Inafune Indahouse: Announces Promotion, Says Next X Game “Won’t Be X9”
Apr 27, 2010 | Mega Man
Capcom's Keiji Inafune, who is often credited as the "Father of Mega Man," has recently received a promotion from his position of Senior Corporate Officer of the company's Research & Development division. Now, he stands tall as the new Global Head of Production for...

Capcom’s Seth Killian: “Surprises, Exciting Ideas” in Store for Mega Man Fans
Apr 26, 2010 | Mega Man
Seth Killian, Capcom's Community Manager, fighting game guru and classy teaser of Mega Man fans exhibited one of those abilities in an interview with Destructoid. According to Destructoid, during a recording in an upcoming podcast, Seth had this to say when asked...

Second Helping of Mega Man 10 DLC Dishes Out This Week, Videos
Apr 26, 2010 | Mega Man
Have you started getting a little tired of playing as Bass and battling against the clock with Enker? Well look alive, because the rest of Mega Man 10's DLC releases this week, and it's alreadsy out today for the Nintendo Wii. This update includes the other two...

Blue Bomber Bliks
Apr 26, 2010 | Mega Man
Blik is the name of a company who creates wall graphics. Such graphics in the past have included various Super Mario Bros. decorations, among others. And just recently, they added the following image to their front page to tease upcoming releases. Of particular...

Full Roster of Capcom*Unity’s Mega Man 10 Collab Fan Art Contest
Apr 25, 2010 | Community Developments
Back in March, Capcom*Unity unveiled one of the most interesting Mega Man contests to date. Various fan artists, working in teams of two for a total of 20 teams, combined their talents to develop a lot of fantastic Mega Man 10 fan art. Day by day, Capcom*Unity...

Possible Western Release Dates for Zero Collection
Apr 24, 2010 | Mega Man
While Capcom's official stance for both North American and European releases of the Mega Man Zero Collection are still just this summer, some online retailers are starting to provide provisional release dates for the title. In North America, June 8th appears to be the...

A Small Glimpse at the Origins of Mega Man X
Apr 21, 2010 | Articles, Other News
This preview image of Mega Man X comes from GameFan Vol. 1 issue 9. It's been thrown around here and there, but my buddy AWD! just tossed this high quality scan at me. The issue probably came out close to the middle of 1993. From the looks of the screenshot shown the...

Rumor: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Among Games Announced at Captivate? (Updated)
Apr 20, 2010 | Mega Man
According to Planet Xbox 360, it looks like there is some good news to come out of Capcom's latest Captivate event, which is going on now in Hawaii. However, without an official release nor any other sites we've seen giving coverage (likely due to an embargo). Among...

Mega Man 4 Releases on North American Wii Virtual Console
Apr 19, 2010 | Mega Man
After having heard musings of it coming months ago, and then seeing it release in Japan and Europe territories, Mega Man 4 is finally releasing here in North America, according to Capcom*Unity. It's not up just yet, but ought to be in another 10 minutes from this...

Rockman 10 Image Soundtrack Samples
Apr 19, 2010 | Mega Man
Following their update of the site a few days ago, Inti Creates has added some samples from the Rockman 10 Image Soundtrack, which releases the 30th of this April. You can go to the site to have a listen, or for your convenience, just take a listen below. Compared to...

Need some help navigating those Mega Man 10 stages?
Apr 16, 2010 | Community Developments
If you're looking for that extra edge when trying out stages, how about full stage maps? VGMaps, the one stop shop for any help with stages and world maps, has recently put up Mega Man 10 stage maps, including the recently released Special Stage 1. Who knows, you...

Russian Robot Masters Invade Europe and Australia
Apr 16, 2010 | Mega Man
Just a quick reminder for those of you living in Europe: Mega Man 4 is now available today on Virtual Console for the low, low price of 500 Wii Points. From Russia with love come the forces of Toad Man, Skull Man, Ring Man, Pharaoh Man, Dust Man, Drill Man, Dive Man,...

Zero Collection Page Gets Some Action
Apr 16, 2010 | Mega Man
After blowing so many minds last week with its story and timeline synopsis, the Rockman Zero Collection homepage has been updated this week with some less jaw-dropping but still cool info nonetheless. The Action section has been updated, which demonstrates Zero's...

Rockman 10 Image Soundtrack Additional Details
Apr 16, 2010 | Mega Man
As it nears its release in a couple of weeks, Inti Creates has made a preliminary page for the Rockman 10 Image Soundtrack. Unfortunately there are no samples yet, and not many new details, but here are the album's features more specifically. -A total of 21 tracks,...

Nominate Mega Man (and X) for the Crown in Capcom Retro Idol!
Apr 15, 2010 | Mega Man
We all know that when it comes to the realm of Capcom, Mega Man is king. However, there are others who are under the impression that there are indeed greater things to come from the company of blue and gold, and while there are indeed other great games, these people...

Mega Man X D.I.Y.
Apr 15, 2010 | Community Developments
With the release of Nintendo's WarioWare D.I.Y., we all knew it was only a matter of time before someone would set out to create a Mega Man-themed microgame. And sure enough, GoNintendo has discovered just such a creation, featuring a scene that is no doubt near and...

New MM10 Theme for PS3, Closer Look at Trading Figures
Apr 15, 2010 | Mega Man
4gamer has some cool news about some Rockman related items. First off, a new Rockman 10 PS3 theme is coming out. This one features Mega Man and the gang striving to jump higher and higher into the sky via boon blocks. It also features the Robot Masters in the section...

Who are the Mega Man Killers?
Apr 13, 2010 | Community Developments
"Who are the Mega Man Killers?" That is a question that no doubt some people are asking upon seeing the bosses for the three downloadable (semantics aside) Special Stages Capcom is releasing across all platforms for Mega Man 10. Odds are, as a fan, you might know who...
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