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Retronauts Looks at Eastern Rockman Models vs. Western Mega Man Figures

IGN Gets Their Hands on Zero Collection for a Hands On

Hey, we got that Mega Man Zero Collection dealie coming out in a couple weeks. Y'interested in that? Well IGN has a hands on account for your reading pleasure, as well as some new screens. Probably the most revealing aspect is the dual screen pics, which show how the...

Retronauts Looks at Eastern Rockman Models vs. Western Mega Man Figures

Where to Buy Your SAGE Rockman X/Zero Figures (Soon)

Perhaps you recall these sweet homemade model kits of Rockman X and Zero, created by SAGE. As they were originally sold only in Japan at figure and hobby conventions, getting one meant you most likely had to hunt out auctions and pay some potentially steep prices....

Retronauts Looks at Eastern Rockman Models vs. Western Mega Man Figures

Funny, Something Looks Different…

There is no cause for alarm. Do not adjust your television set. This is... the revolution! Or, it's just a site layout update. More towards that. After accumulating some user input a few months back, we began working on some tweaks to improve site navigation, and that...

Retronauts Looks at Eastern Rockman Models vs. Western Mega Man Figures

Too Many Mega Man Bosses?

After 23 years and 16 games (to say nothing of all the various little side-efforts), have the Robot Masters of the Mega Man series finally reaches saturation? Are we on the verge of a Robot Master meltdown? This seems to be what the folks at CollegeHumor are implying,...

Retronauts Looks at Eastern Rockman Models vs. Western Mega Man Figures

Here Are Our Mega Man 10/Rockman 10 Package Design Winners

It seems almost like forever ago that Capcom announced their contest in creating a package design for Rockman 10 or Mega Man 10, a game that requires no package. Well the day has come that the three main prize winners, as well as five runner ups, have been decided....

Retronauts Looks at Eastern Rockman Models vs. Western Mega Man Figures

Mega Man & Friends Go 3D to Save Dotnia

Last week, the eagerly-anticipated PlayStation 3-exclusive Zelda-ish title 3D Dot Game Heroes was finally released in North America. And as a game which (despite some of its more modern visual flair) embraces the 8bit days of the industry and features a custom...

Retronauts Looks at Eastern Rockman Models vs. Western Mega Man Figures

Hideki Kamiya Wants to Make Mega Man

The name "Hideki Kamiya" might be familiar to some of you, particularly if you're a fan of such video game franchises as Capcom's Viewtiful Joe, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, and Okami, not to mention Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. Outside of Capcom,...

Retronauts Looks at Eastern Rockman Models vs. Western Mega Man Figures

Dance Pad Gamer Socks It to Mega Man 2

Actually, there are no socks involved, but plenty of foot-action nonetheless as one Nick Hagman, who has taken games such as the original Castlevania and Super Mario Bros. to task with a dance pad, has set his sights on Mega Man 2. The song says "can't beat Air Man,"...

Retronauts Looks at Eastern Rockman Models vs. Western Mega Man Figures

How to Promote Your Power-Ups

By now, we all know about the sought-after Mega Man-branded E-Tank energy drinks. But, what of the rest of the world? How will they know which beverage to grab when their health is low and they need to max out their life meter? How else? Commercials! The above piece...

Retronauts Looks at Eastern Rockman Models vs. Western Mega Man Figures

Mega Man Zero Collection: Blood, Blood…

...gallons of the stuff. Surprisingly, that's what we see in the English trailer for Capcom's upcoming Mega Man Zero Collection. As one might recall, the original Rockman Zero releases on the Game Boy Advance featured quite a bit more blood (or whatever the...

Retronauts Looks at Eastern Rockman Models vs. Western Mega Man Figures

RUMOR: Is this Rockman Online?

Following up on our initial report of Rockman Online (referred to as "Mega Man Online" in the English translation of Capcom's Investor Relations report), this image was submitted by TMMN user RockMaster, and apparently it's been making the rounds at various Korean...

Retronauts Looks at Eastern Rockman Models vs. Western Mega Man Figures

Marvel vs. Capcom vs… Servbots?

The new issue of Game Informer is out, and it has a feature on the upcoming, long-awaited sequel of sequels, Marvel vs. Capcom 3. And in addition to revealing some fresh new faces to the cast, including Devil May Cry's Dante, Darkstalkers' Felicia, Captain America,...