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Changes to Mega Man Zero Collection: How Many Have You Spotted?

Mega Man 2 on 3DS? (Update)

While the past few days have been chock-full of E3 excitement (would that make it E4?), odds are that if you visit this site, you've noticed a clear lack of presence from the Blue Bomber at the show. Yeah, we know. And God help poor Heat Man's credit card bill if...

Changes to Mega Man Zero Collection: How Many Have You Spotted?

“Mega Man Universe” Registered Abroad

A few days ago, GoNintendo posted a story featuring the registration of several trademarks by Capcom and Nintendo in Europe, and among those listed was Mega Man Universe. Good news for our friends in Europe... or, at least, one might hope, as we still have no clue...

Changes to Mega Man Zero Collection: How Many Have You Spotted?

TMMN Is Off to E3

We are at the eve of the E3 Expo, where video game companies from around the globe will gather to show off their latest games for the year. And wouldn't you know it, The Mega Man network will be in attendance! Well, I will at least, along with my pal Cheston (who...

Changes to Mega Man Zero Collection: How Many Have You Spotted?

More Mega Man to Come from Jazwares?

Can fans of the Blue Bomber expect more Mega Man merchandise to come from toy licensee Jazwares? That may be the case, according to a recent issue of ToyFare magazine. In a blurb which highlights the company and its recent success producing toys for Sonic the Hedgehog...

Changes to Mega Man Zero Collection: How Many Have You Spotted?

Monday Night Crew Ponders the Challenges of Zero

Many a gamer and Mega Man fan have fallen prey to the challenge presented in the Mega Man Zero titles. Fortunately, Mega Man Zero Collection presents a viable alternative to playing the games in their original format, but... Monday Night Crew shows (warning:...

Changes to Mega Man Zero Collection: How Many Have You Spotted?

Snow & The Flow Sho Cover MMZero, Yo

Capcom Unity recently held a very special Mega Man Zero event, wherein X, Ciel, the Four Guardians, and the Resistance confronted Zero over his Cyber-Elf collecting problem. The end brought about a tearful resolution, and a lesson was learned by all. Actually, it...

Changes to Mega Man Zero Collection: How Many Have You Spotted?

Z-Day: Mega Man Zero Collection Reviews

Z-Day has finally arrived, which means that those who managed to get their hands on Mega Man Zero Collection early and spend some time with it have come forth to enlighten us with their opinion of the title's quality. And interestingly enough, scores seem to be all...

Changes to Mega Man Zero Collection: How Many Have You Spotted?

Z-Day: Capcom A’s Your Q’s on Mega Man Zero Collection

It's Z-Day here at The Mega Man Network, and as promised, we've brought your burning questions to Capcom so that you can have all the dirt on whether or not Mega Man Zero Collection is worth your hard-earned Zenny before heading out to your nearest retailer and...

Changes to Mega Man Zero Collection: How Many Have You Spotted?

Rumor: Will Rockman Online Connect Series?

Late last week we broke the story of Rockman Online's latest developments, and gave the details. However, there was one detail I was remiss in pointing out at the time. Given that I don't know Korean, and machine translations are sketchy at best, I didn't feel...

Changes to Mega Man Zero Collection: How Many Have You Spotted?

Zero Collection Music Samples Indicate Better Quality

Here's something for you Mega Man audiophiles. Among other updates on Capcom of Japan's Rockman Zero Collection homepage, they now have a sampling of music from the four games on the Collection. And, honestly... they sound better. This is something I suspected they...

Changes to Mega Man Zero Collection: How Many Have You Spotted?

Review of Mega Man ZX Vol. 1

Udon's latest Mega Man manga release, Mega Man ZX Vol. 1, is now out. Our good pal AWD! has a review of the comic over at VG Nostalgia. If you haven't picked up ZX yet, it might be worth a read for you. Here's a little snippet: I can’t really fault these folks for...

Changes to Mega Man Zero Collection: How Many Have You Spotted?

Who is Mega Man’s Daddy?

Who is Mega Man's "daddy?" Is it Dr. Light? Or Keiji Inafune? Or is it Chef? Is it Mephesto? Or that little monkey guy that follows him around? Or is it Mr. Garrison? Jokes aside,'s Game Overthinker has put the Blue Bomber under the microscope to delve...

Changes to Mega Man Zero Collection: How Many Have You Spotted?

Mega Man Zero Collection Footage and Impressions

Here is some video footage from Mega Man Zero Collection from Nintendo World Report, seemingly from last night's Capcom*Unity Mega Man Event in San Mateo. The player begins by showing off the Collection's opening montage and feature menus, and then gets into some...