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Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

At the 2010 Summer Wonder Festival in Japan, Roll's prototype figure was shown off alongside Rockman's finished figure. An info card notes the Roll figure coming out in December, though the image is too blurry to make out if there's a price (albeit there probably...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

Capcom Reveals Street Fighter x Tekken

At San Diego Comic-Con, Capcom has just made their next big announcement: Street Fighter x Tekken. Why are we mentioning this? Only so we can show the trailer-- stay tuned to the end: Does that little bit at the end mean anything? Maybe, maybe not-- we'll let you...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

Inafune Grateful for Fans, Fears Comic-Con

It sounds like Comic-Con has been pretty overwhelming for Keiji Inafune, at least according to his own blog.* At yesterday's "Capcom 2010 and Beyond" discussion panel, the hall, which can house up to 2500 people, was fully packed. Inafune was astonished by the strong...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

Rock-ahem, Mega Man Universe JP Homepage Opens

Tonight Capcom of Japan opens their homepage for Mega Man Universe. Normally this would not be an unusual happenstance, but... something about it feels odd. I just don't know what though. So far only two sections exist for the site, one having the teaser trailer we've...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

Roll Joins Her Bro Kotobukiya Style

There sure has been a lot of figure news this week. But it ends not! One of the most notable Mega Man figures to release this year is Kotobukiya's 1:10 scale, ultra poseable and customizable Rockman. However, his sister Roll will be joining him not too long after, and...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

Mega Man Inadvertently Revealed in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3?

I've got no leaked footage to confirm anything on this. No anonymous tipsters, no website code hacking. What I do have is Capcom's Niitsuma-san, the producer of Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. Over at Capcom Unity, you can check out a recording of yesterday's MVC3 livestream,...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

Rumor: Kotobukiya Rockman Coming to America?

Eager to get your hands on the soon-to-be-released Kotobukiya Rockman model, but don't want to deal with all the money and hassles which come with importing? Then there may be some good news. Word has it that Diamond Comic Distributors are looking into getting their...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

Mega Swag for Mega Fans at San Diego Comic-Con

At long last, San Diego Comic Con will finally take place this week. And if you are fortunate enough to be attending, then you'll be happy to know that Capcom has apparently put together a fine arrangement of freebies and buyables for fans of the Blue Bomber....

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

Capcom Announces Mega Man Universe

Capcom Unity and the Capcom Europe blog have literally just announced that Keiji Inafune is working on Mega Man Universe for Xbox LIVE and the PS3 PlayStation Store. Quick update: Keiji Inafune has announced on his own blog that, unlike other Mega Man games of recent...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

Capcom is Charging Up…

Click to enlarge. Found on Capcom Unity. Your guess is as good as ours. (...or is it?) Update: When asked to comment on what this image is about, Jgonzo at Capcom Unity had this to say as an official response:

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

Calendar Featuring the Ladies of Capcom (Including MM Ones)

I didn't think too much of this during my morning net browsings, but upon further inspection it actually is Mega Man related! Capcom will be releasing a 2011 Capcom Girls Calendar September 16th, for ¥2100 (roughly $23.72 US). Including illustrations from artists Kinu...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

Introducing the “Serv-bobble”

You should already be planning on checking out Capcom's events at Comic Con, but just in case here's one more reason. Capcom*Unity announces they will be releasing an interesting Servbot toy, the first in a line of "Bobble Buddies Buds" figures (gj jgonzo). Not just...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

Get Two Great Games for only 75% of the Price!

If you've been toying around with the idea of getting Mega Man Zero Collection, but haven't taken the plunge, then there is good news for you... particularly if you live near a Kmart and were planning to buy Square Enix's Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

Get Ready for UDON’s Art of Capcom 2

If you're a fan of Mega Man and the artistic stylings of UDON Entertainment, then you're in luck. Debuting at this month's San Diego Comic Con will be the 280-page follow-up to the company's Art of Capcom book, appropriately titled UDON's Art of Capcom 2. Within its...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Coming December, Blues Not Far Behind

Inafune Announcing New Game at Comic Con

Get the speculation train a-chuggin'. At this year's San Diego Comic Con, on July 22nd, Keiji Inafune will be making a surprise announcement at Capcom's corner. Quoting from the show schedule: 4:45-5:45 Capcom 2010 and Beyond!—See the latest trailers and get the...