TMMN Staff

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

Here is a flyer showing off Kotobukiya's Roll figure for the first time in color. The figure is slated for a December release, and will cost ¥3,150 (roughly $36.74 US), which amazingly is not much more than Rockman will go for in September. Remember, this figure...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

The Mystery of the Sour Servbot

The image above, featured on Capcom Unity, is described only as a "Sour Servbot." Nothing more is given regarding what it is, except "We like teasing things here on Unity. Sometimes we're more obvious about what we're teasing than others... That said, enjoy!" Any...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

Bond Man: The Phantom Robot Master

Been a while since we presented any Mega Man mysteries for you, but we have a neat new one today! I'll admit, however, that this is a more open-and-shut case than our previous features of the Capcom Hand and Wily's Mystery Pipe. But this story is still an interesting...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

See Ariga and Swaile at FanExpo Canada

This news is a little late in coming; honestly, I thought we had already reported it, but nope.* For those interested, fan-favorite Mega Man manga artist Hitoshi Ariga is scheduled to appear at FanExpo Canada, which takes place from August 27th to 29th, courtesy of...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

Amazing Robot Master Collage is Amazing

I've seen a number of robot master collages over time, but this one is truly impressive (not to mention up to date). This is by Kinniku, who's work depicted various characters from other Mega Man games in Mega Man Powered Up style have received a bit of attention....

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

Scott Pilgrim’s Creator on “Being” Mega Man

The worst thing about making this post is that I know some of you are probably going to read into this the wrong way or make a big deal about it. Nonetheless, here we go. Capcom Unity posted a link and an excerpt from an interview conducted by Crave Online with Scott...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

A Little Mega Man Talk with Inafune

Anime News Network has an interview with Keiji Inafune up, and while the majority of the discussion concerns Dead Rising 2, they did take the time to ask him some Mega Man related questions: Will you make movies about any other CAPCOM games? Like a live-action Mega...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

Kirby Krackle Says “Take It From Me”

The nerd rock band duo known as Kirby Krackle contacted us earlier to spread the word of their latest music video release, a Mega Man-inspired song known as "Take It From Me" (which we brought you word of last month). Admittedly, it's not a fully-animated video, but...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

Mega Manga Updates: Delays, Delay-Oh, Nevermind

I understand your tortured souls, everyone. How much the waiting gets to you, the madness it induces. But at least now we know when we're waiting to. UDON's managing editor Matt Moylan has given us word today that both Mega Man Megamix vol. 2 and Mega Man ZX vol. 2...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

OtaRockman 2010 Report

Image courtesy of Ryouko. Here it is, at long last: The Mega Man Network's OtaRockman report. While Otakon officially kicked off on Friday, July 30th, OtaRockman-- the Otakon gathering of Mega Man fans (and called such as "OtaMegaMan" doesn't quite have the same...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

1Up Pillow Gives You Sweet Dreams

Following Capcom's Mega Man 10 promotion with the E Can pillow, the e-Capcom store will be receiving yet more merchandise you can rest your head on. This time it's the 1Up cushion, a rounded orange pillow with the Mega Man 1Up smiling brightly at you. It measures...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

Rockman Online Preparing Closed Beta

We haven't heard very much about Rockman Online, the Korean-developed Mega Man MMO, for a little while, but our Korean reader, RockMaster, says that Neowiz is preparing for a closed beta service, with recruitment advertisements being passed out. RockMaster speculates...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

Servbot Bobble Budds Coming to Capcom Store

A little while back, Capcom introduced a fun little Mega Man-themed toy: the Servbot Bobble Budd. Unfortunately only 1,000 were made for the Comic Con attendees to pick up. But if you were craving one before and couldn't get to the venue, worry not, Capcom will be...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

Mega Manga Updates: Delays, Delays, Delays

The alignment of our real-world 21st century years with the 200X timeline inhabited early on by Rock and company seems to have affected and distorted the chronological placement of the manga adaptations which chronicle his adventures, resulting in mass hysteria. That,...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

Reversible Robot Master Posters

The slow news week continues on. So if you need something to do, have some cash getting dusty, and are in a serious lack of geek chic decor, why not head over to Etsy and grab up one of these reversible Robot Master themed posters. The stylized art comes in Quick Man,...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

Resistance Isn’t Futile

Rapper Random, aka Mega Ran, a veritable celebrity among the Mega Man community, has put out his latest Mega Man themed track this week titled "The Resistance," which works off of Mega Man Zero 3's "Cold Smile" (one of my favorite tracks from the series). You can also...

Kotobukiya Roll Figure Now in Color, Ready for Pre-order

In Baltimore This Weekend: OtaRockman at Otakon

This weekend in Baltimore, Maryland, from Friday, July 30th to Sunday, August 1st, will be Otakon. And what has become a part of the annual Otakon experience for many a Mega Man/Rockman fan is the gathering of like-minded individuals known affectionately as...