TMMN Staff

Mega Man Universe at Tokyo Game Show?
Sep 3, 2010 | Mega Man
PAX has just begun and we've already seen a bit about Mega Man Universe. We got our first glimpse of the actual gameplay, and we also discovered some more characters appearing in the game. However, what about next two weeks' Tokyo Game Show? The game has yet to be...

Mega Man Universe Site Updated, Reveals Mega Man 2 Cast
Sep 3, 2010 | Mega Man
Capcom of Japan has updated their Mega Man Universe homepage with some artwork and screenshots, as well as a compilation of the tree trailers we got yesterday. The new red planet serves as an "urgent notice" section. The video has an additional bit at the end, and...

Mega Man Universe Gameplay Trailer
Sep 2, 2010 | Mega Man
Well, immediately following my speculation post, here is our first look at Mega Man Universe's gameplay! Which... appears to be some kind of polygonal Mega Man 2. No sign of any Kinect and Move usage, but the visual style is a little... interesting. Still, this only...

Speculation Train: MMU a Kinect/Move Game?
Sep 2, 2010 | Articles
Been a long time since I did one of this. We are at the eve of PAX, and many things we've wondered about Capcom's Mega Man Universe will be answered in a scant 24 hours. However, a small realization struck me yesterday, and Boss Man insisted I write about it. So then,...

Capcom Announces “Rockman Kai Arrange Shitemita” Soundtrack (Updated)
Sep 2, 2010 | Mega Man
A new product listing has appeared on e-Capcom for the Rockman soundtrack "Rockman Kai: Arrange Shitemita!!" (roughly Rockman Modified: Let's Arrange It!!). The album will release various Rockman tracks arranged by different musicians, including Team Nekocan of Airman...

Get Prepped for Mega Man Universe at PAX
Sep 1, 2010 | Mega Man
Capcom Unity has the lowdown for what to expect at PAX this weekend, if you happen to be in attendance. Among those items, new trailers and game levels for Mega Man Universe will be exhibited, so it sounds like we're going to finally see what the game looks like...

Nintendo Power Readers Rate Their Favorite Mega Man
Aug 31, 2010 | Mega Man
Mega Man showed up a bit in this latest issue of Nintendo Power. No, it wasn't Mega Man 11 (this time). However, in a reader poll, fans were surveyed of their favorite Mega Man series, and this is how the results stack up: 1. Mega Man (58%) 2. Mega Man Zero (13%) 3....

Servbot Bobble Budds in Nature
Aug 30, 2010 | Mega Man
Have you bought your Servbot Bobble Budd yet? I was considering it myself but with all these Kotobukiya figure coming out now it's a tough choice for where to put the money. However, this figure review at Tomopop may help you make your decision. Alternatively, if you...

Kotobukiya Blues First Look (Updated)
Aug 28, 2010 | Mega Man
Hot on the heels of seeing Roll's true colors, here's our first look at the prototype for Blues. This was presented at the Chara Hobby 2010 event in Japan. The poster notes that Blues will come with a detachable shield and three different face plates. As reported...

The Mega Man Olympics Confuses, Bewilders
Aug 28, 2010 | Community Developments, Mega Man
That plumber and the blue hedgehog have had their shot at Olympic Gold, so why not Mega Man? That would seem to be the loose rationale applied by Capcom Unity's JGonzo and Rockman Unity(aka "Unity of Japan")'s Ucchy as they put together the following trailer. Said...

Teaser Trailer Surfaces for Rockman Online
Aug 26, 2010 | Mega Man
So, this just happened: What exactly is going on? We couldn't tell you-- your guess is as good as ours. But apparently, the Korean-exclusive Rockman Online is going to be taking place in some sort of hybrid world-- in addition to Rockman, Roll, Dr. Wily, the Yellow...

More Mega Man Universe to Come at PAX?
Aug 26, 2010 | Mega Man
Following Capcom's announcement of Mega Man Universe, fans were left with but one reaction. Indeed, Capcom revealed a new Mega Man game, but after three separate occasions of talking about it, no one had any real idea of what they just saw. Sure, there were plenty of...

Mega Man vs. Street Fighter
Aug 25, 2010 | Community Developments
It seems that the Blue Bomber has finally had it with the stars of Street Fighter getting to take on all comers in company crossovers. As such, he's said "nuts" to the First Law of Robotics and decided to do something about it, hunting down the best of the World...

Capcom Store Special on Mega Man Kubrick/1UP Be@rbricks
Aug 24, 2010 | Mega Man
Just a friendly notice for those of you who would like to own your very own LEGO-ish version of Mega Man and his bro-bot Proto Man: The Capcom Store is hosting a Deal of the Week on the English-packaged versions of Kubrick Mega Man and Proto Man, as well as their...

A Little Look at Kotobukiya Rockman’s Detailing
Aug 23, 2010 | Mega Man
We know that the upcoming Rockman figure from Kotobukiya will come with quite a bit of detail, articulation and accessories. But an article from a hobbyist magazine reveals yet more. As you can see above, the Rockman figure will come with multiple "eye plates" that...

Dr. Wily Prepares for the Next Game; Plus: More Mega Man & Wario
Aug 23, 2010 | Community Developments
This has been making the rounds a bit lately, so we decided we should do our part in making sure as many Mega Man fans see it as possible. And if you already have... well, we hope you'll enjoy it one more time. In short, have you ever wondered how Dr. Wily spends time...

Rockman X6 Prototype Escapes Containment
Aug 22, 2010 | Mega Man
Here's a Sunday riddle for you all. How do you make one of the most poorly made and most weird Mega Man games even worse? By playing the unfinished version of it! Protodude's Rockman Corner has some details on a recently leaked beta copy of the game which, among other...

Submission Guidelines and Fan Art Gallery
Aug 22, 2010 | Site Developments
Hello everyone! Tabby, your fan art and Weekly Gift Art admin here! Just wanted to keep you all updated on some information concerning fan art and WGA. As you all know, sometime back, we had the fan art gallery done via the forums. I would activate your account on the...

More on Ariga in Toronto, Plus the Megavent
Aug 21, 2010 | Community Developments, Mega Man
Recently, we brought you news of Mega Man Megamix creator Hitoshi Ariga making an appearance at this month's FanExpo Canada. Today, our friends at UDON have passed along the official word regarding the event, as well as another taking place in Toronto for those who...

The Mega Man Network Turns Ten
Aug 20, 2010 | Articles, Featured, Site Developments
After ten years, The Mega Man Network finally turns ten. Okay, so it's clear that killing Obvious Man and stealing his power has done little to make me a better writer. Let's try this again... Ten years ago today, The Mega Man Network was begun by a man with a vision....
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