TMMN Staff

Game Informer Interviews Mega Man Universe Producer
Sep 17, 2010 | Mega Man
With Mega Man Universe finally on display for the public to play at the Tokyo Game Show, Game Informer managed to take the time to chat with Producer Akiko Ito about the title. Over the course of the interview, they discuss the influences behind the game, its art...

Destructoid MMU Hands On, Sneaky Footage
Sep 16, 2010 | Mega Man
Here's an interview with Capcom's Wes Philips, and over 12 minutes of hidden camera footage of Mega Man Universe at TGS, and you can check out their hands on report here. Thanks spiracy!

1UP Previews Mega Man Universe at TGS
Sep 16, 2010 | Community Developments
While we've seen and heard increasingly more about Mega Man Universe since it was announced two months ago, we learned that the game would not be playable until the Tokyo Game Show. You know, the one going on as we speak. So naturally, one would expect at least one...

MMU Promo Reveals Air Man’s Mouth
Sep 16, 2010 | Mega Man
Remember when that first promo image for Mega Man Universe showed up, and revealed all the Mega Man 2 bosses? Well a newer, super-high quality version of the image allows us to delve deeper into analysis. It does answer some questions, though definitely raises some as...

Tron Bonne MVC3 Footage
Sep 16, 2010 | Mega Man
And yet another remix of Flutter Vs. Gesellschaft! Tron artwork after the jump (now bigger and better). Thanks Joveth (via Capcom Unity)

Mega Man Universe TGS Videos (Updated)
Sep 15, 2010 | Mega Man
Update: Changed embeds to the English-version videos.

This Week: Mega Man 9, Maverick Hunter X 1/2 Off on PlayStation Store
Sep 15, 2010 | Mega Man
With the Tokyo Game Show coming this week, Capcom has decided to team with Sony to celebrate by offering discounts on various Mega Man downloads. In addition to the previously-reported Mega Man 9 Theme and DLC bundles, those who have yet to purchase the game can now...

Imagining the Possibilities of Mega Man Universe
Sep 14, 2010 | Articles, Featured
Mega Man Universe is definitely one of the more unique Mega Man games to come by in a while. Among praise and criticism, one thing is for sure: it will be interesting. One facet of this is the game's selection of playable characters, even including those outside of...

Rockman Gigamix 3 Arrives in Two Weeks
Sep 13, 2010 | Mega Man
The third and final volume of Hitoshi Ariga's Rockman Gigamix series was due out back in July, but got delayed. However, Tanomi is now reporting that the manga is due out on the 27th, just two weeks from now. They've also posted the volume's cover, which again...

MM9 Downloadable Content Bundles, New MM10 Avatars Coming to PSN
Sep 12, 2010 | Mega Man
There has been quite a bit of talk lately about Mega Man Universe and Rockman Online, but has everyone already forgotten Mega Man 9 and 10? (Come on, it hasn't been that long.) Well, Capcom and Sony certainly haven't. This is made abundantly clear by their decision to...

Capcom Unity Adds Mega Man to the Zazzle Store
Sep 10, 2010 | Mega Man
If you actually have any money leftover whatsoever after preordering all these Kotobukiya figures and what have you, well, Capcom still wants it. They don't care if you have bills or need bread, they will wring it out of you like dirty water from a rag. But though...

UPDATE: Mega Man Universe Details from PAX
Sep 10, 2010 | Mega Man
Update: It appears we've had a bit of a mixup. The character designs are not done by Masafumi Kimoto. Instead, they are done by Takenori Kimoto. The rep on the show floor remembered the "Kimoto" part, but couldn't remember the artist's first name. As mentioned...

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Look Who’s Back
Sep 9, 2010 | Mega Man
Spoiler: It's Tron Bonne. From GameSpot, via Capcom Unity. A few of you should be pleased:

Angry Mega-Metal Man is Coming to Get You in MMU Overview
Sep 9, 2010 | Mega Man
Since Capcom announced Mega Man Universe, Blue Bomber fans have been left wondering what to expect from the game itself. We learned early on that we could expect the opportunity to fight Mega Man's foes using other Capcom heroes, or even different versions of the...

Roll Struts Her Stuff in New Kotobukiya Pics
Sep 9, 2010 | Mega Man
Yep figure fans, I got another tease for you. Amiami's blog has a new post showing off numerous poses of this December's Kotobukiya Roll figure, in both her classic and MM8 outfit. You can check out the photos on their blog, but in case you're at work or something and...

Rockman Online Reveals Duo, Beginning Area
Sep 9, 2010 | Mega Man
A couple new details are revealed today about Rockman Online, via First and foremost, we have the appearance of Duo from Mega Man 8. It's not mentioned what capacity he'll appear in the game, but much like X...

TGS Attendees Get Equipped with “Metowel” And Playable MMU
Sep 8, 2010 | Mega Man
As we reported before, Mega Man Universe will be present at Tokyo Game Show next weekend, and Capcom has now announced this officially. What's more, this will be the very first time the game is presented in a playable form. There will also be a special MMU stage show...

A Little Bonus Megamix Preview
Sep 7, 2010 | Mega Man
Hey folks, in all the excitement of Mega Man Universe this past weekend, I'd forgotten that Mega Man Megamix Vol. 2 and Mega Man ZX Vol. 2 are hitting stores September 8th... tomorrow! As a special reminder, UDON's Matt Moylan has provided us with this extra Megamix 2...

So, How Did “Bad Box Art Mega Man” Wind Up in Universe?
Sep 6, 2010 | Mega Man
At the 2010 Penny Arcade Expo, we learned where the new look of "Mega Man" came from, among other things. However, we weren't the only ones on hand with questions; Jonathan Holmes of Destructoid was also in attendance, but his attention was turned to a Mega Man of a...

Kotobukiya Rockman Gets Boxed Up
Sep 5, 2010 | Mega Man
You know we're getting near to the release of Kotobukiya's Rockman figure when we start seeing pictures like the one above. The box design features some nice artwork of Rockman reminiscent of the style from the early 2000s (from games like Rockman Battle &...
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