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A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: The Many Faces of Zero & Tron

Those who have been following the news on Marvel vs. Capcom 3 should already be fully aware that the likes of Zero and Tron Bonne are included among the ranks of Capcom's heroes and villains for the crossover fighting extravaganza. Unfortunately, as time goes on and...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

More Hype for Archie’s Mega Man Comic

Archie has released yet another promotional teaser for the first issue of their Mega Man comic, which is releasing on May 4th. This blurb was also put out: "Let the Games Begin!" Part One: The future looks bright when brilliant and benevolent Dr. Light unveils his...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

Fan Made Mega Man E-Tank Commercial

And if you thought I only had one goofy Friday morning video for you, take another! Here is a commercial for the E-Tank branded energy drinks, created by a couple of Mega Man fans. It's pretty cheesy, but the statement that the E-Tank will get you women is an absolute...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

Mega Man Olympics, STAGE 5!!!!!

As the Mega Man Olympics roll on, jgonzo has commanded a healthy lead over fierce competitor Ucchy-san, But there are still many events to come. In the Bubble Man Stage, Ucchy-san and jgonzo compete to see who can hold their breath underwater the longest. ...This...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

Aero Update, and More on Devroom Recruitment Video

When we last looked in on the creation of the fan-chosen third Legends girl Aero, her character model had just begun to take form as Capcom's developers worked towards making her appear like the illustration fans voted for. As you can see in the images above, there...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

Preorder Your D-Arts Rockman X Figure

Because you know you want to. Right now, Amiami is offering them for 25% off the standard retail price: just ¥2,400 (roughly $28.74 US). The figures will ship in late April. I will definitely be grabbing one! If you're not too keen on the importing aspect yourself,...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

A Musical Tribute to Mega Man

Looking for some new arranged Mega Man tunes? Karakasa Music has just released their fanmade album Mega Man Renaissance, which you can download entirely for free! Having sampled some of the tracks, it's definitely a bit out there, but I know a lot of people look for...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

Legends 3 Project Promotional Trailer

Capcom Europe (as well as Capcom Unity) has released this new trailer for the Mega Man Legends 3 Project, but for the most part it just advertises the Devroom process and a few project updates so far. No real game content besides Servbot models and some quick flashes...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

Rockman 8 Manga Getting Revived Too

A short while back we reported that an online shop showed a revival of Shigeto Ikehara's Rockman 7 manga under publisher Wedge Holdings. Today, Wedge Holdings announced the manga in their upcoming lineup, but along with it is Koji Izuki's Rockman 8 manga. Izuki's...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

IGN Unveils Mega Man #1 Variant Cover, Slips Back to May?

The upcoming release of Archie's Mega Man #1 was already a pretty badly-kept secret, despite the company's attempts to keep its fans in suspense as to what dynamic and exciting character would be making his debut in the month of April. Or will it be May, after all?...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

Capcom of Japan Taking PS1 Classics Requests

Capcom of Japan is looking to expand its library of PS1 classics made available on the Playstation Network, and is turning to fans to decide what to put up next. There are 40-some potentials titles, including the likes of Rockman DASH 1 and 2, Tron ni Kobun, Rockman...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

Does Capcom Really Want You to Buy These Games?

Some of you might be too young to remember, but back in the early 90's, before the rise of the internet into mainstream prominence, gaming was... a bit different. For one thing, getting to see videos of new and upcoming titles before they came out was something of a...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

Aero is named Aero

The identity crisis is officially over. Though she sported the name "Sephira" for a little while, Aero will now be known in the west as... Aero! Hopefully this is what most of you wanted anyway.Because that's how it is now. No slap backs. Personally I was a little...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

Mega Tron: Legacy

When Mega Man Battle Network first came on the scene back in 2001, a number of people likened the new character designs and setting to Disney's Tron. Now, ten years later, Mega Man Battle Network is all but a classic gaming memory, whereas Tron has seen new life after...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

Bandai’s Rockman Trading Figures Now Available Through TRU

Those who have been interested in the Rockman Trading Figures from Bandai may have already purchased them from various outlets online, but a report from Protodude's Rockman Corner reveals that there is now a new option available: Toys "Я" Us. However, don't plan a...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

Legends 3 Townspeople Event Reminder

I know things have been quiet while Capcom's been on holiday break, so don't forget that the Mega Man Legends 3 Townspeople Event ends this Wednesday, the 5th, at 10AM PST. If you'll recall this event has two categories: there's one for determining what certain NPCs...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

Mega Man Marathon Rings in the New Year

Watch live video from Golden Horseshoe Street Fighter on To ring in the new year, Golden Horseshoe Street Fighter is running a marathon from now until the 3rd, playing through Mega Man through Mega Man 10. To make things more challenging, the crew is also...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure

Mega Man Olympics, STAGE 4!!!!

The Olympics continue, and this time we're faced with the appropriately themed Quick Man stage, where Ucchy-san and jgonzo must compete in the more sportmanslike 100 meter dash. Will jgonzo further his lead, or will Ucchy-san tie things up again? Can you believe we're...