TMMN Staff

Bandai Creating Armored Rockman X Figure?
Feb 10, 2011 | Mega Man
This picture of Ucchy-san from Rockman Unity was snapped earlier today at the start of the Tamashii Features event in Akihabara. He is checking out a display of Bandai's D-Arts Rockman X figure, but more interestingly, what's the deal with that capsule? What could be...

Subscribe to Archie’s Mega Man for a Free Autographed Poster (Update)
Feb 10, 2011 | Mega Man
A few weeks ago, we informed you that the Archie Comics online store had begun accepting subscriptions for the upcoming Mega Man comic book. And today, it appears they've decided to sweeten the deal. Thanks to a tip from Sockie, it appears that those who sign up now...

Yet More Wonder Fest Reporting
Feb 10, 2011 | Mega Man
Capcom's own Ucchy-san stayed up quite late to deliver you his own report of the Winter 2011 Wonder Festival. I don't think he even got to play Rockman 4 before nodding off. His report has some photos of stuff we've seen, and some photos of stuff we haven't. But I...

Play with Aero, Check Devroom Updates
Feb 9, 2011 | Mega Man
Here's a really fun way to spend five minutes. Capcom of Japan has put up an embedded model viewer of Aero's in game model, which you can spin around and zoom to any position of your liking. It's like getting to have a taste of the 3DS before the 3DS is even released!...

Mega Man 2 iTunes Sale
Feb 9, 2011 | Mega Man
Capcom has once again put Mega Man II on sale at a low $0.99 for a limited time on iTunes. For those of you who haven't followed the game's evolution, it was given quite a few free updates since its relatively lackluster release. Among the most notable: It now has a...

ScrewAttack’s Top 10 Fave Robot Masters
Feb 9, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Video Games | ScrewAttack | Top 10: Mega Man Robot Masters Here's a video of ScrewAttack doing what it is they do best: taking a certain criteria of data and arranging it in numerical order from 10 to 1. So enjoy the video, and then complain in the comments how they...

More on Archie’s Mega Man from Comic Book Resources
Feb 8, 2011 | Mega Man
The comic book world has been abuzz lately with word of Archie's upcoming Mega Man comic. And just as we saw a few days ago from Newsarama, so too has Comic Book Resources decided to get in on the fun with their own chat with writer Ian Flynn about the upcoming book's...

A Parade of More Wonder Fest Garage Kits
Feb 7, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
In my opinion, Yama Tai Koku's Leviathan would have been Best In Show at the Winter 2011 Wonder Festival, but then it's not like I even went. But it was far from the only Rockman themed garage kit...

Plot Any Course to Victory with the Mega Map II T-Shirt
Feb 7, 2011 | Community Developments
Interested in finding a new Mega Man t-shirt for your wardrobe, but feel that most offerings out there lack subtlety? After all, many tend to feature large pixel art graphics or logos for the brand, which makes some people feel like walking billboards. If this sounds...

Rockman Dot Straps the Next Big Thing
Feb 6, 2011 | Mega Man
There's been so much Rockman/Mega Man merchandise being pumped out these days that we may need to open another site just for it. Capcom of Japan is teaming up with Creative Union to produce a series of Rockman sprite themed decorative straps: Rockman Dot Strap...

Kotobukiya Reveals Zero as Next Model Kit
Feb 5, 2011 | Mega Man
After Blues came out, it seemed uncertain what Kotobukiya would tackle next, if anything at all. But the Winter 2011 Wonder Festival has an unexpected answer. Kotobukiya's next model kit foray will be Zero. And that is, specifically, Zero of the Mega Man Zero variety....

Mega Man 9 Remix Project Not Dead Afterall
Feb 5, 2011 | Community Developments
It's hard to believe it has been a whole year since we last covered the Mega Man 9 remix project. Many had speculated that the project must be dead by this point. But project manager k-wix says otherwise: Just wanted to let you know that the project has NOT been...

Newsarama Talks Archie’s Mega Man with Ian Flynn
Feb 4, 2011 | Mega Man
Over at Newsarama, there is a new interview with the writer of Archie's upcoming Mega Man comic, Ian Flynn. There, he discusses a little of what fans and new readers alike can expect when they first open the pages of the premiere issue of the book, which will be...

Leviathan Garage Kit Revisited
Feb 4, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Just giving an update from our previous post to show off the finished sample of Yama Tai Koku's finished Leviathan garage kit, and boy, this is a thing of beauty. The full list of features include being completely poseable, having four face plates with different...

Mega Man Olympics, FINAL STAGE!!!!!!!!
Feb 4, 2011 | Mega Man
We've come a long way, and Ucchy-san and jgonzo finally reach the final stage of the Mega Man Olympics. In this climactic challenge, both must chug three ice cold E-Tank drinks. Considering they just got done wolfing down jalapenos, this is probably going to be rough....

MML3 Devroom Event 5: The Easter Egg
Feb 3, 2011 | Mega Man
Seems a little soon for this one. Easter isn't for a couple more months yet. Ah well, this Devroom event is for users to submit some kind of hidden trick or gag that will appear in Mega Man Legends 3. This is something like how in the original Mega Man Legends, where...

Leviathan Garage Kit to Grace Wonder Fest 2011
Feb 3, 2011 | Mega Man
Last year garage kit group Yama Tai Koku brought us Harpuia and Phantom, and coming next week at Japan's Winter 2011 Wonder Festival, Leviathan will go on sale too. For the uninitiated (which admittedly includes me too), these...

Proto on Proto: A Kotobukiya Figure Review
Feb 3, 2011 | Community Developments, Reviews
As longtime fans know, for many years, Bandai's Rockman 8 Ironbuster Blues model kit long stood as perhaps the best example of an action figure or model kit based on the prototypical older brother of the Blue Bomber. But more recently, a company by the name of...

Mega Man Universe Undergoing Great Changes
Feb 2, 2011 | Mega Man
Tokyo Game Show was the last we heard anything new of Mega Man Universe. If you don't recall, that was back in September of last year. There's been speculation abounds concerning the game's fate, but we finally have an official word on Universe's status. Over at Ask...

Mega Man Drawn in 60 Seconds
Feb 2, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Last week I tweeted about a little challenge on 4 color rebellion. Following a trial of having people draw Sonic the Hedgehog blindly, Josh put out call for people to try drawing Mega Man in 60 seconds. Did any of you rise to the challenge? At any rate, here are some...
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