TMMN Staff

Mega Man Battle Network Official Complete Works Scheduled for March Release
Feb 22, 2011 | Mega Man
There have been some whispers going around that the Mega Man Battle Network Official Complete Works art book from UDON has been delayed. And for the fans of the Networld who have awaited some sort of confirmation, we finally have news from the source. Our release date...

X Sitting Pretty in MVC3 Fan Popularity
Feb 21, 2011 | Mega Man
It wasn't too long back that Capcom Unity opened voting for most desired DLC characters in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 on their forums. It seems voting ended a bit earlier than previously reported, but the Capcom character thread alone saw over 6,000 responses in that time...

Zero as Your Minimate
Feb 20, 2011 | Mega Man
Your dreams of having Zero as sort of a funny looking Lego Man are growing nearer. Here is a picture of Zero in Minimate form, albeit likely a prototype. You can also check out some of the other Marvel vs. Capcom 3 crew here. From the images, it seems the figures are...

Mega Man Legends 3 Devroom Digest
Feb 19, 2011 | Mega Man
There is much hustle and bustle within Capcom's special Mega Man Legends 3 Project Devroom, and between judging contests, reflecting on what once was, pondering what we hope one day will be, and other fun stuff... well, a few things have slipped through the cracks....

A Look at Your Signed Archie Mega Man Poster
Feb 18, 2011 | Mega Man
You may recall Archie's special offer of a Mega Man poster signed by artist Patrick Spaziante for preordering a subscription their forthcoming Mega Man comic series. Well, it appears those posters are already on their way out! In fact, our own Tabby received hers just...

Resurrecting Mega Man Mania: A “Pitch” Concerning the Values of Mega Man
Feb 18, 2011 | Articles
I consider it to be a great shame that we never ended up getting Mega Man Mania. And although the Mega Man Anniversary Collection had its flaws, it still showed the bevvy of interest remaining in classic Mega Man, even though it would still be years before we got...

The Many Mighty Cameos of Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Feb 18, 2011 | Mega Man
At long last, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is here. And while not everyone we would have liked was able to make it into the game as a playable character, the title still sports a pretty hefty roster. Furthermore, while hope remains that we'll get to see some more of our...

At Long Last, the Valentines Blues Winners
Feb 17, 2011 | Site Developments
Folks, I gotta get something off my chest. I love these contests we do, but I find it harder and harder to settle on winners with each one. It seems like each time we get more entries, more passion. And frankly, the response to this contest blew all of us away. I feel...

“Supermor” Model Kit Report
Feb 16, 2011 | Reviews
Awhile back on eBay I found a couple of obvious bootleg Mega Man model kits. Now, I have never seen anything on these, ever. After finding them I did some research and the only thing I found was a warning blog on bootleg Mega Man merchandise where they mentioned...

1UP Salutes the Nintendo DS with a Look Back at Mega Man ZX Advent
Feb 15, 2011 | Community Developments
In about a month and a half, Nintendo will unleash its new 3DS handheld upon the masses of North America and Europe (with Japan getting their first batch in just 12 days). To that end,'s Jeremy Parish is taking the time to look back some of the best games the...

Here is Your Winning MML3 Reaverbot Design
Feb 14, 2011 | Mega Man
With over 400 entries from Japan and the west for the devs to choose from, they finally settled on this truly unique and fascinating design "Calamity" by Capcom Unity Devroom member kankan. Congrats kankan, we look forward to battling against your design! With the...

Vote for Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 DLC
Feb 14, 2011 | Mega Man
Starting last night, Capcom Unity opened forum topics for you to vote for your most desired DLC characters in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. For all those who've felt slighted for whatever reason by the main choices, here's your opportunity to make your voices heard! You can go...

Archie Mega Man Issue #2 Announcement
Feb 14, 2011 | Mega Man
Though we still have yet to start receiving the comic for a while, updates in the line continue to come from Archie's scheduling. Here's the scoop on issue #2. MEGA MAN #2 "Let the Games Begin!" Part Two: Rock was just a simple helper-robot. Now he's the world-saving...

A Couple D-Arts X Pics of Interest
Feb 14, 2011 | Mega Man
Here is a picture of Bandai's D-Arts Mega Man X from the NYC Toy Fair, with a visible English description of the product. It looks like Bandai's Rockman trading figures are below as well. To remind you, Bandai is set to release this figure in the US in May. And then...

Kotobukiya Blues Contest Reminder
Feb 13, 2011 | Site Developments
In case the pretty pink banner hasn't been catching your eye with every single visit, our fan art contest for a Kotobukiya Blues model kit is still running, but not for much longer! The deadline for submissions is tomorrow night at 10PM PST. If you're still working on...

Minimate Zero Coming as Part of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Line
Feb 13, 2011 | Mega Man
While Kotobukiya has revealed that they have a kit based on Inti Creates' version of Zero in the works and Bandai appears to have their own sights set on an X-styled companion for their upcoming D-Arts line, it seems that they aren't the only ones with crimson fever...

The Counter Balance to the Roll Mug
Feb 12, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
No, unfortunately this fantastic parody is not real. It's just fan art by one Sohta. But still, maybe it'll help cool you guys off from the whole Roll effect. Seriously, some of you are making me feel kind of ecchi... err, edgy. Thanks for taking up my time to show me...

Bandai Creating Zero Figure?
Feb 12, 2011 | Mega Man
These pictures from Ucchy-san certainly seem to indicate it! Just to elaborate, these pics come from the same Tamashii Features event by Bandai. Unfortunately we have little else to go on, and between this and the X1 armor deal, there's a lot of teasing going on!

TMMN Minicast #004 – MVC Blues
Feb 11, 2011 | Site Developments
(No, not that Blues.) How does this image make you feel? Just awful? What is it like knowing Mega Man isn't in the running lineup of Marvel Vs. Capcom 3? That's what we're here to talk about this week. In this Minicast I'm joined by Jesse, Andy and returning special...

Rockman Online Update: The Deserts of Gaia
Feb 11, 2011 | Mega Man
We have a new update with Rockman Online today concerning an unfortunate circumstance. The report states that the outskirts of Gaia, where an environment an environment enrichment facility is located, instantly became desert after the facility's artificial sun was...
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