TMMN Staff

Rockman 3 Graces PSN This Week
Mar 7, 2011 | Mega Man
Hey PS3 owners. This week (in fact tomorrow I think) Rockman 3 Complete Works will be landing on the PSN Import Classics. Like the two preceding it, this version has all the special features like the arranged music and navigation mode, but because it's an import...

Niitsuma Discusses Marvel vs Capcom 3 DLC and Sequel Wish List
Mar 6, 2011 | Mega Man
Hot on the heels of the game's release and the subsequent DLC voting that occurred, Ryota Niitsuma was interviewed by 4Gamer (via andriasang) discussed Marvel vs Capcom 3, additional DLC, and further sequels. On the sequel front, among his wish list picks he indicated...

Mega Man X Takes the DLC Vote Crown
Mar 6, 2011 | Mega Man
The voting is over, the dust has settled, and the results are in. And X fans should be accordingly happy! Because in the Marvel vs. Capcom 3 DLC fan poll, the big blue guy won it with 2,568 votes, a whopping 542 votes ahead of second pick Phoenix Wright. In fact, 34%...

Your Days are Numbered Now, Gemini Man! (and Toad Man, and Plant Man, and…)
Mar 6, 2011 | Community Developments
We've just begun the third month of 2011, and so this may be a little late for some of you, but do you have a calendar yet? As February began to creep by, it occurred to Jonathan Ponikvar that he was still without a good desktop/wall calendar, and nothing had caught...

UDON’s Mega Man Tribute: A Winner is Who?
Mar 5, 2011 | Mega Man
From all around the world to the far reaches of space, the millions (and millions!) of the Rock(man)'s fans eagerly put their nose to the grindstone and worked with all the fire and passion one would expect from those who call themselves fans of the Blue Bomber, eager...

Rockman DASH 3 Playable in Tokyo This Month
Mar 4, 2011 | Mega Man
Have to admit, I thought it'd be ages before we'd see a playable build of Legends 3, but in Japan it's coming up pretty soon! This Tuesday, on the 29th, Capcom will hold a special "Nintendo 3DS X Capcom Premium Trial Event" in Akihabara, Tokyo, where they will offer a...

Robot Marathon Tests Metal Mettle
Mar 4, 2011 | Other News
This report is a little late, but we only just found out about it from Yahoo! and the Associated Press's report from earlier yesterday. In case it wasn't already obvious, we've pretty much missed the deadline of 200X to get Robot Masters up and ready to take the world...

Kotobukiya Rockman Kicks Butt
Mar 4, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Here is an incredible stop motion animation by Counter656 Productions featuring Kotobukiya's Rockman model kit. I don't know what's going on when Rockman finds himself battling against Gundams and Transformers, but it's pretty dang cool. And the action runs over a...

Guts (Man)… Do You Have It? Mega Man #2 “Villain Variant Cover” Revealed
Mar 3, 2011 | Mega Man
Recently, a solicitation for the second issue of Archie's Mega Man comic book was made available, showing off the cover for all to see. And as we've learned today, it too will apparently have an alternative cover. This "Villain Variant Cover" features none other than...

Mega Man in Nintendo Power Awards, New NP Poll, and More
Mar 3, 2011 | Community Developments
At the end of December, we informed you that the Blue Bomber was in the running for the annual Nintendo Power Awards, with Mega Man 10 being nominated in four categories: "Overall Game of the Year," "WiiWare Game of the Year," "Best Action Game," and "Best Retro...

A Look at Mega Man Legends 3’s Development (Update)
Mar 1, 2011 | Mega Man
While I know a lot of fun and intrigue has been had in assisting with the development of Legends 3, here is what I'm sure a lot of you have really been waiting for. The above images are a taste of what the game currently looks like in development. These were released...

A Look at Rockman 8’s Beta Build
Mar 1, 2011 | Mega Man
Never ceases to amaze me how this stuff makes its way out. This video covers a beta or "sample" build of Rockman 8. Although it only features two stages, it has a number of differences including different music, sound effects and graphics. Even Mega Man's running...

Jughead and Mega Man, with the Hipness
Feb 28, 2011 | Mega Man
As you all well know, we're looking forward to the upcoming April/May release of the first issue of Archie's new Mega Man comic book. And it would seem plenty of others are, too, with numerous outlets conducting interviews with writer Ian Flynn and posting new lineart...

Don’t Forget About Those Easter Eggs
Feb 27, 2011 | Mega Man
Just to remind you all, you'd better finish up your Easter eggs for the latest Mega Man Legends 3 Devroom event soon. Be sure to have them nicely colored, and that they don't break. Oh wait, that's not the kind of Easter egg they mean. Now I have to start over! Awful...

Translation of “Alouette’s Good Day”
Feb 26, 2011 | Mega Man
Those interested in the many facets of Mega Man Zero's background story should give this a watch. It is a translation of the drama track "Alouette's Good Day" from the soundtrack Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero - Telos. This coming from Sensei-Hanzo, who some months...

Alia Shows Off a New Look in Rockman Online
Feb 26, 2011 | Mega Man
For those interested in the upcoming Korean-exclusive game Rockman Online, you may be pleased to know that the official website saw a minor update. According to Heat Man, it's nothing really important, but according to a Google translation, it sounds as though some of...

Round 2 of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 DLC Voting
Feb 25, 2011 | Mega Man
Voting for Marvel vs. Capcom 3 DLC has returned. This time Capcom Unity moderator Zonic has setup simple polls listing the top 25 desired characters from both the Capcom thread and the Marvel thread. You can select up to three characters on each poll, and voting will...

Rockman Selected as ASIAGRAPH 2011 Mascot
Feb 25, 2011 | Mega Man
So hey, you know that whole ASIAGRAPH event in Japan, right? Yeah, me neither. But it seems this celebration of digital art and culture has selected Rockman (Mega Man) as its theme for this year's event, and this is a big enough deal that Capcom of Japan issued a...

The TMMN Megacast #006 – I Lost a Bet
Feb 23, 2011 | Site Developments
It's been six months of the Megacast, can you believe it? Half a year! They said it wouldn't last. I said it wouldn't last! But here we are. In this very serendipitous episode, the Megacast crew (sans Andy) welcome special guest, UDON Entertainment's managing editor,...

Blockman DASH Needs YOU
Feb 23, 2011 | Community Developments
If you're a fan of Minecraft and/or Mega Man Legends, this is to you. You may recall "Blockman DASH," the custom Minecraft theme that gives the building adventure game a Legends-y makeover. User MegaManTrigger has taken over the project, and is looking for people to...
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