TMMN Staff

Mar 20• 2011 Mega Man
Mega Man Battle Network Turns 10
When I think of Mega Man Battle Network, it still seems like a pretty new series to me. But the original title released in Japan on March 21st, 2001. And as the day has just turned over to the 21st in Japan, that makes Battle Network a whopping 10 years old. This...

Mar 19• 2011 Community Developments• Fan Community
Mega Man Legends Played for Charity
Starting around noon Eastern Standard Time, the site People's Republic of Rockman DASH will be putting on a live stream of playing through the Mega Man Legend series, as well as some purported surprises. Dubbed "Endless Water," the goal of the play-through is to raise...

Mar 19• 2011 Community Developments
Cut Man Sucks, Man (Updated)
Okay, to get one thing out of the way: I personally like Cut Man, and he's one of my favorite Robot Masters, if only for the fact that he was the first one I ever beat in a Mega Man game. His depiction in Mega Man Powered Up and the Mega Man Megamix manga have only...

Mar 18• 2011 Community Developments
Paper Mega Man Takes on Paper Mario in a Duel to the Death
What does it take to make a Mega Man animation? If you are YouTube user "fafonio," then it takes 238 paper cut-outs and 1,245 photographs taken on one Samsung TL205 camera. And here are the results. But a slight spoiler warning: things don't quite work out for the...

Mar 18• 2011 Mega Man
Be Sure to Catch Mega Man Legends Game Club #2 Today!
Last week, Capcom Unity began holding a Mega Man Legends Game Club on Ustream, as Greg from the Mega Man Legends 3 Devroom and Snow went through the first hour of the game. And though the Devroom may currently be on hiatus following the recent events in Japan, Greg...

Mar 16• 2011 Mega Man
Hitoshi Ariga Interview, Gigamix Preview
Comic Book Resources has a pretty lengthy interview with mangaka Hitoshi Ariga right now, talking all about Mega Man Megamix and Gigamix. Ariga goes into detail about how he gives each character their unique personality based on their behavior in the games, and other...

Mar 15• 2011 Community Developments
Legendary Mega Man Papercraft Models
We've looked at papercraft versions of the Blue Bomber here on The Mega Man Network before, including a nifty Powered Up-styled model, some dioramas, and even a simple Servbot. But as Tabby has brought to our attention, it would seem that the announcement of Mega Man...

Mar 15• 2011 Community Developments• Fan Community
Hitoshi Ariga and More Respond to Earthquake
Earlier the other day, Hitoshi Ariga updated his blog with the sentiment that in times of great crisis, such as Japan faced last week, everybody is capable of being a hero. Ariga himself was moved with a letter, which he later posted, from a child who gave him thanks,...

Mar 14• 2011 Mega Man
Rockman Online Update Yields “Patriot of the Desert” and SD Layer
A new Rockman Online update has gone live on the game's official blog, and appears to be a message coming to us from the navigator Layer, who is now sporting the same style previously seen on Alia. As for the actual text, it's in Korean. And unfortunately, there is no...

Mar 13• 2011 Community Developments
To Live and Die in 200X: A Mega Man Fan Film
Details are few at the moment, but it appears that a group of filmmakers under the banner of "Gelfbury" are working to create a new Mega Man fan film, and one which provides "a fresh new look at the year 200X, where robot brothers fight at the whim of mad scientists...

Mar 11• 2011 Mega Man
An Audibly More Realistic Mega Man
You may have seen a video floating around which shows the original Super Mario Bros., but with a new set of modern, "more realistic" sound effects. And as it turns out, that isn't the only game to get the new sound treatment. Following is a video compilation of many...

Mar 10• 2011 Mega Man
Let’s Have a Listen to Aero
The Devroom's latest blog update has a little content that might interest you. Reo Uratani returns to discuss more aspects of the process of voice recording. And this time, we get samples so he may demonstrate a few of the effects they can use. But the samples come in...

Mar 10• 2011 Mega Man
Free Archie Mega Man Posters for PAX East Attendees (with a Slight Catch)
Remember the Archie Mega Man posters, autographed by artist Patrick Spaziante, which were promised to those who would sign up for a subscription to the upcoming Mega Man comic book? If you don't, here is a refresher, showing the one our very own Tabby received a few...

Mar 10• 2011 Mega Man
Mega Man: Case Zero?
Fans of the Dead Rising series-- or, at least, those who have an Xbox 360-- may be familiar with Capcom's recent experimental prequel to last year's release of Dead Rising 2, appropriately titled "Dead Rising 2: Case Zero." For 400 Microsoft Points, players could...

Mar 10• 2011 Mega Man
Mega Man Legends 3: Still Not Greenlit?
How much of a game can be made before it is greenlit to go into production? It seems to be an odd question, but apparently, the open development process of Mega Man Legends 3 may just allow us to find out. One may recall a couple of weeks ago when we looked at what...

Mar 10• 2011 Mega Man
UDON Breaks Out BN and SF Official Complete Works Preview
I know you folks have been waiting for these a while, but the wait is almost over! UDON Entertainment has posted some preview pics of both Mega Man Battle Network and Mega Man Star Force Official Complete works. And the Battle Network edition is confirmed to release...

Mar 10• 2011 Mega Man
Rockman Mini Figures Close Up, and Import Solutions
Just a couple more details to throw at you for the latest announced Rockman toy that eeeeeverybody's gotta have. First of all, MegaHouse has updated their own site with extremely high res images of each of the figures (save for the secret one). To be honest, they're...

Mar 9• 2011 Mega Man
More Mega Man Tribute Entries for Your Viewing Pleasure
While the jury is still out on which entries will make it into the final, published version of UDON Entertainment's upcoming fan-based homage to the Blue Bomber, Mega Man Tribute, it appears that you can now get a look at some of the submissions made by non-UDON...

Mar 9• 2011 Mega Man
MegaHouse Releasing Rockman Figure Line
The toys, the toys, the toys. They just keep coming! This time figure manufacturer MegaHouse is jumping in on the action, and plans to release a Rockman themed lined of their "Game Characters Collection Mini" series. You can see an example of the line here. A total of...

Mar 8• 2011 Mega Man
MML3 Event #6: Promotional Ideas
Your next mission in the Mega Man Legends 3 Devroom is to take on the job of PR. The devs want some spiffy and clever (but realistic) ideas for promoting Mega Man Legends 3. Here you can see I've tossed up a concept... Not real imaginative but it was just off the top...
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