TMMN Staff

The TMMN Megacast #7 – Conspiracies Abound!
Mar 29, 2011 | Site Developments
A travel-worn man approaches you. You've been living underneath the shadows of lies, he says. But, he is ready to illuminate your vision. Illuminate it with truth. Do you follow this man on his journey of enlightenment? Nonsensical stories aside, here is the latest...

Resonnant Vie Track List, Artist Details
Mar 29, 2011 | Mega Man
Adding to our previous details of the new Rockman Zero Collection soundtrack, Inti Creates' page for the album is finally up. No samples yet, but we do now know what tracks to expect. I've added what games/albums they come from next to the names: Cyberelf in Resonance...

Archie Artist Ben Bates Posts Mega Man Art Auction for Tsunami Relief in Japan
Mar 28, 2011 | Mega Man
Following the tragic recent events in Japan, illustrator Ben Bates (whose work for the upcoming Mega Man comic from Archie can be seen on the Villain Variant cover here) has decided to team with his colleagues from Periscope Studio to auction off a series of pictures...

Rockman Zero Soundtrack “resonnant vie” Officially Announced
Mar 28, 2011 | Mega Man
After Ippo Yamada confirmed a Rockman Zero album in the works last week, it's been officially announced over at e-Capcom today. The full, official name is "Rockman Zero Collection Soundtrack Kyoumei -resonnant vie-" or resonant life (which both kyoumei and resonant...

Have Questions About Archie’s Mega Man Comic? Send Them Our Way!
Mar 28, 2011 | Mega Man
The release of the first issue of Archie's Mega Man comic will soon be upon us. Have you subscribed yet? Don't forget, doing so allows you to get a free autographed poster, signed by artist Patrick Spaziante. But perhaps you are hesitant to subscribe for some reason...

Mega Man 9 Deemed an “Essential Multiplatform Download” by Game Informer
Mar 27, 2011 | Community Developments
Thanks to the current generation of consoles and handhelds (not to mention iPhones and other devices), downloadable gaming has seen a definite boom, with many classic and niche titles hopping on board to take advantage of the benefits this cost-effective method of...

The Abridged Tales of Mega Man Legends
Mar 26, 2011 | Community Developments
Ever since LittleKuriboh introduced the world to Yu-gi-oh: The Abridged Series, numerous others have sought to duplicate his comedic efforts in just about anything to require voice dubbing (usually Japanese stuff). Dragon Ball Z, Digimon, and many others, perhaps too...

Joshua Morse Takes Us All To The Robot Museum
Mar 25, 2011 | Community Developments
While we still have to wait until sometime next month for Ippo Yamada's new album, we can help pass the time by listening to some new classic series Mega Man remixes right now! Mega Man: The Robot Museum is a free, downloadable album from OverClocked ReMix artist,...

Rockman X Headed for Virtual Console in Japan
Mar 25, 2011 | Mega Man
Good news, everyone! According to a report from Siliconera, it appears that two Super Nintendo Entertainment System classic titles have been added to the Wii's Virtual Console release schedule for April in Japan. One of them is the Square Enix RPG classic Chrono...

Be Sure to Catch Mega Man Legends Game Club #4 Today!
Mar 25, 2011 | Mega Man
Well... this is a touch awkward. Somewhere between the second Mega Man Legends Game Club and today, Capcom Unity held a third installment, which you can still view here. And today, they will be filming the fourth episode on Ustream at 3:00-4:00pm Pacific Standard...

Capcom Japan Drops Universe from Front Page
Mar 25, 2011 | Mega Man
Believe it or not, it's been over six months now since we last heard new info on Mega Man Universe. Half of a year. And through all that time, Capcom of Japan continued to showcase the title on their front page. But that's no longer the case, as Mega Man Universe has...

Ippo Yamada Announces New Rockman Zero Album
Mar 23, 2011 | Mega Man
There are no details yet, as this just comes from a tweet. But next week, Ippo Yamada plans to release details on a new Rockman Zero album. Wonder what it could be! All this Rockman Zero attention lately sure is a tad suspect. Update: While the major announcement is...

Toru Nakayama Does Rockman Zero… Rockman
Mar 23, 2011 | Community Developments
We don't often use the site to showcase artwork, but every so often a special case comes up. This Rockman fan art, titled "Right Numbers," is pretty cool on its own. But it just so happens to be drawn by none other than Toru Nakayama, the character designer for the...

First Look at Kotobukiya Zero Prototype
Mar 23, 2011 | Mega Man
A little ways back we first learned that Kotobukiya would be tackling Rockman Zero in their next model kit foray. And now a magazine scan gives us our first look at the uncolored prototype. Unfortunately no other details are given concerning accessories or the like,...

Mega Man Battle Network 10th Anniversary: Mystery Data Roundup Edition
Mar 23, 2011 | Community Developments, Mega Man
So Mega Man Battle Network has reached its 10th anniversary milestone, and we here at The Mega Man Network have celebrated by saying a few words and looking back at the video history of the franchise. And while Capcom has not really said anything on the matter...

3DS Experience Event Unfortunately Canceled
Mar 22, 2011 | Mega Man
Capcom of Japan had been intending to hold the Nintendo 3DS x Capcom Premiere Experience event in Akihabara next week, where players would get their first hands on experience for games like Biohazard Revelations and, of course, Rockman DASH 3. After the terrible...

The Latest on Mega Man Tribute, Plus Another Peek
Mar 22, 2011 | Mega Man
A little over two weeks ago, we brought you an update regarding the status of the winners in UDON's Mega Man Tribute art book contest. The winners were to be notified by the end of February, but the changing of the calendar to March came and went with no word, leading...

Mega Man X Shares His Thoughts on Being Left Out of Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Mar 22, 2011 | Community Developments
The final roster for Marvel vs. Capcom 3? Let's face it: not everyone is entirely pleased with it. Characters who appeared in the first two installments were left out, while others no one would have ever imagined making the cut took center stage. And as we all know,...

Covers to Mega Man #3 Revealed
Mar 21, 2011 | Mega Man
Archie's Mega Man isn't available yet, but things are already beginning to heat up! A pair of covers has been revealed today, showing the talents of Patrick Spaziante and Ben Bates as Mega Man's battle against the Dr. Light's stolen Robot Masters continues. Following...

A Video History of Mega Man Battle Network
Mar 21, 2011 | Community Developments, Mega Man
As we noted yesterday, the Mega Man Battle Network series has reached the big one-oh. That's right, ten years of PETs, NetNavis, Battle Chips, Cross Fusion, Beast Outs, and more fun than should be allowed on the internet for kids under the age of 12. Today, we are...
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