TMMN Staff

Amazon Lists Mega Man Trade Paperback for September Release
Apr 22, 2011 | Mega Man
In just a couple of weeks, the first issue of Mega Man from Archie Comics will begin to reach the mailboxes of subscribers and the shelves of various bookstores and newsstands all across North America. And it's not too late to get in on the action, as there is still...

Japanese Rockman DASH 3 Website Gets Overhaul
Apr 21, 2011 | Mega Man
With things chugging along for Legends 3, the updates continue to come. The Japanese site for Rockman DASH 3 has gotten a total overhaul, and while most of the info concerns what we've already heard there are a few bits of interest. First off, you just have to love...

Devroom Blog: The Big Announcement & All About Barrett
Apr 21, 2011 | Mega Man
Well there is certainly a tremendous amount of chatter about with today's big Mega Man Legends 3 announcement! And it would seem a new face has stolen the spotlight for now. Given that, Eguchi-san has made a post explaining the reasoning behind Barrett and what to...

Capcom Announces Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype Version
Apr 21, 2011 | Mega Man
Following up with the very recent Japan announcement, Capcom Unity confirms that Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version will be among the first available contents when the Nintendo 3DS eShop goes online (expected to in May). The article reports: After years of waiting,...

Legends 3 New Character Reveal: Bullet (or Barrett maybe)
Apr 21, 2011 | Mega Man
The big announcement for Legends 3 so far is the introduction of a new character named Bullet (baretto). He seemingly will be a playable character, and exhibited the abilities to move quickly and run up walls. Other new characters and mecha were briefly shown as well....

Mega Man Tribute Winners Now Being Notified; Full List to be Released Tomorrow
Apr 20, 2011 | Mega Man
It has been nearly a month since we last heard anything from UDON Entertainment about the status of the upcoming Mega Man Tribute book of fan art, which was that they were awaiting the necessary approvals from Capcom. And now, it would seem that they have finally...

A Touch More Resonnant Vie
Apr 19, 2011 | Mega Man
The latest and acousticest Rockman Zero Collection soundtrack comes out in just a couple of days. If you're hungry to have more of this album, e-Capcom has you covered if just a little bit. They have recently put up the same samples revealed on the Spiceman live...

New DASH 3 Devroom Hypes Announcement, Mystery Character
Apr 18, 2011 | Mega Man
You may recall a tweet we forwarded about some big Legends 3 announcements coming this week. Coinciding with this, the Rockman DASH 3 page is getting an overhaul in preparation for the announcement over Nico Video this Thursday. Included with this is the silhouette of...

Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype Version rated by Australia
Apr 18, 2011 | Mega Man
The Australian Classification Board has released a rating for Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype Version. While this is likely not the retail name of Mega Man Legends 3, it still brings up some questions as to what it represents. Under normal circumstances, game demos and...

Mega Man X Hits Wii VC with More to Come
Apr 18, 2011 | Mega Man
We North American fans can rejoice today, because the SNES classic Mega Man X is finally arriving on the Wii's Virtual Console according to Nintendo. This has been long overdue I think, as Mega Man X is not just a fantastic Mega Man game, but definitely one of the...

Some Initial Figure Vote Results and More
Apr 18, 2011 | Mega Man
You may recall that at the beginning of the month, Capcom of Japan opened a poll for fans to pick characters they'd like to see as the focus of figures and collectables yet to come. The poll is still running until May 10th, but Ucchy-san was allowed to share some...

Another DASH For Charity
Apr 17, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
The guys at DASH Republic are at it again today. This time they are doing a 12 hour live-play of The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, as well as the Rockman NEO demo to top it off. Furthermore, they have PayPal donations setup for the Japanese Red Cross so that you can...

Covers to Mega Man #4 Revealed
Apr 17, 2011 | Mega Man
Archie's Mega Man comic book begins in just a few short weeks, but we already have cover art for the first four issues. And just as with the previous three issues, #4 will sport two different covers. Just as with #3, there will be a regular cover which gives an idea...

Mega Man, Meet the Mega Boy
Apr 17, 2011 | Community Developments
Okay, everyone, you can relax: Capcom isn't saddling us with a new, younger version of Mega Man that feels cribbed from Jim Henson's Muppet Babies (he's already 10, and they already gave us Powered Up, if the idea needed to be driven home). Rather, one fan has taken...

Capcom Store Deal of the Week on Art Books
Apr 16, 2011 | Mega Man
Over on Capcom Unity, they've announced a new Deal of the Week in their Capcom Store. Applicable to all of their available art books is an offer in which those who spend over $100 on said art books will not only receive a 40 percent discount, but they will also be...

Rockman Perfect Memories Manga Translated
Apr 15, 2011 | Community Developments
Does anyone remember Rockman Perfect Memories? No, we don't mean the website, but rather, the book of the same name which saw a Japan-only release in December of 2002 to celebrate 15 years of Rockman with looks at the five series of the day: "The Origin Rockman,"...

Mega Man Legends 3 Easter Egg Winners Announced
Apr 14, 2011 | Mega Man
This contest saw a bit of a delay due to the Devroom's downtime, but with things back in gear the winners have been announced! And in fact, a total of seven winning entries were selected. I had no idea it would be that many! From doing things like bouncing from shop...

The TMMN Minicast #005 – Captivate!
Apr 14, 2011 | Site Developments
The coolest bunch of guys you ever saw. You wish you were this cool. It's time for another Minicast, and this one is a bit different. Today's show was actually recorded live from Captivate 2011! But of course, it's not so live today. Still, you can just imagine you...

Mega Man 10 Half Off on XBLA
Apr 13, 2011 | Mega Man
Are you kidding me? You think ten bucks is too much for Mega Man 10? I'd have paid twice that! But if you're an Xbox 360 owner, and being a cheapskate is the only thing keeping you from battling Sheep Man, this is your time. Xbox Live's Deal of the Week is featuring...

Gamespite’s Metool Musings
Apr 13, 2011 | Community Developments
Ah, the Met. Whether it is referred to as a Met, a Metall, a Metool, or even just a simple Hardhat, it is perhaps the most iconic of all the enemies seen across the multiple games and series of the Mega Man franchise. Is there any other worthier of tribute? Perhaps,...
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