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1UP Hosting Mega Man X Retronauts Livestream Tonight
Apr 29, 2011 | Community Developments
Just a heads-up, for those of you who like watching other people talk about games while playing games: 1UP is hosting a Mega Man X edition of their Retronauts call-in program tonight at 3:45 p.m. Pacific time/6:45 p.m. Eastern. Following their podcast, Jeremy...

Countdown to Archie’s Mega Man, Day 5: Dreamwave’s Mega Man
Apr 29, 2011 | Featured, Mega Man
Our final stop on our trip back through Mega Man's adventures into the North American mainstream comes not from the United States, but Canada, and a small comic book company once known as Dreamwave. Though Archie's first issue of Mega Man will be available in comic...

Trailer for Mega Man #1
Apr 28, 2011 | Mega Man
Following the posting of the preview pages for Mega Man #1 earlier, MMN reader Lamarfll pointed out that Comic Book Resources has an interesting animated trailer for the book, which you can see below, or find here. As promotion for a comic book, this is kind of neat--...

Preview Pages for Mega Man #1
Apr 28, 2011 | Mega Man
While our countdown doesn't end until tonight and the first issue doesn't come out until next week, we have the preview pages for Archie's Mega Man comic right here, right now. It feels like it has taken forever to get here, since the announcement at the New York...

A Bevy of New Legends 3 Screens
Apr 28, 2011 | Mega Man
Well technically they are Rockman DASH 3 screens, but who's minding! Today we catch a few more glimpses from the game, including Barrett trying out a new gatling gun style weapon, a big bad biker standing in the way, and an appearance from sweet Miss Tron! Considering...

Countdown to Archie’s Mega Man, Day 4: The Mega Man Animated Series
Apr 28, 2011 | Featured, Mega Man
To date, Mega Man's biggest excursion into the mainstream (mind, the video game industry wasn't quite the same then as it is today) came to be in 1994, thanks to the animation company Ruby-Spears Productions*. Together with Capcom Productions, they were able to...

MML3 Devroom Event: Rock the Reaverbot Vote
Apr 27, 2011 | Mega Man
Another call has been made for fans to vote on Mega Man Legends 3 content. While MML3 is bound to have plenty of new Reaverbots, the mysterious and sometimes frightening automatons that inhabit the worlds' ruins, the developers are interested in knowing which ones...

Fans Duke it out in the Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2011
Apr 27, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
It begins! OverClocked ReMix's second annual Robot Master Remix Battle is upon us. Just like last year, artists from around the internet will choose one robot master theme to rule them all and attempt to fight their way through fellow remixers for that number one...

Enter Bandai’s D-Arts Zero
Apr 27, 2011 | Mega Man
With X coming out this week, it's natural his partner should come to light. While we've known it was coming for some time, Big Bad Toy Store offers us our first real look at Bandai's D-Arts Zero! According to the site: Following the popular D-Arts launch of Megaman X...

A Couple D-Arts Rockman X Reviews
Apr 27, 2011 | Mega Man
It's been a little quiet on the Bandai front lately, but don't be fooled. Their D-Arts Rockman X figure should be releasing in Japan this week! Not to mention we ought to be getting it here in May. Given this, overviews of the figure are beginning to surface. First,...

Countdown to Archie’s Mega Man, Day 3: Worlds of Power: Mega Man 2
Apr 27, 2011 | Featured, Mega Man
More “man” than ever?

The TMMN Megacast #8 – Let’s DO THIS!
Apr 26, 2011 | Site Developments
I think if you can take anything away from this month's Megacast, it's most likely this: WE LOVE MEGA MAN LEGENDS 3!!! In this episode I'm joined by Jesse, Tabby and Andy and we find it pretty easy to shore up our excitement for the latest info revealed about Mega Man...

Countdown to Archie’s Mega Man, Day 2: Captain N: The Game Master
Apr 26, 2011 | Featured, Mega Man
The first time Mega Man stepped out of the world of video games and into mainstream media, he didn't wind up having to make a very big transition. He co-starred as a member of the N-Team in Captain N: The Game Master, an animated cartoon which aired from 1989-1991 on...

Our Efforts for MML3 Begin to Show
Apr 25, 2011 | Mega Man
Here is a "before and after" of the winning Bonne mecha boss design, presently named "Donner Wels." This was the first really significant Devroom event we got to participate in, and now we're getting to see how it's been implemented into the game itself. Just goes to...

Rockman Maniax the Next Manga Release
Apr 25, 2011 | Mega Man
If you think we've been getting Mega Man comics out the wazoo, you still haven't seen anything yet. An updated listing on Wedge Holding's Brain Navi site has Hitoshi Ariga's "Rockman Maniax" slated for a release in Japan in June. Originally, Rockman Maniax was a...

Countdown to Archie’s Mega Man, Day 1: Spaz’s First Mega Man
Apr 25, 2011 | Featured, Mega Man
The time is nearly upon us: soon, the very first issue of Archie's new Mega Man comic book will be making its way to subscribers, with the book reaching comic book shops on May 4th and other newsstands during the week of May 17th. To help get everyone into the mood...

About the Mega Man Comic and The Mega Man Network
Apr 24, 2011 | Articles
Beginning tonight, as the clock turns to April 25th (or at about 1am EST-- thank Daylight Savings Time for that, I guess), we will begin gearing up for next week's release of Archie's Mega Man comic book with a look back at Mega Man's many appearances in different...

Mega Man Joins the Fight in Mushroom Kingdom Fusion
Apr 24, 2011 | Community Developments
Mushroom Kingdom Fusion is a custom-made fan game (and not a hack, in case you were wondering) we have mentioned previously on the site, one which features a wide variety of playable characters and settings from many various video games. Naturally, Mega Man elements...

Covers Revealed for Rebirth of Rockman 7 and 8 Manga
Apr 23, 2011 | Mega Man
For those of you easily able to acquire manga imported from Japan, both volumes of Shigeto Ikehara's Rockman 7 manga are slated to be republished on April 27th, and will feature two new covers: Click to enlarge. The releases were originally scheduled for the end of...

Rockman Online Gets a Little Bass in Its Voice
Apr 22, 2011 | Mega Man
Okay, sure, if it's "Rockman" Online, then that should by all rights be "Forte," but just go with it. Anyway, when the first teaser trailer for Rockman Online appeared, one thing which made everyone sit up and take notice was the seeming mix of characters from the...
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