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Mega Man in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: “Missed It by That Much?” and Other Details

“Those Halcyon Days”

Following Megaman2468101214's Ode to Mega Man from the other day, David Trigger Helton has followed up with his own Legends-centric poem. Take it away, David! "Those Halcyon Days" I still recall those halcyon days: Days of island exploration, Days of Diggers'...

Mega Man in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: “Missed It by That Much?” and Other Details

Rare Dot Straps at Wonder Festival Summer 2011

This week has certainly made a lot of people cry. But one group that's been precariously avoided thus far is collectors of all things Rockman. Well, now it's your turn! Cafe Reo and Union Creative are releasing two limited edition Dot Straps at this summer's Wonder...

Mega Man in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: “Missed It by That Much?” and Other Details

CyberConnect2 CEO Would Love to do Legends 3

(Hey I'm back.) Some have hoped Keiji Inafune's Intercept could adopt Mega Man Legends 3 and finish off the project. While Inafune has not expressed any interest so far, CEO and President of CyberConnect2, Hiroshi Matsuyama, indeed has. In speaking with the CEO,...

Mega Man in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: “Missed It by That Much?” and Other Details

More From Capcom Europe on Twitter

Following the outpouring of comments yesterday to Capcom Europe's remarks on Twitter, I thought this might do better with a new post. After I called it a night last night, Capcom Europe returned to Twitter and has been responding to fans left and right, trying to...

Mega Man in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: “Missed It by That Much?” and Other Details

A Legendary Moment of Sadness with Keiji Inafune

The above video was posted to YouTube by... er, "PhallusKnifeFight," who says that depending on where you look, it originated with someone named "SteelAJeeg," or simply from /v/. The video pretty much speaks for itself, and there is little I can add, save to say it...

Mega Man in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: “Missed It by That Much?” and Other Details

Inafune Apologizes for the Cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3

Many have been hit hard by the announcement of Mega Man Legends 3's cancellation, which one can easily attest by looking at how many comments we received on our post delivering the news. It is a truly considerable outpouring, perhaps a site record and is even...

Mega Man in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: “Missed It by That Much?” and Other Details

My Reaction to the Cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3

Now that we've had about a day to let things sink in, I just wanted to editorialize a little bit here, to share my thoughts on the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 and what lies ahead. First, regarding the site: we aren't going anywhere. Though Capcom may not seem...

The Dream is Over

The Dream is Over

We tried. We failed. It's over. Mega Man Legends 3 Project Liason "Gregaman" has posted what is the last update to the Devroom on Capcom Unity, bearing the bad news: "We'd like to thank you for your ongoing loyal support of Mega Man Legends 3. Today, however, we must...

Mega Man in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: “Missed It by That Much?” and Other Details

Retronauts Blog Returns with a DASH of Mega Man

I have mixed titles just to make a catchy headline, and for that, I apologize. With that out of the way, the newly-crowned 1UP Editor-in-Chief Jeremy Parish has at last resurrected the long-dormant Retronauts classic gaming blog, and has done so by posting an article...

Mega Man in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: “Missed It by That Much?” and Other Details

Mega Man 2 Mega Man Tattoo

When Mega Man defeats a Robot Master, he integrates that fallen foe's special abilities into the Mega Buster on his arm. However, life-long Mega Fan Fabricio Fabro of Brazil has put his own twist on the proceedings by integrating an image of Mega Man and his Mega Man...

Mega Man in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: “Missed It by That Much?” and Other Details

Ariga’s DASHing MegaMan Picture, Plus Robot Master Hijinks

Over on Twitter, Mega Man Megamix/Gigamix/Maniax writer/artist Hitoshi Ariga (@Ariga_Megamix) has been posting some seldom-seen illustrations which he has created over the years. At right (and viewable at full size down below) is a picture of MegaMan Volnutt, which...