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Aug 7• 2011 Community Developments
LBD and Heat Man on The Joystiq Show
Earlier this week, Heat Man and I were both invited to take part in the latest edition of The Joystiq Show, a new podcast hosted by the video game blog every week or so. As one might have guessed by our very presence, this week's show involves Capcom and Mega Man....

Aug 6• 2011 Mega Man
Questions on Ruby-Spears Mega Man Answered by Joe Ruby
The Ruby-Spears production of the Mega Man animated series is a fondly remembered cartoon, differences, strange quirks and modern memes aside. Even when it premiered, I can recall being just a kid and thinking the show seemed peculiarly different than what I came to...

Aug 5• 2011 Mega Man
Preview Pages for Mega Man #4, Plus Chad Thomas Robot Master Art/Tease
IGN has posted their exclusive preview of Mega Man #4, the issue which concludes the first Blue Bomber story arc from Archie, based on the original Mega Man video game. Strangely enough, the preview seems to cut away during one battle and skip to the build-up to...

Aug 5• 2011 Mega Man
Prepare for a Triple Dose of Mega Man Books Next Week
Been waiting for some sweet new Mega Man book releases from UDON? Then you might say Christmas is coming early. Next week on the 10th, UDON Entertainment will be releasing Mega Man Gigamix Vol. 2, Mega Man Star Force Official Complete Works and the standard edition...

Aug 5• 2011 Community Developments
Auto Voices His Opinions on Capcom’s Handling of Mega Man Legends 3
Since the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 was announced, out friend Auto over at MMN affiliate E-Can Factory has made several posts in response to Capcom's unpleasant actions and handling over the project as a whole. Following are some select posts from the past...

Aug 4• 2011 Community Developments
IGN: You Don’t Know Jack About Mega Man
IGN has posted an article about Mega Man, but it doesn't seem to be aimed at the likes of you or I. Titled "You Don't Know Jack About Mega Man," it sets out to correct the misconceptions held by fans of the original series (and only the original series) that all other...

Aug 3• 2011 Mega Man
A Couple Fighting Game Guys on Mega Man
First off we have a Destructoid interview with Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 producer Ryota Niitsuma. About 1:30 in, Niitsuma is asked which Mega Man character he'd like to see if UMvC3 were to have anymore. Niitsuma says Mega Man X in response, acknowledging the large...

Aug 2• 2011 Site Developments
The TMMN Megacast #11 – Totally Not About Mega Man Legends 3
Thanks to Comic Con and Otacon, we fell a little behind with our July Megacast episode, so we hope you don't mind giving it a listen in early August. Anyhow, this episode I'm joined by Jesse "Mainfinger" Gregory and Andrew "AWD!" Dickman as we break away from the...

Aug 2• 2011 Mega Man
Vote for Mega Man Bobble Budds
It was the Servbot that originally introduced us Mega Man fans to the Bobble Budd. Now the manufacturer is giving us the opportunity for more. Among concepts for new Bobble Budds are classic Mega Man and MegaMan Volnutt. All you have to do to show your support is find...

Aug 1• 2011 Community Developments
The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle Wrap-Up
It's been a crazy few months, but the Grand Robot Master Remix Battle of 2011 we covered back in April has finally come to an end. What does this mean for the casual observer? How does 57 free Mega Man remixes from a wide variety of artists sound? For those not in the...

Aug 1• 2011 Mega Man
Capcom Responds to MML3 Rallying Efforts Thus Far
Today Kotaku posted their inquiry to Capcom's take on the efforts thus far of fans rallying for Capcom to restart development of Mega Man Legends 3. Naturally, some would find the response Capcom had a bit disheartening. "We are aware of the fan created Facebook page...

Jul 29• 2011 Mega Man Guide for Rockman DASH 3 Support
Here's another way for you to show your support for Mega Man Legends 3/Rockman DASH 3 that I expect you all to jump on. is a prominent Japanese site that allows people to request a given desired product. While I'm not familiar with the specifics, I do know...

Jul 29• 2011 Mega Man
Rockman Online Update Discusses Force Metal
It's been quite a while since we've seen any activity from pmang's Rockman Online blog. Considering other unfortunate occurrences this year, I'm sure some have wondered if Capcom would go for the hat trick and pull Rockman Online too. However, it's still alive for...

Jul 27• 2011 Mega Man
MML3 Programming Director Interested to See Support (Updated)
It's been a non-stop rush for the fans to kick start Mega Man Legends 3 again, but how do the developers themselves feel about it? While they would naturally have to be quiet on the matter, given their position, I think it's safe to say they're behind the movement as...

Jul 27• 2011 Mega Man
“We are ROCK-MEN” Album Promo and Release Date
Back at the beginning of the month, we reported that a collective of Capcom sound members dubbed "We are ROCK-MEN" intended to develop a Rockman themed arrange album. Today the above video was put up on Rockman Unity of Rockman 5's Darkman stage, presumably one of the...

Jul 26• 2011 Community Developments
Showing Support for Mega Man X in Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Submitted to us by MMN reader Alyssa Watts is a special music video dedicated to the pursuit of seeing Mega Man X in Marvel vs. Capcom 3: "[H]ere is a little song I wrote," Alyssa says, "not only just for fun (and NO PROFIT INTENDED), but to show some support for my...

Jul 26• 2011 Community Developments• Mega Man
No, Capcom Is Not Headhunting The Protomen…
Following the accusations of Capcom throwing anyone with even the slightest hint of Blue Bomber in their blood out of the San Diego Comic-Con, new charges have been levied against the company. The latest mud slung at Capcom have positioned them as the author of a...

Jul 25• 2011 Mega Man
Cover for Mega Man #7 Revealed (Updated with Solicit)
Wow, so much has been going on over the past week, it feels as though it's been forever since we last saw an update on the Mega Man comic book. But thanks to Sockie (once again), that's precisely what we have for you here today! Issue #7 continues the "Time Keeps...

Jul 24• 2011 Mega Man
Tron Cosplayer Visits “World of Capcom” Panel at Comic-Con
If you've been following our Twitter feed, you've no doubt noticed that a lot of serious allegations were hurled at Capcom during the San Diego Comic-Con, chief among them that they were having security remove Mega Man cosplayers, or even those who so much as uttered...

Jul 24• 2011 Community Developments
It’s OtaRockman 2011! Learn How You Can Be a Part!
It's that time of year again! Next weekend, from July 29th to 31st, Otakon returns to the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland, and as always, the Mega Man fan gathering "OtaRockman" will be there as well! Events kick off with the annual panel, "Mega...
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