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D-Arts X “Comic Version” Coming as Special Edition

D-Arts X “Comic Version” Coming as Special Edition

Bandai is rolling out their Tamashii Nation 2011 event in Akihabara this November, from the 25th to the 27th. Among the special figures they plan to have on hand, one is a "Comic Version" of their original Rockman X figure. Specifically, it's meant to resemble...

D-Arts X “Comic Version” Coming as Special Edition

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Wants Mega Man?

The presence of Phoenix Wright as one of the long-awaited additions to Capcom's fighting game roster has not been one of the company's better-kept secrets. And yes, you read that correctly: Capcom managed to find a way to include the unincludable, while not having any...

D-Arts X “Comic Version” Coming as Special Edition

First Glimpse of Mega Man #10

Thanks to Sockie, we've got our first glimpse at the cover for the tenth issue of Archie's ongoing Mega Man comic book series. Unfortunately, all we have at the moment is this peek at the cover you see at right. No solicitations, no release dates, nothing of the sort....

D-Arts X “Comic Version” Coming as Special Edition

What’s Next for Archie’s Mega Man?

Over at IGN, an interview has been posted with Paul Kaminski, Editor of Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man comic books. There, he gives a pre-Comic-Con glimpse into what fans might be able to expect from both comic franchises in the future. Among the more...

D-Arts X “Comic Version” Coming as Special Edition

Another Mega Man Cancellation? (Updated)

Well, seeing the response to this should be fun. As we reported previously, reasons unknown led to the release of the PlayStation Portable Mega Man Dual Pack being delayed in Canada until today. After an early breakfast at the mall but before departing for the airport...

D-Arts X “Comic Version” Coming as Special Edition

A Tribute to Mega Man Battle Network

Earlier this year, Mega Man Battle Network turned ten (and made us all feel a little bit older). Now on 1Up, writer Jeremy Parish has a feature running commemorating the series, with a focus on how it saved Mega Man, if at least for a time. I don't know if I agree...

D-Arts X “Comic Version” Coming as Special Edition

Why Mega Man’s Staples Work

by James “GS Edgeman” Riser Every game has its staples, the constant elements that are carried over from one game to the next. These are the reasons why players will come back to a certain series over and over again. Staples are an odd thing for a game developer to...

D-Arts X “Comic Version” Coming as Special Edition

Mega Man Gets His WUBWUBS On

by Zerothemaster You know, I always found it humorous that Mega Man and Roll are called "Rock and Roll" in Japan. It is quite a humorous play on words. I always thought, however, that Bass should have some kind of companion or buddy to hang out with (Treble doesn’t...

D-Arts X “Comic Version” Coming as Special Edition

Archie’s New York Comic Con 2011 Panels and Bonuses

Planning on attending the New York Comic Con, being held October 13th to 17th at New York City's Javits Center? If so, then you'll want to know about some of Archie's Mega Plans for Mega Fans of Mega Man...s. Sure, we already told you about the exclusive comic cover...

D-Arts X “Comic Version” Coming as Special Edition

Updates on UDON’s Mega Man Ventures

Been wondering when that next awesome Mega Man manga is coming out? Or when some new reprints are going to be filled? UDON's Matt Moylan has contacted us with the low down. Mega Man: Robot Master Field Guide: This project has been through a lot! It turned out to be a...

D-Arts X “Comic Version” Coming as Special Edition

Fans Continue to Rally ‘Round Rockman DASH 3

Let's hear it for alliteration in headlines. Anyway, though the furor surrounding the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 has died down a little bit, there are still a few things happening throughout the fandom as those who feel spurned by the actions of Capcom...

D-Arts X “Comic Version” Coming as Special Edition

World Domination 102: Acquire an Official Uniform

by Zerothemaster Whether your robot army is composed of Servbots, Metalls, or Pantheons, there is one thing that every evil dictatorial tyrant needs: A uniform for his military! And Kotobukiya is here to please! Click to enlarge. Kotobukiya is releasing eight new...

D-Arts X “Comic Version” Coming as Special Edition

Full Armor X Struts His Stuff

Figure and hobby vendor AmiAmi has a review post up of Bandai's D-Arts Full Armor Rockman X figure. By now you probably know more or less all there is to know about this latest in Bandai's Rockman X series, but the images of the figure are worth seeing. Not only do...