TMMN Staff

IGN to Capcom: “Leave Mega Man Alone!”
Oct 20, 2011 | Community Developments
One step forward, two steps back. That has more or less been the sentiment among Mega Man fans this year, as we have seen a good push forward with the launch of Archie's Mega Man comic book coupled with the cancellation of both Mega Man Universe and Mega Man Legends...

Rockman Online Still Alive and Kicking
Oct 20, 2011 | Mega Man
For those wondering, despite recent news, the developers behind Rockman Online still appear to be hard at work on the game. The above image comes from a fairly subtle update to the developers' blog. Unfortunately, even with a Google translation, we have no idea what...

Inafune Voices His Support for Those Fighting to Revive Mega Man Legends 3
Oct 20, 2011 | Community Developments
The 100,000 Strong for Mega Man Legends 3 Facebook group has posted a very special update to their page: a translation of a recent post to Keiji Inafune's official blog in which he recognizes and throws in his support for the fans who are fighting to get Mega Man...

Kotobukiya Rockman Zero Now Available with Lots of Pics
Oct 20, 2011 | Mega Man
The time has finally come for Zero to show everyone what he's got! If you cannot wait until December for the English release, then you'll be pleased to know that Kotobukiya's follow-up to their successful classic Mega Man, Roll, and Proto Man model figure kits,...

NES Kid and Oink Art Present a Massive Mega Man 2 Mural
Oct 20, 2011 | Community Developments
MMN reader Ty sent us the following video of Kid NES and Oink Art Ltd. teaming up to bust some moves and create a pretty nifty Mega Man 2 mural, featuring Mega Man taking on the mighty Guts Tank: In their YouTube video description, they note "A giant wall in downtown...

Vote Arlette in Otaku House’s Cosplay Idol 2011 Competition!
Oct 20, 2011 | Community Developments
If the above image of Arlette Resendiz cosplaying as Tron Bonne inside her Gustaff mech with a giant Servbot looks familiar, there is a good reason, as this is not the first time she has graced The Mega Man Network's front page. Before, she was looking to sell off the...

Capcom’s Mega Man Legends 3 Contributor Gifts Now Arriving
Oct 20, 2011 | Mega Man
A couple of months ago, we learned from MMN reader Mimi that Capcom had begun contacting members of the Devroom who had their submissions chosen to be used in the now-canceled Mega Man Legends 3, informing them that they would soon be receiving prizes from the...

An In-Depth Look at Jollibee’s Mega Man Promotion
Oct 19, 2011 | Mega Man
Jollibee, a chain of fast-food establishments native to the Philippines, is currently holding a Mega Man promotion in its kid's meals (sharing the spot with Bratz toys for girls) until November 10th. And for the "Mega Man Power Fighters" side (an inspired name, to be...

Now Available: Script Translation for Rockman DASH: Great Adventure on the Five Islands
Oct 18, 2011 | Mega Man, Site Developments
Our devious plot to rid ourselves of Heat Man by sending him to Japan under the cover of getting more information about Japan-exclusive Mega Man has actually managed to bear some fruit. Less than a month ago, he sent back a detailed report which outlined the cell...

Team Legends Comes Bearing Gifts for Capcom’s Seth Killian
Oct 17, 2011 | Community Developments, Mega Man
Despite the unfortunate mishap in interview scheduling at New York Comic-Con earlier in the weekend, there were apparently no hard feelings between Team Legends and Capcom's Seth Killian. Following the saxophone-driven fan march through the convention center to...

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Heroes and Heralds Official Trailer
Oct 17, 2011 | Mega Man
Following on from yesterday's reveal that Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 would have a free downloadable mode called "Heroes and Heralds," which uses character cards to add abilities, the official trailer has now been posted by Capcom. Have a look: While we saw Roll and...

The Deal with the Mega Man Dual Pack in Canada, and Why You Should Grab One if You Want It
Oct 17, 2011 | Mega Man
We previously delivered word to you that, at the last moment, it was decided that the PlayStation Portable Mega Man Dual Pack, featuring both Mega Man Powered Up and Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X in a single $14.99 package, saw its Canadian release canceled a month...

Videos of Team Legends from the 2011 New York Comic-Con
Oct 17, 2011 | Community Developments
Well, the New York Comic-Con has come to a close, and everything that was going to happen there has happened. As we begin trawling around for items of interest, we've checked in with 100,000 Strong for Mega Man Legends 3 Facebook group to see if they ever got a...

Are You Ready for the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet?
Oct 17, 2011 | Community Developments
Step aside, Grand Robot Master Remix Battle! There's a new Mega Man remix competition in town. But this isn't about lone wolves anymore. This is a game of musical teamwork. The Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet 2011 puts a new spin on an old formula. Participants still pick...

Roll Gets Carded in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3… (Update)
Oct 16, 2011 | Mega Man
...but she won't be having anything stronger than an E Tank tonight. After all, she's ten. But seriously: a new mode for Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has been revealed at the New York Comic-Con, called "Heroes vs. Heralds." It seems that the purpose of this mode is to...

Proto Man Rising: Off the Record
Oct 16, 2011 | Mega Man
Click to enlarge. Sorry for taking so long with this one, folks; we wanted to give resident Proto Fan Tabby first crack at this, but unfortunately, she's unavailable. That said, it's clear that not everything that Keiji Inafune has had a hand in has been wiped from...

Steven Chase’s Silly Pretentious Review of Stewie as Mega Man in Family Guy: Uncensored
Oct 15, 2011 | Community Developments, Reviews
Sure, we know that the iPhone game Family Guy: Uncensored has been out for a couple of years already, and sure, we know that the television show upon which it is based has pretty much run its course. Heck, even creator Seth MacFarlane has recently come out and said...

Hitoshi Ariga Joins deviantART!
Oct 15, 2011 | Mega Man
Now here's a little news which should hopefully brighten up some days! Hitoshi Ariga, the writer and artist behind the ever-popular Mega Man Megamix, Mega Man Gigamix, Rockman Remix (with MegaMission), and Rockman 9 manga (among others-- Big O, anyone?), has joined...

Capcom Unity’s Team Legends Interview Goes Awry
Oct 14, 2011 | Community Developments, Mega Man
Mega Man news has been a mixed bag as of late. When it comes to licensed products, things are great; in fact, depending on who you ask, some might even say things have never been better. But when it comes to news from the home of the franchise, Capcom, things have...

Inafune Explains Why He Didn’t Wait for Mega Man Legends 3 to Be Completed Before Leaving Capcom
Oct 14, 2011 | Mega Man
Since the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3, perhaps even prior to that, fans have wondered why Keiji Inafune left Capcom before the game could be completed. After all, he has frequently cited his fondness for the game and how hard he had to fight in order to even...
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