TMMN Staff

Let’s Play Mega Man Legends: Great Adventure on the Five Islands! Part 1-2
Nov 4, 2011 | Community Developments
Following our update from yesterday, the fine folks over at Get Me Off The Moon have posted the second part of their fan dub for the first part of Rockman DASH: Great Adventure on the Five Islands. Check it out, as Servbots join the fray! We'll continue to bring you...

Results for the ASIAGRAPH 2011 Rockman Award
Nov 3, 2011 | Mega Man
This one probably hasn't been on a lot of minds, but ASIAGRAPH finally announced their results from judging their special Rockman themed digital arts contest, and held their main exhibition in Tokyo on October 20~22. I'd have liked to have seen it actually, but it...

Now Available: Script Translation for Rockman DASH: Great Adventure on the Five Islands: Chapter 2
Nov 3, 2011 | Community Developments
Ladies, gentlemen, Servbots of all ages! We would like to direct your attention to The Mega Man Universe wiki, where we have just added the translated script for the second chapter of the Japanese cell phone-exclusive Rockman DASH game, Great Adventure on the Five...

Get Ready for Mega Man Gigamix Volume 3 with UDON’s Latest Preview
Nov 2, 2011 | Mega Man
The time is nigh! And if you're anything like we are, then you have no doubt been chomping at the bit in anticipation of the release of the third and final volume of UDON Entertainment and Hitoshi Ariga's epic Mega Man Gigamix manga series. Thankfully, after some...

Sequelitis Takes On Mega Man and Mega Man X
Nov 1, 2011 | Community Developments
Warning: Strong language and occasional robot domestic abuse. Animator and humorist Egoraptor has put out the latest in a series called Sequelitis, this one comparing Mega Man and Mega Man X. A lot of discussion is spent on showing how the Mega Man games were fun...

OtaRockman 2011 Report
Oct 31, 2011 | Community Developments
Before you head out amongst all the ghosts'n goblins of All Hallows' Eve (or just a really tough video game), we would like to take this opportunity to look back at this year's other big costumed event for Mega Man fans, the annual OtaRockman celebration at Otakon in...

Let’s Play Mega Man Legends: Great Adventure on the Five Islands!
Oct 30, 2011 | Community Developments
If Capcom won't deliver on more Mega Man Legends, then at least its fans will, right? That's the apparent spirit behind our recent script translation for the Japan-only cell phone-exclusive game Rockman DASH: Great Adventure on the Five Islands, as well as the video...

Botchamania Does Mega Man
Oct 29, 2011 | Mega Man
Things have been a bit busy on our end as of late (hey, we have lives, too), and while we aren't always able to dedicate every waking moment to covering Mega Man, sometimes ol' Blue still manages to find his way into the stuff we do during our downtime. Such is the...

D-Arts Gets a bit Villainous with Vile
Oct 28, 2011 | Mega Man
For a short while we weren't clear on if there'd even be another major X themed D-Arts figure from Bandai, but today you've got something new to look forward to! Vile, the first villain character to receive the D-Arts treatment, is joining the lineup. And why not? He...

Old Mega Man Docs Reveal Interesting Art
Oct 28, 2011 | Mega Man
A user by the name of Buyatari has uncovered an interesting collection of materials, seemingly distributed by Capcom back in the days for various purposes. They include things like character model sheets, ad mock ups, and concept package designs. Lots of rare and...

You Have Rockman Online Questions, NeoWiz Has Answers
Oct 27, 2011 | Mega Man
Since our last update regarding the status of Rockman Online, we have learned from Amunshen that the game's developers at NeoWiz are going to be answering questions from those that they hope will be playing the game. Now, despite the fact that it seems rather unlikely...

A Sample of the 5 Islands Adventure Dubbing
Oct 25, 2011 | Community Developments
Here is a sample of the Get Me Off The Moon team's translation efforts for the mobile game Rockman DASH: The Great Five Islands Adventure (or its many other localized names). It now appears to have stepped up from a simple subtitle project to an actual dubbing! Color...

Dr. Wily to Fight Dr. Eggman in ScrewAttack’s Death Battle
Oct 25, 2011 | Community Developments
Those who follow ScrewAttack's Death Battle already know from the end of the Master Chief vs. Doomguy bout that the next clash will be between none other than Sonic the Hedgehog antagonist Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik and Mega Man nemesis Dr. Albert W. Wily. Unlike most...

More Updates from the Legendary TOM-PON
Oct 24, 2011 | Mega Man
Have you been keeping up with Ucchy-san's ongoing interviews with Capcom's Naoya Tomita? Here's the latest translated batch of the interview series with "TOM-PON," who's been with Mega Man from the beginning. Be sure to enable Closed Captioning on the video to see the...

D-Arts Mega Man X Full Armor Now Available
Oct 24, 2011 | Mega Man
Once again, it's Toy Arena who first flaunts the North American version of Bandai's most recent D-Arts figure in the X series. So if you didn't dig importing, now you can buy locally for $39.99! (If you live in North America anyway). With this, other online shops and...

Mega Man #10 Solicitation and Larger Cover Image
Oct 22, 2011 | Mega Man
Previously, we brought you a brief glimpse of the cover for Archie's Mega Man #10, which gave us an idea of what to expect from the second part of their adaptation of Mega Man 2. And thanks to Merricks and Comics Continuum, we have a larger image of the cover, as well...

Would Capcom Consider a Mega Man Movie?
Oct 22, 2011 | Mega Man
by PreacherDudeRox Well, not yet actually. In fact, he's currently fighting with TV Man. You see, it's not "a confirmation in the slightest," it's more like something to write down and to keep in mind. Recently, there's been some talk on the Ask Capcom forums about...

The Megaman Project
Oct 21, 2011 | Community Developments
Being a Graphic Designer, I can always appreciate when I'm allowed to combine what I studied in school for a career and my love for my nerdy hobbies like Mega Man. A fellow Graphic Designer by the name of Jack Bloom has produced a marvelous set of portfolio pieces...

Ariga Teases New Mega Man Project
Oct 21, 2011 | Mega Man
Thanks to a tip from our friendly neighborhood Wilyman, we learned a little bit ahead of schedule that Hitoshi Ariga, writer/artist for the Megamix and Gigamix line of Mega Man manga, has revealed on his deviantART account that he is "currently working on a new Mega...

The Brotherhood of Gaming Announces Mega Man Month in January, Plus Double-KO Video
Oct 20, 2011 | Community Developments
With Mega Man in a sort of Capcom-limbo for the moment (costars appearing in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Rockman Online notwithstanding), The Brotherhood of Gaming has announced that they are going to show their appreciation for the Blue Bomber this January by...
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