TMMN Staff

Check Out LBD’s Mega Man X iPhone Review on Slide to Play
Dec 21, 2011 | Community Developments, Reviews
It's a rare thing for me to talk about my non-MMN ventures here on the site (or even speak in the first person), but today, I felt it was warranted. As you probably know by now, a new version of Mega Man X was released to Apple's App Store last night, and since one of...

Mega Man X Hits the App Store Tonight!
Dec 20, 2011 | Mega Man
Current issue: It appears Rockman X has been removed from the Japanese app store for the time being. It contains a bug wherein people bought the full game, but only received a demo and were prompted to buy the game again after completing the intro stage. When...

Rockman Garage Kits Converge at “Hobby Rock”
Dec 19, 2011 | Community Developments
For you fans of awesome Rockman garage kits and figures you'll probably never be able to buy, things got a lot easier to keep track of with the opening of Hobby Rock. This site lists the various Rockman kits planned to be at the Winter 2012 Wonder Festival, on...

Capcom Looking to Marry Mega Man and Pachinko
Dec 18, 2011 | Mega Man
Can't say this development will get anyone excited, but perhaps you're a Mega Man fan living in Japan and have a gambling addiction? I'm at least two of those. 100,000 Strong points out today a want ad from Capcom for a programmer under a one year contract. The...

Mega Man #12 Cover and Solicitation
Dec 18, 2011 | Mega Man
Mega Man has now turned 24, and what better way to celebrate than with the cover reveal for March 2012's 12th issue of the Archie comic book, which concludes the Mega Man 2/"The Return of Dr. Wily" story arc? (Don't answer that-- we all already know the answer,...

24 Years of Mega Man – What Makes You a Fan?
Dec 17, 2011 | Articles
If you consider yourself a devoted fan of the Mega Man series, this has really been a year to test your mettle. I would have a hard time imagining a greater perfect storm of disappointment than this. I've seen some fans grow sad, I've seen some fans grow angry, and...

Proto Man Takes Second Place in Brazil’s Super ConQuest Cosplay Contest
Dec 16, 2011 | Community Developments
Recently, a Brazilian member of the Mega Man fan community dropped us a line to let us know that he was keeping the Blue Bomber (or at least some of his associates) in the public eye by placing in a recent cosplay contest at the Super ConQuest convention. Below, you...

Push Mega Man Characters into Pushmo
Dec 15, 2011 | Community Developments
Into puzzle games? Have you picked up Nintendo's 3DS downloadable title Pushmo? Do you... like Mega Man? (Why are you here if you don't?) Well good news: all these things can be put together! Pushmo is an action puzzle game that focuses on platform puzzles generated...

Mega Man Star Force Turns 5 Today, Let’s Look Back
Dec 14, 2011 | Articles, Mega Man
Not unlike a comet that flares up in the sky as it makes its approach towards the sun along its orbit, today marks the fifth anniversary of the Mega Man Star Force series, which first released in Japan on December 14th, 2006. Truth be told, I don't expect too many to...

Maverick Rising Coming in 2012, Site Launches with 2 Videos
Dec 13, 2011 | Community Developments
Who wants to hear 3 full hours of Mega Man X series remixes? Was "everybody" your answer? Because it should be. The colossal fan album Maverick Rising is finally inching closer to release. The "2012" launch window may be a bit vague, but with the launch of an official...

Destructoid Looks Back at the Mega Man Cartoon Soundtracks
Dec 12, 2011 | Community Developments
Ah, soundtracks. A good idea in theory, to gather up all of the music heard within a movie, television show, or other production, and release it in a format which people can listen to at their leisure, all without the hassle of having to watch said production to hear...

Svensson: “Mega Man is a Key Brand for Capcom and Will Remain So”
Dec 9, 2011 | Mega Man
Game Informer spoke to Capcom’s Senior Vice President of Strategic Planning and Business Development, Christian Svensson, for an article titled "What's Happening at Capcom" in their 225th issue. And now, that interview is online. Within, Svensson and Game Informer's...

Restyled Rockman X Coming to iPhone
Dec 8, 2011 | Mega Man
In a continuing case of what's old is new again, Famitsu APP has reported that the SNES classic Rockman X is coming to iPhone later this month. However, this isn't just a simple port. The game will feature new graphics, giving a "hand drawn" look to the original...

The Fourth Wily vs. Eggman Death Battle Reveals: Mistakes
Dec 8, 2011 | Community Developments
We've seen the first, second, and third wave of warriors who are ready to lay it all on the line for their respective mad scientists in the upcoming Death Battle between Dr. Wily and Dr. Eggman. This week, ScrewAttack rolls out a pair of the duo's... "mistakes": Hmm....

The TMMN Megacast #15 – Capcom vs. Capcom
Dec 7, 2011 | Site Developments
Two is better than one. That's just science! So we're giving you a show with double the hosts and double the guests. While Heat Man and myself (Main Finger) fight for ultimate podcast host supremacy, returning guest Greg Moore and newcomer (both to the show and the...

Mega Man 4’s Music is Awesome
Dec 6, 2011 | Articles
Yesterday I made a small little tweet congratulating the 20th anniversary of Mega Man 4. Didn't think it was worth a post; game anniversaries happen constantly in a series that has over 100 games, but as a game close to my heart I wanted to say a little something. But...

Jazwares Super Mega Figure Media Pack Lands on eBay
Dec 5, 2011 | Community Developments, Mega Man
We don't cover eBay auctions very often in this space, but here's something you don't see every day. Some of you might remember a few years ago, when Jazwares' Mega Man action figure line seemed to be in full swing, it came to a sudden and unexpected stop following...

Mega Man Fights for Everlasting Free Comic Books in 2012
Dec 3, 2011 | Mega Man
For those unfamiliar, Free Comic Book Day is an event held each year, usually near the beginning of May, and typically on the same weekend the first big comic book-based Summer movie comes out and attracts the usual attention to the medium. On this day, many comic...

Script Translation for Chapter 4 of Rockman DASH: Great Adventure on the Five Islands Now Available
Dec 2, 2011 | Community Developments, Site Developments
It's here! Heat Man's script translation for the fourth and penultimate chapter of the Japanese-exclusive Rockman DASH story Great Adventure on the Five Islands is now available for your reading enjoyment. Join MegaMan and Roll as they land on a volcanic island...

IGN’s Preview of Mega Man #8
Nov 29, 2011 | Mega Man
IGN has posted their new exclusive preview for the upcoming eighth issue of Archie's Mega Man comic book. This issue wraps up the Mega Man Powered Up-inspired "Time Keeps Slipping" story arc, and as the cover indicates, it has the Blue Bomber facing off against......
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