TMMN Staff

UDON’s Breakfast with Hitoshi Ariga
Jan 4, 2012 | Mega Man
With Gigamix 3 finally out to North America, one has to wonder how the artist himself feels about his epic story coming to an end. Chris, Erik, and Steven Cummings of UDON caught up with Hitoshi Ariga himself to ask him a few questions about his series, including some...

Script Translation for Chapter 5 of Rockman DASH: Great Adventure on the Five Islands Now Available
Jan 4, 2012 | Community Developments, Site Developments
It's been a long road, but here we are: the fifth and final chapter of the Japanese cellphone-exclusive game, Rockman DASH: Great Adventure on the Five Islands, is finally translated and awaiting your perusal. Join MegaMan Volnutt and Roll Caskett as they set sail in...

Check Out This HD Recreation of Mega Man 2’s Intro
Jan 3, 2012 | Community Developments
YouTube user Rickonami has become known for creating high-definition computer-generated versions of openings and tributes to classic games such as Contra, Castlevania Bloodlines, and Gradius 2 and 3. Recently, he stepped away from the Konami pantheon to create a...

The Brotherhood of Gaming’s “Mega Man Lives” Month Begins
Jan 2, 2012 | Community Developments
A few months ago, The Brotherhood of Gaming (the same guys responsible for "A CAPCOM Christmas Carol") passed along word (along with a trailer, and even a neat glitch video) that they would be holding "Mega Man Lives" Month in January. And guess what? It's now...

Check Out the 2012 Mega Man X New Year’s Day Marathon for Child’s Play
Jan 1, 2012 | Community Developments
Whoops, word of this one came in a little late, but at least it hasn't started yet... At noon EST today, New Year's Day, TorontoTopTiers will be holding a Mega Man X marathon to raise money for Penny Arcade's Child's Play charity. Though past years have seen them (as...

Have a Happy New Year from The Mega Man Network!
Jan 1, 2012 | Community Developments, Site Developments
As 2012 begins, we hope everyone has had a good holiday break! It's just reached midnight here on the East Coast as we reflect on the year that was, and ponder what is to come in the year ahead. To mark the occasion, Tabby has whipped up a little something for...

From Pixels to Plastic: Mega Man Revisited and Kotobukiya Reviews
Dec 31, 2011 | Community Developments
A few years ago, we made a post about a video series called "From Pixels to Plastic," a video game toy review show which featured an episode about Mega Man action figures, including those licensed from the cartoon show. With all of the more recent releases in the...

Rockman Tanjou Begins Translation Work on Rockman & Forte Manga
Dec 30, 2011 | Community Developments
It took a long, long time, but as of late, things have been pretty good for fans of Rockman manga... particularly those who cannot speak Japanese. Thanks to the efforts of UDON Entertainment, we've been able to enjoy the works of Mega Man Megamix, Mega Man ZX, and...

Keep Warm with this Legends Musical Bit
Dec 29, 2011 | Community Developments
Here's another delightful song piece from Dashe, which ought to please all Legends fans alike; especially you Volnutt and Tron shippers (which is vocabulary I never thought I'd use). Will Volnutt stay or will he leave? What do I even mean? Watch to the end to see......

Need a Mega Man Fix? Maybe Rokko Chan Can Help! (Update)
Dec 29, 2011 | Community Developments
As 2011 draws to a close, it's clear that it has not exactly been a banner year for the Blue Bomber when it comes to video game releases. Some might even regard the year as a "Blue Hole" in that respect. However, Tony Ponce over at Destructoid has come upon a game...

The Video Game Memorabilia Museum Examines Rockman 4 & Powered Up Plushes
Dec 28, 2011 | Community Developments
Over the years, we have seen a pretty decent number of representations of Mega Man in plastic form, be they action figures or model kits, from every single series to bear the name "Mega Man." All said, though there are still many characters we would like to see who...

Super Smash Bros. Fans Bring X to the Brawl, Too
Dec 27, 2011 | Community Developments
It was just about a month ago that we brought you word of a group of fans seeking to (unofficially) make many gamers' dreams come true by adding Zero to the Super Smash Bros. Brawl roster. To accomplish this, they would be using the model Capcom created for the Marvel...

OtaRockman – Mega Man: Made in Japan parts 4 and 5 Now Available
Dec 26, 2011 | Community Developments
Just a quick note for those interested: parts 4 and 5 of the Mega Man panel from this year's Otakon have now been posted to YouTube by Hardcore Hecxz. You can check them out below (as well as in the link to the full report above, for completion's sake). Thanks, Hecxz!

ScrewAttack Death Battle: Dr. Wily vs. Dr. Eggman
Dec 26, 2011 | Community Developments
The presents are unwrapped, the holiday dinner has been properly devoured, and at long last, the ultimate battle between the two diabolical doctors of destruction is here! After weeks of teasing who will take up arms on either side of the conflict, the time for words...

Dec 25, 2011 | Community Developments
CHRISTMAAAAAAAS!! HYAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAAA- Bit from Mega Man X3 may not seem like he has anything to do with Christmas, but fans of the Rockman X manga by Yoshihiro Iwamoto ought to know differently. An image that has become a meme among Rockman fans is the above frame...

Happy Holidays from The Mega Man Network!
Dec 25, 2011 | Community Developments
From all of us here at The Mega Man Network, we just wanted to wish a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, a Kwazy Kwanzaa, a Tip-Top Tet, and a Solemn & Dignified Ramadan to all of our readers, staff, and associates. It's been a crazy year with some ups (a new Mega Man...

The Brotherhood of Gaming Presents: A CAPCOM Christmas Carol
Dec 24, 2011 | Community Developments
It's Christmas Eve, and what better way to celebrate than with a traditional holiday showing of A Christmas Carol? Ah, but this isn't the same film you might remember; this year, The Brotherhood of Gaming have decided to poke a bit of fun at events which have...

Rockman Online Brings Holiday Cheer with Christmas Message, New Navigator, and More Q&A
Dec 23, 2011 | Mega Man
Well, it seems that just as Santa is about to get his sleigh loaded up for the long haul, the developers of Rockman Online have decided to spread a little Christmas cheer of their own over on their blog. The first item of note is this "Happy Merry Christmas" message....

Mega Man Legends 2 Abridged Returns
Dec 23, 2011 | Community Developments
It has been some time since we last heard from TauVertex and the rest of the Mega Man Legends 2 Abridged crew, and... well, let's face it, half that time was probably for a pretty good reason (sure, the other half may have been, too, but we can only guess at that)....

Dr. Wily vs. Dr. Eggman Death Battle Reveals: The Last Line?
Dec 22, 2011 | Community Developments
We've seen the Roll Call, the Big Guns, the Double Teams, and even the Mistakes. Now, it's time to check out who is "The Last Line" in each evil doctor's line of defense: ...but wait; if this is the "Last Line," then why are there clearly two more (pretty obvious)...
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