TMMN Staff

Bandai’s Next D-Arts Figure: You Make the Call

Bandai’s Next D-Arts Figure: You Make the Call

As we alluded to before, Bandai and Bluefin are looking into fan input towards the future of Mega Man in their D-Arts line. And today we can now say this will be effected with a series of polls to be held on Bluefin's Facebook page starting Monday. The first poll will...

Bandai’s Next D-Arts Figure: You Make the Call

Jin Saotome’s “Marvelous” Mega Man Figure

What would Mega Man be like if he were a part of the Marvel Universe? That is the question toy customizer Jin Saotome set out to answer with one of his latest creations, a custom Mega Man action figure made in the scale of the six-inch "Marvel Legends" line. Jin also...

Bandai’s Next D-Arts Figure: You Make the Call

Bandai/Bluefin Seeking Fan Involvement with Mega Man

Today Bluefin has contacted us with an interesting update. While we aren't able to give details yet, since they simply haven't been finalized, we've been informed to tell you of an upcoming activity that may have influence on the continuation of the Mega Man product...

Bandai’s Next D-Arts Figure: You Make the Call

Bit Brigade Rocks Out with Mega Man 2

Caution: Video contains NSFW language What could be better than kicking back and playing Mega Man 2, one of the greatest video games of all time? I won't pretend there aren't a lot of possibilities, but for the sake of this article the one thing better is having a...

Bandai’s Next D-Arts Figure: You Make the Call

Preview of Mega Man #9

Just one more issue, and the headlines for these previews won't sound the least bit confusing any more! In any case, the preview for the newest issue of the Mega Man comic book is now available, and surprisingly enough, it's not on IGN; rather, it comes straight from...

Bandai’s Next D-Arts Figure: You Make the Call

Celebrate Mega Man by Learning How to Draw X

As you may have heard, the Nintendo 3DS is really picking up some steam in sales. Now, we would all like to see more Mega Man on the platform, but if Capcom has any plans, they aren't talking about it, which leaves it up to us. Granted, it's not quite the same, but...

Bandai’s Next D-Arts Figure: You Make the Call

Get the ‘Official’ Rokko Chan Soundtrack

While Rokko Chan itself isn't an official game, you can now get what's essentially the official soundtrack from the album composer, R-MEGA. He has linked the soundtrack from his site, requiring a password to access it (rokko). Although if you like, you can also just...

Bandai’s Next D-Arts Figure: You Make the Call

Zero and Omega Face Off in a Decisive Battle

In Mega Man Zero 3, the climactic final battle between Zero and Omega didn't quite ring true for some fans, for various reasons. But YouTube user Ultimate Maverick X recently decided to reenact the clash in a sprite-animated form, adding some interesting additional...

Bandai’s Next D-Arts Figure: You Make the Call

The TMMN Megacast #16 – What is Robot DNA?

It's a new year and while 2011 hasn't been the brightest year for the blue bomber (and could arguably be the worst yet), Heat Man, Tabby, returning guest Ash Paulsen, and I (Main Finger) try to leave you with a positive hope for the future. But before that, we take a...

Bandai’s Next D-Arts Figure: You Make the Call

UDON’s Breakfast with Hitoshi Ariga

With Gigamix 3 finally out to North America, one has to wonder how the artist himself feels about his epic story coming to an end. Chris, Erik, and Steven Cummings of UDON caught up with Hitoshi Ariga himself to ask him a few questions about his series, including some...