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Ripot’s Round-Up – 1/29/12

Ripot’s Round-Up – 1/29/12

Another week, and time for another edition of Ripot's Round-Up! To start things off, Magnet Man and Shotoman have informed us that Capcom Unity has announced they will be doing a streaming playthrough of each Mega Man game from the Classic series each month throughout...

Ripot’s Round-Up – 1/29/12

Some More Schweet Garage Kits to Oogle

Hobby Rock is highlighting a lot of the fan-made Rockman models and figures to be showcased at the upcoming Wonder Festival, but they're far from the only ones who will have wares to show off. A few that I've taken a real shine to lately are the above garage figurines...

Ripot’s Round-Up – 1/29/12

Your Thoughts on the Old Man

As you might know, we at TMMN have a little something called The Megacast that we like to put out every month. And we do our best to keep the topics timely and relevant. Well, sometimes things have a way of lining up nicely... On this upcoming episode of the show, we...

Ripot’s Round-Up – 1/29/12

Rumor: D-Arts Zero Type 2 Coming in May

Some early reports are coming out in various places around the internet that Bandai's planned May release schedule for Japan includes the followup to their previous Zero figure, the D-Arts Zero Type 2. A prototype of this figure was among those shown off at Tamashii...

Ripot’s Round-Up – 1/29/12

Merti Appears in Color (Primarily Flesh)

H'ooooooh man. We're not gonna need to install an age gate on this site are we? Here is the basic color cast of Yama Tai Koku's Merti garage kit, commissioned by Rockman X manga writer Yoshihiro Iwamoto himself. If you could attend Wonder Fest next month and purchase...

Ripot’s Round-Up – 1/29/12

Ucchy Asks 11: TOM-PON no Saigo!?

For many months, Capcom's Ucchy-san has been posting video segments of an interview with Naoya Tomita, AKA TOM-PON, a legendary Capcom staffer who was working on Mega Man back at the beginning. However, today things finally wrap up with Capcom Unity's posting of...

Ripot’s Round-Up – 1/29/12

Ripot’s Round-Up

Hello, everyone, and welcome to Ripot's Round-Up! Thanks to our readers, we receive quite a few tips here at MMN, and unfortunately, we don't always have time to give them full coverage. So rather than sit on the items and allow them to get stale, we're bringing a...

Ripot’s Round-Up – 1/29/12

NPR Story Covers MAGFest, Features Video of Mega Man 3 Medley

National Public Radio put up this story covering the tenth annual Music and Gaming Festival (MAGFest), and although there is not the upcoming Mega Man Legends 3 campaign story we mentioned last week, in this particular story, it's still a good one for Mega Man fans....

Ripot’s Round-Up – 1/29/12

Custom Teisel Bonne Figure in the Works

The leader of the Bonne siblings three wasn't going to let Blue Boy have ALL the fun. Last year you might recall the custom MegaMan Volnutt figure created by Ryan Showers which was sold in limited numbers. Well as you can see above, Teisel is next on the docket, and...

Ripot’s Round-Up – 1/29/12

Cover and Solicitation for Archie’s Mega Man #13 (Update)

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! No sooner than we post an interview with Ian Flynn discussing the prospects of post-Mega Man 2 events and original stories than we get a brand new cover and solicitation for the first issue following the return of Dr. Wily. And does...

Ripot’s Round-Up – 1/29/12

TMMN Interviews Archie Mega Man Scribe Ian Flynn

Recently, we had the opportunity to interview Ian Flynn, the writer for the Mega Man comic book series, as well as Sonic the Hedgehog and other titles sold under the Archie banner. Knowing that there were some questions which went unanswered the last time we attempted...

Ripot’s Round-Up – 1/29/12

Hey that looks like…

Meet Chapit. This assistant robot developed by Japanese robotics company Raytron in 2007 has since appeared at various robotics and technology expos in Japan. But really, I can't help but feel it looks a bit familiar somehow... Designed to be small, simple, and easy...

Ripot’s Round-Up – 1/29/12

Mega Man Dies at the End – Series Trailer

Coming soon from and the creators of the popular web series "Sonic for Hire"... Yeah, the title seems kind of like it would give away the ending, doesn't it? But then, if you've been keeping up with Sonic for Hire, then you know that the title can be a...