TMMN Staff

Fans Aim to Bring Mega Man X to Life in New Fan Film

Rockman X Resin Kits On Sale Now at Tokyo Hunter

For the collectors out there, an interesting bit of info has been passed our way by Ratchphis. Over at Tokyo Hunter, they are currently having their second "Post Wonder Festival Sale" for Winter 2012. And among the items on sale? Resin kits from 2010 based on Rockman...

Fans Aim to Bring Mega Man X to Life in New Fan Film

Mega Man X To Hit European Virtual Console Next Month

Nearly a year after being released on the American Virtual Console, Mega Man X will finally be making its way to Europe next month. Details are sparse, but the title was confirmed by Nintendo of Europe in their recent list of upcoming releases. Here's hoping that...

Fans Aim to Bring Mega Man X to Life in New Fan Film

VGMM Takes a Look at Jazwares’ X-Buster

Our friend Nightram56 of the Video Game Memorabilia Museum has uploaded a new video to his YouTube channel. And naturally (as per the theme of this site), the subject of this outing is Mega Man; specifically, the X-Buster role-playing toy from Jazwares: Nightram56...

Fans Aim to Bring Mega Man X to Life in New Fan Film

The TMMN Megacast #17 – The Bad Box Art GigaCast

Hey, everybody! It's the January MegaCa-Oh, who am I kidding? It's February. I know it. You know it. It's time to just accept it. But despite its belated release, we have a great show for you this month. The classic crew is finally back together including myself (Main...

Fans Aim to Bring Mega Man X to Life in New Fan Film

Cover and Solicitation for Archie’s Mega Man #14

A new cover and solicitation have arrived for the 14th issue of Archie's Mega Man comic book series. Click the image at the right to see the full cover, and then check out what to expect from this issue's story, which seems to clarify some details left hanging by the...

Fans Aim to Bring Mega Man X to Life in New Fan Film

Want to Win a Stack of Archie Mega Man Comics?

Have you been picking up the monthly adventures of Mega Man from Archie Comics? If not, then this might be a good way for you to catch up. In conjunction with their monthly playthroughs of the original Mega Man series, Gregaman and Brelston have created some...

Fans Aim to Bring Mega Man X to Life in New Fan Film

Dr. Wily to Cameo in Disney Flick “Wreck-It Ralph”

Mega Man may have his helmet hanged up right now, but that hasn't stopped Dr. Wily from getting a little work. A photo from Disney's D23 Magazine, in an article about the film Wreck-It Ralph, shows Dr. Wily among other known game villains (well, was Zangief really...

Fans Aim to Bring Mega Man X to Life in New Fan Film

Mega Man X for iOS Gets New Updates

Heat Man has just passed along word that according to Famitsu, the version of Mega Man X released to the App Store is poised to receive some new updates. No word on whether this will come to the U.S. version, though we'd say it's likely. Edit: The update is available...

Fans Aim to Bring Mega Man X to Life in New Fan Film

Rockman Online Updates with New NPCs

Over at the official Rockman Online blog, a special Valentine's Day update has been made to which introduces two new non-player characters. More interesting is that neither of these two seem to be characters we would be familiar with. So, what's their deal? Read on to...

Fans Aim to Bring Mega Man X to Life in New Fan Film

Photo Report from Wonder Festival Winter 2012

Whew, I'm back from Tokyo. And Wonder Festival was quite the event. One thing for certain - even despite my best efforts I really wasn't prepared for this. Even though I tried to go early I was still far back out in line, and by the time I got to the Hobby Rock booth...