TMMN Staff

IGN Staff Attempt to Break into the Robot Master-making Business

75,000 Strong and Growing for Mega Man Legends 3

We would just like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Facebook group 100,000 Strong for Mega Man Legends 3 (aka "Get Me Off the Moon") on reaching a new milestone today. For a while, it seemed that the numbers had slowed down a bit after they reached the...

IGN Staff Attempt to Break into the Robot Master-making Business

D-Arts Vile’s Got a Double Shoulder Cannon All The Way

And it's so intense. Vile (known as VAVA in Japan) is getting powered up with a second shoulder cannon for his Bandai Premium release. Unlike in North America, VAVA is being released in Japan as an online exclusive figure. Orders have opened up, and will run through...

IGN Staff Attempt to Break into the Robot Master-making Business

Mega Man 2.5D – March Update 2012

It's been a little while since we last saw anything from Peter Sjostrand's Mega Man 2.5D fan game (though Gamasutra did interview the composer, Magnus ‘Souleye’ Palsson, last year), but a new update has been posted to YouTube. Check it out: They note that this serves...

IGN Staff Attempt to Break into the Robot Master-making Business

Capcom Bringing New Mega Man T-Shirts to Their Online Store

Over on Capcom Unity, DJay has made a post informing us that the Capcom Store will be rolling out three brand-new exclusive Mega Man t-shirts in the coming weeks. And apparently, the above image of Dr. Wily is a sneak peek at what one of them will look like. What do...

IGN Staff Attempt to Break into the Robot Master-making Business

Cover and Teaser for Mega Man #15

While we're about wrapping up the third story arch of the Archie series, new info has dropped about the developing fourth. Mega Man #15 "(W) Ian Flynn (A) Gary Martin & Various (CA) Ben Bates 'Spiritus ex Machina,' Part 3. Time is running out for Mega Man and his...

IGN Staff Attempt to Break into the Robot Master-making Business

Editorial: What Made Mega Man Classic Fun?

When Mega Man's creator, Keiji Inafune, spoke recently at the Game Developer's Conference, he discussed the need for Japanese video game companies to reinvent the brands that brought them so much success in previous years. While we still do not know what the future...

IGN Staff Attempt to Break into the Robot Master-making Business

Get to Know Rockman Online’s Original Navigator: Irene

A new Rockman Online blog update details another of the game's original characters, the navigator Irene. She has an interesting back story, which seems to strike a little at ZX material: Irene is a navigator assigned by the UCA Hunter Agency one year prior. We can't...

IGN Staff Attempt to Break into the Robot Master-making Business

Mega Man Puts the Joy Back Into ‘Joystick’

We accidentally wound up sitting on this story for a bit, and to Undamned, we apologize for that. Nonetheless, "b15sdm" had a Frank West joystick he was trying to sell at the forums. When that didn't take, he changed it to the "more universal" theme of...

IGN Staff Attempt to Break into the Robot Master-making Business

GameCenter CX’s Rockman Episode Subbed

For those unfamiliar, GameCenter CX, aka Retro Game Master via its Kotaku stream, is a Japanese television television show in which the star, Shinya Arino, attempts to play through the challenging video games of yesteryear. Additionally, it was the inspiration for the...

IGN Staff Attempt to Break into the Robot Master-making Business

IGN’s Preview of Mega Man #11

Though subscribers have begun receiving their copies, those with local comic book shops near them will be able to get their hands on the penultimate chapter of the Mega Man 2 adaptation, "The Return of Dr. Wily," this Wednesday. In the meantime, you can scope out the...

IGN Staff Attempt to Break into the Robot Master-making Business

“Zoku Fami Compi” to Trick Out Some Mega Man Tunes

Here's a nice little treat you weren't expecting. While not a new Mega Man album entirely, the game arrangement album "Zoku Fami Compi" (meaning Continued Famicom Compilation) is set to include some work from Mega Man and Mega Man 2. Go to games in the world of VG...