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The Making of an Old Man

Old man "Mega Man," featured as a playable character in Street Fighter X Tekken, is perhaps old news by now. The game is out, jokes were made, and, barring any kind of return in future games, the curtain has closed. But that doesn't mean Mega Man's stomach isn't still...

Neo Devroom Events: Weapon Contest Finalists Announced – Place Your Vote Now!

The Hair-Raising Preview of Archie’s Mega Man #12

If you've been looking forward to your next Archie Mega Man fix, here's a little something for you. Destructoid has a selection of preview pages from issue #12 available to take a look at. This month's installment will bring down the curtain on the series' "Return of...

Neo Devroom Events: Weapon Contest Finalists Announced – Place Your Vote Now!

A Mega Man X Video Short

Andrew Goodwin of the band "Awake! Awake!" passed along to us the following video, which he and his friend Olan Rogers recently completed. Most of us are familiar by now with the opening text of the first Mega Man X game, but did you ever wonder what sort of tests Dr....

Neo Devroom Events: Weapon Contest Finalists Announced – Place Your Vote Now!

Here is Capcom’s Rockman 25th Anniversary Plan

Perhaps you were hoping for Mega Man Legends 3? Or maybe Mega Man X9, or a remade, high definition Mega Man collection? Come now, your thinking is much too small. Capcom has something way better planned than any of that! Rockman Unity has the scoop that the three...

Neo Devroom Events: Weapon Contest Finalists Announced – Place Your Vote Now!

No Foolin’

We just wanted to make a post to let you all know that this year, we aren't making with the April Fool's jokes. Don't get us wrong, though, as we had ideas. Oh, did we ever have ideas. But based on reactions in the past and taking into account what the past year has...

Neo Devroom Events: Weapon Contest Finalists Announced – Place Your Vote Now!

MM Universe: Looking Back on Something Old with Something New

It's been a full year since the cancellation of Mega Man Universe. It happened to be on my birthday too, making it just a little more special! Anyway, as much as I've racked my brain, I don't have much insightful to say on the matter. Some say this marked the...

Neo Devroom Events: Weapon Contest Finalists Announced – Place Your Vote Now!

The Science of Mega Man

If there is one thing we've learned from running articles about Mega Man-ish science showing up in real life, it's that most Mega Man fans really don't care. A lesson well-learned, and we've held up a pretty good streak of not informing you how close to the robot...

Neo Devroom Events: Weapon Contest Finalists Announced – Place Your Vote Now!

Another Contest Reminder, and Some Thoughts

So once again, I really dropped the ball on a contest. Specifically our SFxT Roll artwork contest. The deadline is a couple of days, but to be honest I don't think we've received a single entry. This time I apparently forget to even list the contest among our others....

Neo Devroom Events: Weapon Contest Finalists Announced – Place Your Vote Now!

Some Element X Added to Banpresto’s Science Experiment

We've been following Banpresto's teaser for a 3DS collaboration game between Capcom, Sega and Bandai Namco Games without any real certainty what to expect, and now the stakes have raised more for Mega Man fans. A new "pixelsome" has been added to the Petri that...

Neo Devroom Events: Weapon Contest Finalists Announced – Place Your Vote Now!

New Mega Man Comic Interview with Ian Flynn in Nintendo Power

Attention, Mega Fans! ...well, those of you who enjoy the Archie Mega Man comic, first and foremost. The new April issue of Nintendo Power magazine (volume 277 features a terrific three-page interview with none other than writer Ian Flynn, as he addresses a number of...

Neo Devroom Events: Weapon Contest Finalists Announced – Place Your Vote Now!

Mega Man 5 to Hit European Virtual Console Thursday

Nintendolife reports that Mega Man 5 will be hitting the Wii Virtual Console this Thursday, March 29th.  The NES classic that introduced us to Beat, the Super Arrow and that weird Rush Coil variation will cost 500 Wii Points. While we wait on both sides of the...