TMMN Staff

A Critical Look at Mega Man 2 Stages: Flash Man
Jun 10, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
Flash Man's Stage and music. This stage takes the split paths idea and cranks it to 11. The first two screens have nothing going on in them, but that's actually a good move, since the entire level is slippery and it gives the player a chance to realize that before...

Happy Rock Day – Mega Man Fans Around the World Unite!
Jun 9, 2012 | Community Developments
Happy Rock Day everyone! Of course, every day is a fine day to think of the awesomeness that is Mega Man, but because of a Japanese pun with numbers, June 9th is an "official" day of observance. If you've got any free time, boot up your favorite Mega Man games and...

The Making of the Cover for Archie’s Mega Man #17
Jun 9, 2012 | Mega Man
A couple of weeks ago, we got our first look at the two covers for the 17th issue of Archie's Mega Man comic book series, which is poised to take a look at the origin of everyone's favorite Bro-bot, Proto Man. Chad Thomas, who created the art for one of those covers,...

8-bitify Your Fridge with These Mega Man Bead Sets from Eight Bit Robot
Jun 8, 2012 | Community Developments
We realize this isn't for everyone, but if you are a fan of 8-bit Mega Man art, then Etsy has a shop for you. Eight Bit Robot is a new shop on Etsy, an online marketplace for homemade goods, which features perler-based sprite art of different characters from Mega Man,...

Remember This? Rockman X6 Commercial Resurfaces
Jun 7, 2012 | Mega Man
A few days ago, we posted this "lost" commercial for Rockman.EXE 3: Black Version, which had been posted to YouTube recently by hikachi8. Well, he's back at it again! More recently, he posted another Rockman commercial, one that we-- and maybe you-- might remember a...

Dr. Wily Disappears from Film “Wreck-It Ralph”?
Jun 6, 2012 | Mega Man
You'll recall sometime back of the interesting buzz surrounding the movie Wreck-It Ralph, featuring a host of video game villain cameos, including, apparently, Dr. Wily. However, in the newly released trailer for the movie, Wily appears to be replaced by... generic...

“Rock Day” Homage Collage – The Fandom Literally Overflowed
Jun 6, 2012 | Community Developments
Just a couple days ago, we brought you word of a fun activity to get involved in and show support for Mega Man. And get involved you did - perhaps a tad too much! We have this note from Amunshen: Since we got so many applicants (it’s near 100 right now), unavoidably...

Zero Makes TR’s List of Endings More Depressing Than Mass Effect 3
Jun 6, 2012 | Community Developments
Well, that title turned out to be a mouthful... Anyway, let's face it: These days, it's usually a small pleasure to see Mega Man acknowledged by the "mainstream" gaming press; that is, the press which covers gaming on a broader level than just the newest fad, but not...

Variant Cover for Archie’s Mega Man #14 at SDCC
Jun 5, 2012 | Mega Man
Click to enlarge. We just received word from Crimson Seiko that the latest issue of Archie's Mega Man reveals that a special exclusive variant cover of the 14th issue (part two of the "Spiritus ex Machina" story arc) will be available to purchase at the convention....

Conjure Ruins of Mystery in the Next MML3 Neo Devroom Event
Jun 5, 2012 | Community Developments
Mega Man Legends enthusiasts cease to let up, and have been continuing the work of the Mega Man Legends 3 Devroom, if at least to keep up the spirit. You may recall the original Neo Devroom contest to design a weapon, and it wrapped up with big results. For this next...

Celebrate Reploid Independence Day
Jun 4, 2012 | Community Developments
We received a tip from Erico reminding us that today, June 4th, is the "Day of Sigma" (according to the instruction manual for Mega Man X). Or, as he puts it, "Reploid Independence Day." Or at least it will be, come 21XX. We'll just let him take it from here: "I've...

A Call to Artists for Worldwide Mega Man Homage
Jun 4, 2012 | Community Developments
Do you like Mega Man? Do you draw good? Then you're eligible for to contribute to a Mega Man fan endeavor of global proportions! However, time is very much against you, so if you're interested, read carefully and act quickly. Some people, particularly the Japanese,...

Mega Man Dies at the End : THE END of Season One
Jun 4, 2012 | Community Developments
After a little feedback when the series began, we decided we wouldn't update with each week's episode of Machinima's "Mega Man Dies at the End" until... well, the end. The end of the season, at least, and that time is now. Without further ado, the season finale is now...

Rockman 4 Golden Catridge Prices Skyrocketing
Jun 3, 2012 | Mega Man
Of course, there is only one legitimate Rockman 4 cartridge on sale, which has been moved to Super Potato's most recently opened Osaka store. The fabled cart, one of only eight in the world and awarded to the Rockman 4 boss contest winners, used to run for ¥590,000....

A Critical Look at Mega Man 2 Stages: Quick Man
Jun 3, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
Quick Man's Stage and music. I've been sitting here wondering what to say about the first screen, and it occurred to me that the life there wasn't only a reward for having one of the items and a warning about the level's difficulty, but it's one of the few spots in...

Jack-In to This Lost Rockman.EXE 3 Black Commercial, If That’s What It Takes
Jun 2, 2012 | Mega Man
The old Mega Man Battle Network Express doesn't come by here much any more, but when it does, it's usually a pleasure. Such is the case with this lost Japanese commercial for Rockman.EXE3: Black (released here as Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue Version) starring none...

Mega Man 8 Gets a Little Riffed
Jun 1, 2012 | Community Developments
Video contains minor amounts of NSFW language Perhaps you're familiar with the RiffTrax guys, or (if you're old enough), the show Mystery Science Theater 3000. For over 20 years Michael Nelson and co. have made an artform from making fun of bad movies, and what's more...

The Blue Bomber Goes 3D (Again) in “Mega Man 3D 2: The Siege of Megacity”
Jun 1, 2012 | Community Developments
In lieu of anything from Capcom, the Mega Man fan games really seem to be coming out in force... or maybe we just have more time to focus on them these days. Whatever the case, Wilyman has passed along a tip about the following, an already completed project known as...

T-Shirt Contest Winners, and Who You Want to Represent Mega Man’s 25th
May 31, 2012 | Community Developments, Contests, Mega Man
The time has finally come! After far too long a wait (my sincerest apologies-- travel + illness + work does not a fun combination make. It's not a good excuse, but it's all I have), we are now ready to reveal the winners of our collaborative contest with Capcom Unity...

Have a Merry Brettmas, Everyone!
May 30, 2012 | Site Developments
We're a little late on this, but better late than never! Time for another random celebration of a Capcom employee playing a Mega Man game! Put on your festive overalls, bake a holiday meatloaf and fill top hats with coal. It's Brettmas! Lo, in the ancient times (a...
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