TMMN Staff

DDT Pro Wrestler Kenny Omega Gets Megafied
Jun 30, 2012 | Other News
I doubt a lot of you know much about Japanese pro wrestling - I certainly don't. But today the stars have aligned and we get to talk about Kenny Omega, a Canada-born pro wrestler in Japan's Dramatic Dream Team circuit. Kenny's character gimmick is that he's a big...

Street Fighter X Tekken Artworks Coming in August
Jun 30, 2012 | Mega Man
Following the recent announcement of Marvel vs. Capcom: Official Complete Works, UDON Entertainment has revealed that August will see the release of another art book, this one being Street Fighter X Tekken Artworks. And if you're wondering why we're talking about this...

D-Arts Zero Fades to Black on Yahoo! Japan Auctions
Jun 30, 2012 | Community Developments
What's better than Zero? Well, depending on the game (and how liberal you are about code usage, in some cases), the answer would be "Zero in black." First appearing in Mega Man X2 as a result of Sigma's failure to "study the blueprints closely" (maybe he's color...

Bon Bonne Figure Released
Jun 28, 2012 | Community Developments, Fan Community
We've seen plenty of pictures of this awesome figure and now it's finally up for release! Check out the email below from Score and Owl. Hey everybody, Score and Owl here with big news! For starters we've just posted our first video on our new official YouTube channel...

Adventure Time with Mega Finn and… er, Jush?
Jun 27, 2012 | Community Developments
Just a little something that's been going around that we thought some of you might enjoy. From Clearly Wrong, via Kotaku.

A Little Bit of Project X Zone
Jun 27, 2012 | Mega Man
Remember this game? While there's nothing new concerning Mega Man content to report on, I thought you might enjoy these screens from a recent issue of Famitsu. This is our first time seeing X and Zero's splash artwork in the game, and I'm sure it will be even better...

Don’t Worry, Ariga is Working On It!
Jun 27, 2012 | Mega Man
Last year, Hitoshi Ariga mentioned that he was working on a new Mega Man project, but has been pretty silent about it since of course. That's no reason to think nothing is progressing, though. Granted, I know a lot of you are eager and have been pestering at him about...

Rockman 4 MI is My Dream Mega Man Game
Jun 26, 2012 | Community Developments
I don't care much for ROM hacks. The vast majority of them just take a game and make it more frustrating, and I've found this is especially true of the Mega Man games. But "Rockman 4 MI" is entirely different. PureSabe has been working on the game for years,...

Super Mario Crossover Gives Way to the Super Retro Squad
Jun 26, 2012 | Community Developments
Over the past couple of years, you might have noticed some buzz around a fan game known as Super Mario Crossover, including a few stories on this very site. For those who don't know, it is a Flash-based game in which a variety of NES video game heroes, including Mega...

Mega Man Gets Flashy as Capcom Unity Teases 25th Anniversary Plans
Jun 26, 2012 | Community Developments, Mega Man
Over on Capcom Unity, Brelston posted the Mega Man 25th anniversary animated gif created by Brother Brain (click to enlarge) while lightly discussing what they have in store for the Blue Bomber's special occasion. "Our official MM25 plans are still cooking, but they...

We Got a D-Arts VAVA Figure for You to Win!
Jun 26, 2012 | Site Developments
First of all, yes, the judging for the Zero Type 2 contest is still ongoing. There are a number of amazing entries, and the judging is coming much more difficultly than we expected. This is in part because of the very loose standards for what to evaluate entries on....

Get Equipped with Humor
Jun 25, 2012 | Community Developments
We could all use a little more laughter in our lives, especially after looking at the upcoming releases schedule (which needs to be updated to "nothing"), and today, we've got something we've been meaning to share with you for a while now: comic strips! These are two...

Bandai D-Arts VAVA – Photo Report
Jun 24, 2012 | Community Developments, Mega Man
Yep, Bandai's D-Arts VAVA figure (Vile to us) is now shipping in Japan. This was a Tamashi Web exclusive here, and while those in North America should be able to buy it via the regular means, there was only a short...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 2 Stages: Special Weapons and Items
Jun 24, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
Alright, now that we've gone through the first eight levels, it's time to take a look at the special weapons Mega Man has been collecting. Metal Blade They fire in eight directions, cost 1/4 of a bar to use, kill most enemies faster than the normal Buster shots as...

Remember that Time Centaur Man Turned Out to Be a Woman?
Jun 23, 2012 | Other News
While we in the west have done pretty well getting translated Mega Man manga these past few years, it still doesn't scratch the surface of all that's been made in Japan. One of the earliest and yet most prolific original Rockman series was by Shigeto Ikehara. Starting...

Destructoid Unveils Proto Man Preview Art from Archie’s Mega Man #17
Jun 22, 2012 | Mega Man
The hits just keep on coming for the 17th and 18th issues of Archie's Mega Man comic book, which will feature the origin of Proto Man: The cover and solicitation for #17, the making of its cover, #18's cover, the solicitation for #18, and our recent exclusive...

25th Anniversary Rockman Arranged Soundtracks Coming Too!
Jun 22, 2012 | Mega Man
We announced to you the major "Rockcan" music set being brought out by e-Capcom, but that's not all you can look forward to. Recent online store listings have shed light on a Rockman 25th Anniversary Rock Arrange Soundtrack, and a Rockman 25th Anniversary Techno...

Check Out TomBobBlender’s Mega Man Megathon This Weekend and Donate to Red Cross
Jun 22, 2012 | Community Developments
Tom, host of The TomBobBlender Show, has dropped us a line to inform everyone that starting this Saturday, June 23rd at 9pm EST, they will be hosting a Mega Man Megathon to help raise money for the American Red Cross. Games from both the original and Mega Man X series...

Game Center CX Interview with Inafune Translated
Jun 22, 2012 | Other News
Back before Keiji Inafune worked on games where giant spaceships wore his face, and magician's pulled their spines out of their mouths, he was a high up guy at a certain company called Capcom. One of the games he was known for was this game Mega Man. Maybe you've...

VGMM Takes a Look at Rockman 10 Oversized Candy Promo Boxes
Jun 22, 2012 | Community Developments
Nightram56 of the Video Game Memorabilia Museum is back, this time with a look at two candy boxes made available to coincide with the release of Rockman 10: He notes that the candy "has pixelated art imprinted on them," while "the boxes were reminiscent of Famicom...
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